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Last active November 8, 2021 21:02
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Processing3; for exploring conformal branched self-covers of the Poincaré disc. it's a bit rough, at the moment, but usable.
/************ basic complex functions ***
* I once tried to implement "double" versions of these, too; something hung-up...
float[] cOne = {1.0,0.0};
float[] cZro = {0.0,0.0};
float[] cmOne = { -1.0, 0.0 };
float[] cmul ( float[] c1 , float[] c2 ) {
float ans[] = new float[2];
ans[0] = c1[0] * c2[0] - c1[1] * c2[1];
ans[1] = c1[0] * c2[1] + c1[1] * c2[0];
return ans;
float[] rmul ( float r , float[] c1){
float ans[] = new float[2];
ans[0] = c1[0] * r ;
ans[1] = c1[1] * r ;
return ans;
float[] cadd ( float[] c1, float[] c2 ) {
float ans[] = new float[2];
ans[0] = c1[0] + c2[0];
ans[1] = c1[1] + c2[1];
return ans;
float[] cdif( float[] c1, float[] c2) {
float ans[] = new float[2];
ans[0] = c1[0] - c2[0];
ans[1] = c1[1] - c2[1];
return ans;
float[] conj ( float[] c1 ) {
float[] ans = new float[2];
ans[0] = c1[0];
ans[1] = -c1[1];
return ans;
float cnorm( float[] c1 ) {
return (c1[0] * c1[0] + c1[1] * c1[1]);
float[] cinv ( float[] c1){
return rmul ( 1/cnorm(c1), conj(c1) );
float[] cdiv ( float[] c1, float[] c2) {
float ans[] = new float[2];
float R = cnorm(c2);
ans[0] = (c1[0]*c2[0] + c1[1]*c2[1])/R ;
ans[1] = (-c1[0]*c2[1]+c1[1]*c2[0])/R;
return ans;
float[] cexp ( float[] c1 ){
float ans[] = new float[2];
float R = exp(c1[0]);
ans[0] = R * cos(c1[1]);
ans[1] = R * sin(c1[1]);
return ans;
float[] clog( float[] c1){
float ans[] = new float[2];
float R = sqrt(cnorm(c1));
ans[0] = log(R);
ans[1] = 2 * atan(c1[1]/(R + c1[0]));
return ans;
float[] ipower(int n, float[] z){
int j = n;
if ( j < 0 ){
j = -j;
z = cinv(z);
float scale[] = { z[0] , z[1] };
float ans[] = { 1 , 0 };
while(j > 0){
if ( (j & 1) != 0 ){
ans = cmul (ans , scale);
j = j/2;
scale = cmul(scale,scale);
return ans;
float[] roughPower(float[] a , float[] z){
return cexp( cmul ( a , clog(z)));
float[] roughPower(float a , float[] z){
return cexp( rmul ( a , clog(z)));
import interfascia.*; // we don't do anything with that, yet.
hdivisor ds[] = new hdivisor[124]; //what's an hdivisor? I'm So Glad You Asked!
int topOfTheStack = -1;
float[] thePolyEval(float[] zed) {
float[] ans = { zed[0] , zed[1] };
int j;
for (j = topOfTheStack ; j >= 0 ; j--){
ans = ds[j].eval(ans);
return ans;
color lemnColor(float[] zed){ // because we need to choose colors *Somehow*, and programmatically is better than Pixelated.
float twoz[] = rmul(2,zed);
float p = cnorm (cdif (twoz,cOne));
float q = cnorm (cdif (twoz,cmOne));
if ( p * q < 1 ) {
if (p < q) return color(240,0,0);
else return color(0,0,240);
return color(255,255,255);
void setup(){
void draw(){
float[] xy = new float[2];
float[] pz;
int rc;
int cx, cy;
int thePixel = 0 ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < 400 ; row++ ) {
xy[1] = ( 200.0 - row ) / 200;
for ( int col = 0 ; col < 400 ; col++ ) {
xy[0] = ( col - 200.0 ) / 200;
pz = thePolyEval(xy);
if ( cnorm(pz) > 3 ) pixels[thePixel] = color(255,255,255);
else {
cx = floor(400.0 + xy[1] * 200);
cy = floor(400.0 - xy[0] * 200);
pixels[thePixel] = lemnColor(pz);
void mouseClicked(){
int order = 1;
float[] rr;
float[] tgt = {(mouseX - 200.0)/200 , (200.0 - mouseY)/200 };
if (topOfTheStack < 123)
switch ( mouseButton ) {
case CENTER:
case RIGHT:
case LEFT:
rr = rmul(-1, roughPower( 1.0 /order , rmul(-1, tgt)));
ds[topOfTheStack] = new hdivisor( order, rr[0], rr[1] );
class hdivisor{
// for branched covers of The Poincaré disc.
// our disc will have radius 2, just 'cauz.
float pair[];
float untwist[];
float re;
float im;
int degree;
hdivisor( int dg , float rr , float ii){
pair = new float[2];
re = rr;
im = ii;
degree =dg;
pair[0] = re;
pair[1] = im;
untwist = ipower(degree,cdiv( cdif(cZro,pair), cdif ( cOne , cmul(cZro,conj(pair)))));
public float[] eval( float[] z ) {
float[] mov1 = cdiv( cdif(z,pair), cdif ( cOne ,cmul(z,conj(pair))));
float[] mov2 = ipower(degree,mov1);
return cdiv( cdif(mov2,untwist),cdif(cOne, cmul(mov2,conj(untwist))));
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