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Created January 15, 2015 23:59
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coq very nearly has induction-recursion
Dybjer and Setzer provide a logical framework in which Induction-Recursion —
mutual definition of an (A : Type) and a (B : A -> V), in which constructors for A can talk about values of B, and B is defined by case analysis on members of A —
becomes equivalent to supposing initial algebras for certain functors on { X : Set & X -> V }. However, this latter family is, up to equivalences over V, the same as ordinary maps V -> Set. The universal case, in which V = Set, becomes somewhat trickier, for universe level reasons.
In any case, here is one way to define a "large" universe ("large" in the sense: we allow all externally definable functions) with naturals, dependent sums, and dependent products. A more careful presentation might work on a fibration over functions,
{ AB : Type * Type & fst AB -> snd AB } -> Type
instead, but good luck with that.
Inductive over : Type -> Type :=
nu : over nat
| pi (x : Set) (cd : over x) (f : x -> Set) (of : forall t : x, over (f t))
: over (forall t : x, f t)
| si (x : Set) (cd : over x) (f : x -> Set) (of : forall t : x, over (f t))
: over (sigT f).
Definition U_over := { t : Type & over t }.
Lemma N_to_N : over (nat -> nat).
apply pi.
apply nu.
apply nu.
Fixpoint varargs (n : nat) : Set :=
match n with
| O => nat
| S m => nat -> (varargs m) end.
Fixpoint o_v_a (n : nat) : over (varargs n) :=
match n return over (varargs n) with
| O => nu
| S m => pi nat nu _ (fun _ => o_v_a m) end.
Definition Over_VarArgs : over (forall n, varargs n) := pi nat nu varargs o_v_a.
Fixpoint varLength (n : nat) : Set :=
match n with
| O => nat
| S m => sigT (fun _ : nat => varLength m) end.
Fixpoint o_v_l (n : nat) : over (varLength n) :=
match n return over (varLength n) with
| O => nu
| S m => si nat nu _ (fun _ => o_v_l m) end.
Definition Over_ListNat : over (sigT varLength) :=
si nat nu varLength o_v_l.
(** Another example, weakly sorted lists ;
we might try to argue: there is an empty sorted list
snil : sl
and there is a sorted list
scons (m : nat) (ll : sl) (ord : follows m ll) : sl
where (follows : nat -> sl -> Type) is defined by induction over sl
follows m snil = Unit
follows m (scons n ll ordn) = m >= n
sl is then equivalent to a disjoint union
{ snil } ∪ { m : nat * sl & follows (fst m) (snd m) }
this example doesn't quite work as wanted, in that snil isn't part of the sigma ---
a simple adjustment of "follows" can be found by making it explicit:
follows' m ll = m >= (max ll)
where now (max ll) is defined by cases
max snil' = 0
max (scons' m ll ord) = m
Now sl' really is a sigma, of
{ x : nat & { ll : sl' & max ll = x } }
hence the IR definition looks like
Inductive HasMax : nat -> Type :=
| snil : HasMax 0
| scons m n (H : HasMax n) : (m >= n) -> HasMax m.
Definition sortedList := sigT HasMax.
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