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Created October 29, 2021 01:53
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Cubic Newton-Raphson iteration, in Processing3, explorable in 4d, within the limits of JRE float precision.
// Parameter space for Cubic Newton-Raphson fractals --- review Stuff, it's probably helpful
/************ section for basic complex functions ****/
float[] cOne = {1.0,0.0};
float[] cZro = {0.0,0.0};
float[] cmOne = { -1.0, 0.0 };
float[] cmul ( float[] c1 , float[] c2 ) {
float ans[] = new float[2];
ans[0] = c1[0] * c2[0] - c1[1] * c2[1];
ans[1] = c1[0] * c2[1] + c1[1] * c2[0];
return ans;
float[] rmul ( float r , float[] c1){
float ans[] = new float[2];
ans[0] = c1[0] * r ;
ans[1] = c1[1] * r ;
return ans;
float[] cadd ( float[] c1, float[] c2 ) {
float ans[] = new float[2];
ans[0] = c1[0] + c2[0];
ans[1] = c1[1] + c2[1];
return ans;
float[] cdif( float[] c1, float[] c2) {
float ans[] = new float[2];
ans[0] = c1[0] - c2[0];
ans[1] = c1[1] - c2[1];
return ans;
float[] conj ( float[] c1 ) {
float[] ans = new float[2];
ans[0] = c1[0];
ans[1] = -c1[1];
return ans;
float cnorm( float[] c1 ) {
return (c1[0] * c1[0] + c1[1] * c1[1]);
float[] cinv ( float[] c1){
return rmul ( 1/cnorm(c1), conj(c1) );
float[] cdiv ( float[] c1, float[] c2) {
float ans[] = new float[2];
float R = cnorm(c2);
ans[0] = (c1[0]*c2[0] + c1[1]*c2[1])/R ;
ans[1] = (-c1[0]*c2[1]+c1[1]*c2[0])/R;
return ans;
float[] cexp ( float[] c1 ){
float ans[] = new float[2];
float R = exp(c1[0]);
ans[0] = R * cos(c1[1]);
ans[1] = R * sin(c1[1]);
return ans;
float[] clog( float[] c1){
float ans[] = new float[2];
float R = sqrt(cnorm(c1));
ans[0] = log(R);
ans[1] = 2 * atan(c1[1]/(R + c1[0]));
return ans;
/************ section for coloring a pixel ***************/
/*** settling on
the polynomials P(z) = (z-1)(z+1)(z-c) = (z^2-1)(z-c) = z^3-cz^2-z+c
satisfying P'(z) = 3 z^2 - 2 c z - 1;
and because we know what the roots are, testing literal closeness to a root
is "easy"
float[] nrIter( float[] c , float[] z) {
float[] numer = cmul(cdif(z,cOne),cmul(cadd(z,cOne),cdif(z,c)));
float[] denom = cadd( cmul(cadd(z,cOne),cdif(z,c)) , cadd(cmul(cdif(z,cOne),cdif(z,c)) , cmul(cdif(z,cOne),cadd(z,cOne))));
return cdiv ( numer , denom );
int nrColor( float[] c , float[] z, int maxIter ) {
int countIter = 0, ans;
float[] move;
float p , q , r, s;
for (countIter = 0 ; countIter < maxIter ; countIter++ ){
move = nrIter(c,z);
z = cdif( z , move );
p = cnorm(cdif(z,c));
q = cnorm(cdif(z,cOne));
r = cnorm(cadd(z,cOne));
ans = 0;
if ( q < p ) { s = p ; p = q ; q = s; ans = 1; } // now p < q
if ( r < p ) { s = p ; p = r ; r = s; ans = 2; } // now p < min(r,q);
if ( p < min ( min(q,r)/5, 0.5 ) ) return ans;
return 5;
int nrparamColor( float[] c , int maxIter ){
return nrColor( c , rmul(1/3.0, c), maxIter);
/* ... we used to have the above iteration here, instead.
int jparamColor( float[] c, int maxIter){
/* just as a sanity-check; made several typos in the "nrXYZ",
wanted to make sure the problems weren't in the Complex-variables mess above */
int countIter = 0;
float[] z = cZro;
for ( countIter = 0; countIter < maxIter; countIter++ ){
z = cadd( cmul(z,z), c) ;
if (cnorm(z) > 5) break;
return ( maxIter - countIter );
float theC[] = { 0 , sqrt(3) }; // had to initialize to Something; in the end, this doesn't get used anymore.
int theLastClickX = 200;
int theLastClickY = 200 - 173;
int doneState = 0;
/* the draw() function can (in theory) do three things:
draw a classic Mandelbrot; draw a cubic NR picture; or,
draw NR cubic parameter space. (Grant Sanderson did a
nice Video Two-Parter describing that... which is sort-of
why I wrote the present Thing. That, and I can't find a
good general fractals explorer packaged for archlinux... but nevermind.
middle-clicking switches between particular-NR and paramspace NR;
and in particular, the Third Root in particular-NR is the center of the current
paramspace NR, which is initially 0.0+0.0i;
left/right clicking zooms in
int which = 2;
float moveX[] = { 0 , 0 , 0 };
float moveY[] = { 0 , 0 , 0 };
float zoom[] = { 1 , 1 , 1 };
void setup(){
theLastClickX = width/2;
theLastClickY = height/2 - floor(sqrt(3) * 100);
void draw(){
int i, j, n;
int iters = 320;
PGraphics bgFrame = createGraphics(width,height);
float[] myC = new float[2];
if ( which == 2 ) { theC[0] = moveX[1] ; theC[1] = moveY[1] ; }
for ( i = 0 ; i < width ; i++ ){
myC[0] = moveX[which] + ( i - width/2.0 ) / (zoom[which] * 100.0) ;
for( j = 0 ; j < height ; j++) {
myC[1] = moveY[which] + ( height/2.0 - j ) / (zoom[which] * 100.0);
switch (which) {
case 0 :
n = jparamColor(cdiv(cOne,myC),200);
bgFrame.pixels[j * width + i] = color( n * 255/400 , n*n*255/16000, 128 * ( 1 + sin(5.0 * n/iters )));
case 1 : //
switch ( n = nrparamColor(myC,iters)) {
case 0 : bgFrame.pixels[j*width + i] = color(100, 10, 30); break;
case 1 : bgFrame.pixels[j*width + i] = color(10, 30, 100); break;
case 2 : bgFrame.pixels[j*width + i] = color(30, 100, 10); break;
default : bgFrame.pixels[j*width + i] = color(0,0,0); break;
} break;
case 2:
switch ( n = nrColor(theC,myC,iters)) {
case 0 : bgFrame.pixels[j*width + i] = color(100, 10, 30); break;
case 1 : bgFrame.pixels[j*width + i] = color(10, 30, 100); break;
case 2 : bgFrame.pixels[j*width + i] = color(30, 100, 10); break;
default : bgFrame.pixels[j*width + i] = color( 0 ,0 ,0 ) ; break;
} break;
void mouseReleased(){
switch (mouseButton){
case LEFT: // zoom in
zoom[which] *= 2 ;
moveX[which] = moveX[which] + ( mouseX - width/2.0 ) / (zoom[which] * 100.0) ; // these leave the clicked pixel fixed.
moveY[which] = moveY[which] + ( height/2.0 - mouseY ) / (zoom[which] * 100.0);
case RIGHT: // zoom out
moveX[which] = moveX[which] - ( mouseX - width/2.0 ) / (zoom[which] * 100.0) ; // and so do these
moveY[which] = moveY[which] - ( height/2.0 - mouseY ) / (zoom[which] * 100.0);
zoom[which] /= 2 ;
case CENTER: // switch mode, somehow.
which = 3 - which;
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