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Created June 13, 2013 01:15
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Save jcmckeown/5770514 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Roughly, ordinary globular sets, by the dependent type trick described for n-skeletal simplicial sets during the IAS Univalent Foundations programme year. It was remarked that getting a good notion of "simplicial set", with all degrees occupied, elluded codification, but the trick in the following should adapt trivially; that is, a Δ-set with ce…
(** Define the types we need. Checked in version Trunk of April 2013 *)
Polymorphic Inductive eqv { X : Type } : X -> X -> Type :=
reflect (x : X) : eqv x x.
(** and assume the simplification we want *)
Polymorphic Axiom funextT :
forall (X : Type) (P : X -> Type) (f g : forall x , P x) (s :
forall x, eqv (f x) (g x)) , eqv f g.
(** a finite-skeletal globular set is either ... *)
Polymorphic Fixpoint n_glob (n : nat) : Type :=
match n with
| O => Type (** just a set... *)
| S m => { t : Type & t -> t -> n_glob m } end. (** or a set with a finite-skeletal globular relation *)
(** The trouble with this definition is that subskeleta must be defined; but this is easy~ish *)
Polymorphic Lemma lastSkeleton {n : nat} : n_glob (S n) -> n_glob n.
induction n.
destruct X. exact x.
destruct X as [ s x' ].
exists s.
exact (fun x y => IHn (x' x y)).
(** I should explain that lastSkeleton is why everything before it is supposed Polymorphic. Before that, this recursion gave a Universe Inconsitency; I don't understand why nor what that means really. *)
(** To get a fully general ∞-globular set, ask for a sequence of skeleta, and insist (in as few ways as possible)
that subskeleta are previous skeleta. *)
Record GlobularSet : Type := {
finGlobs : forall n : nat, n_glob n ;
glob_skeletality : forall n, eqv (lastSkeleton (finGlobs (S n))) (finGlobs n)
(** An example, to argue that we're close to the right idea. This isn't *really* the right notion of "fundamental something", but it is suggestive *)
Fixpoint fundamental_n_glob (n : nat) (X : Type) : n_glob n :=
match n with
| O => X
| S m => existT _ X (fun x y => fundamental_n_glob m (eqv x y)) end.
(** some tedious stuff; if we were to Require Import Homotopy the equivalent things would be there by other names. *)
Polymorphic Lemma transp { A : Type } (P : A -> Type) :
forall (a b : A) (eqn : eqv a b) (p : P a), P b.
destruct eqn. auto.
Polymorphic Lemma eqv_in_sigT { A : Type } ( P : A -> Type ) :
forall (a b : A) (ab : eqv a b) (p : P a) (q : P b)
(pq : eqv (transp P a b ab p) q),
eqv (existT P a p) (existT P b q).
destruct ab.
simpl in pq.
destruct pq.
apply reflect.
(** of course, we obviously *want* this to be true; *)
Lemma fundamental_glob_set (X : Type) : GlobularSet.
exists (fun n => fundamental_n_glob n X). (** obviously *)
intro n.
revert X. (** otherwise we get the wrong Induction hypothesis *)
induction n.
simpl. apply reflect. (** the zero case simplifies automagically *)
apply (eqv_in_sigT _ X X (reflect _)).
unfold transp.
apply funextT. (** this is Why; though I ought to review, because ... *)
apply funextT.
auto. (** ... this works. and I haven't added [reflect] as a hint, which means it must be hidden in the hypotheses somewhere,
but they and especially the goal are quite illegible. *)
(** all is well. *)
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