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Last active December 19, 2015 09:09
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Save jcmckeown/5931510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Coq 8.4 has module-local inductive types; the idea is that you can't see why the underlying type can't work, because you're not allowed to do destructuring on the local inductive. This has the nifty side-effect (not "computational effects") that you can define (obstructed) functions that "compute" the way we want, but that have meaningful obstru…
Require Import HoTT.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Open Scope equiv_scope.
Module Export Cofiber.
Local Inductive cofiber {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) : Type :=
| apex : cofiber f
| ground : B -> cofiber f.
Axiom ascent : forall { A B } (f : A -> B) ( a : A ) , apex f = ground f (f a).
Definition cofiber_rect { A B } (f : A -> B) (P : cofiber f -> Type)
(Hapx : P (apex _)) (Hgrnd : forall b, P (ground f b)) (Hasc : forall a, ascent f a # Hapx = Hgrnd (f a))
: forall x, P x :=
fun x => ( match x return ( _ -> P x ) with
| apex => (fun _ => Hapx) | ground b => (fun _ => Hgrnd b) end ) Hasc.
Axiom cofiber_comp_ascent : forall { A B } (f : A -> B) (P : cofiber f -> Type)
(Hapx : P (apex _)) (Hgrnd : forall b, P (ground f b)) (Hasc : forall a, ascent f a # Hapx = Hgrnd (f a)),
forall a, apD (cofiber_rect f P Hapx Hgrnd Hasc) (ascent f a) = Hasc a.
Record cofiber_section_data { A B } { f : A -> B } (P : cofiber f -> Type) :=
{ H_apx : P (apex f) ;
H_grn : forall b, P (ground f b);
H_asc : forall a, ascent f a # H_apx = H_grn (f a)
Definition cofiber_sectn_sd { A B } { f : A -> B } (P : cofiber f -> Type) :
(forall x, P x) -> cofiber_section_data P.
intro sn.
exists (sn (apex _)) (fun b => sn (ground f b)).
apply apD.
End Cofiber.
Lemma cofiber_sectn_equiv `{Funext} { A B } { f : A -> B } (P : cofiber f -> Type) :
(forall c, P c) <~> (cofiber_section_data P).
apply equiv_adjointify with
(cofiber_section_sd P)
(fun C : cofiber_section_data P => cofiber_rect f P (H_apx _ C) (H_grn _ C) (H_asc _ C)).
(* identity at cofiber_section_data; easy *)
destruct x as [ Hapx Hgrn Hasc ].
unfold cofiber_rect. unfold cofiber_sectn_sd.
refine ( ap (Build_cofiber_section_data _ _ _ P Hapx Hgrn) _ ).
apply path_forall. intro.
apply cofiber_comp_ascent.
(* identity at forall ; a little trickier *)
apply path_forall.
unfold cofiber_sectn_sd. simpl.
(* we can't do case matching; but we *can* use the protocol implemented! *)
unfold "==". (* because otherwise coq can't see the "forall c : cofiber f" *)
apply cofiber_rect with (Hapx := 1) (Hgrnd := (fun b => 1)).
refine (transport_paths_FlFr_D _ _ @ _). simpl.
rewrite @concat_p1.
apply moveR_Vp.
rewrite @concat_p1.
apply symmetry.
refine (cofiber_comp_ascent f P _ (fun b => x (ground f b)) (fun a' => apD x (ascent f a')) a).
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