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Created October 9, 2017 17:04
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#' ---
#' title: "parse_curp"
#' author: "Juan C. López Tavera"
#' date: "10/6/2017"
#' output:
#' html_document:
#' keep_md: yes
#' pdf_document: default
#' ---
#' # CURP Parser
#' ## Description
#' Use `parse_curp` if you have a CURP key (`x`) you want to parse by defining which element (`element`) of the CURP should be extracted (See **Arguments**)
#' ## Usage
#' `parse_curp(x, element = c("all", "gender", "bdate", "pob"))`
#' ## Arguments
#' * `x` - a syntactically valid CURP key
#' * `element` - a demographic attribute to extract from the CURP key
#' ## Details
#' CURP (Clave Única de Registro de Población) is the unique key used by Mexican government to identify Mexican citizens and residents in Mexico.
#' CURP keys are 18 alphanumeric character-long strings. Characters is the CURP refer to:
#' * Last name
#' * First name
#' * Birth date
#' * Binary gender
#' * State of birth
#' The last two characters in the CURP key ensure its uniqueness.
#' Consider the fictitious CURP: `"AAPR630321HDFLRC09"`
#' AA - first last name initial and first vowel in first last name (second vowel if the first last name initial is a vowel)
#' P - second last name initial letter, X if there's ony one last name
#' R - first name initial letter
#' 63- birth year (%y)
#' 03 - birth month (%m)
#' 21 - birth day (%d)
#' H - binary gender. H, for male; M, for female
#' DF - two-digit State of birth abbreviation (NE for people born outside of Mexico)
#' LRC - first consonant letter of first last name, second last name, and first name (X, if there's no element)
#' 09 - two digits to ensure uniqueness of CURP key
## ----parse_curp----------------------------------------------------------
parse_curp <- function(curp, element = "all") {
##### Controls ####
valid_curp <-
(!sapply(curp, &
sapply(curp, nchar) == 18) &
!grepl(pattern = "[^[:alnum:]]+", x = curp)
curp <- ifelse(test = valid_curp, curp, NA)
##### Lookup table ####
states <- structure(
state = c(
"Baja California",
"Baja California Sur",
"Ciudad de México",
"Estado de México",
"Nuevo León",
"Quintana Roo",
"San Luis Potosí",
), = c(
.Names = c("state",
row.names = c(NA, -32L),
class = "data.frame"
##### Core functions ####
parse_gender <- function(x) {
y <- substr(x, 11, 11)
y <- ifelse(y == "H", "Male", "Female")
parse_pob <- function(x) {
y <- substr(x, 12, 13)
y <-
states[match(y, states$, ]$state
parse_bdate <- function(x) {
y <- substr(x, start = 5, stop = 10)
y <-
ifelse(as.numeric(substr(y, 1, 2) <=$year - 100),
paste0(20, y),
paste0(19, y))
y <- as.Date(x = y, format = "%Y%m%d")
#### Switch ####
y <- switch(
gender = parse_gender(curp),
pob = parse_pob(curp),
bdate = parse_bdate(curp),
all = list(
"Gender" = parse_gender(curp),
"Birth Date" = parse_bdate(curp),
"Place of Birth" = parse_pob(curp)
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