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Last active August 16, 2021 01:21
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project a decomposition of a D-simplex into products of k- and (D-k)-simplices
import interfascia.*;
float[][] angleGens =
{ /// fair approximately, where x is an oriented axis cycle matrix (x^(2n) = -1, or x^(2n+1) = 1), the coefficients a_k of a solution (log x) = Σ a_k x^k
{0}, // we could do these more precisely in code, but instead we got them from Maxima; five digits ought to be enough for anyone...
{0, 1.0},
{0,-1.00000, 1.00000},
{0, 1.41421,-1.00000, 1.41421},
{0,-0.85065, 0.52573,-0.52573, 0.85065},
{0, 2.00000,-1.15470, 1.00000,-1.15470, 2.00000},
{0,-1.15238, 0.63952,-0.51286, 0.51286,-0.63952, 1.15238},
{0, 2.61312,-1.41421, 1.08239,-1.00000, 1.08239,-1.41421, 2.61312},
{0,-1.46190, 0.77786,-0.57735, 0.50771,-0.50771, 0.57735,-0.77786, 1.46190}
class dividedSimplex {
int theDimension;
int corners;
int transSign;
float subdivRatio;
float theAxesX[];
float theAxesY[];
float centroidX, centroidY;
float theGensX[];
float theGensY[];
float theAngles[];
float lastVertexScale;
float realCx,realCy;
dividedSimplex(int dimension){
transSign = ((theDimension & 1) == 0 ) ? -1 : 1 ;
corners = 1 + dimension;
subdivRatio = .7;
lastVertexScale = sqrt(corners) -1;
theAxesX = new float[corners];
theGensX = new float[dsDim];
theAxesY = new float[corners];
theGensY = new float[dsDim];
theAngles = new float[dsDim];
centroidX = 0;
centroidY = 0;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < dsDim ; j++ ){
theGensX[j] = random(0,1);
theGensY[j] = random(0,1);
centroidX += theGensX[j] / dsDim;
centroidY += theGensY[j] / dsDim;
void renorm(){
float nx = 0 ; // as r;
float viewSize = min(height,width);
int j;
for ( j = 0 ; j < dsDim; j++ ){
nx += theGensX[j]*theGensX[j];
nx = sqrt(nx);
centroidX = 0;
for (j = 0; j < dsDim ; j++ ){
theGensX[j] /= nx;
centroidX += theGensX[j]/dsDim;
nx = 0; // as inner-product <axesX . axesY>
for (j = 0; j < dsDim ; j++ ){
nx += theGensX[j] * theGensY[j];
for (j = 0; j < dsDim ; j++ ){
theGensY[j] -= nx * theGensX[j];
nx = 0;
for (j = 0; j < dsDim ; j++ ){
nx += theGensY[j] * theGensY[j];
nx = sqrt(nx);
centroidY = 0;
for (j = 0; j < dsDim ; j++ ){
theGensY[j] /= nx;
centroidY += theGensY[j]/dsDim;
for (j = 0 ; j < dsDim ; j++ ) {
theAxesX[j] = ( width + viewSize * theGensX[j] )/ 2;
theAxesY[j] = ( height + viewSize * theGensY[j] ) / 2;
theAxesX[dsDim] = ( width - viewSize * centroidX * lastVertexScale ) / 2 ;
theAxesY[dsDim] = ( height - viewSize * centroidY * lastVertexScale ) / 2 ;
void anglePerturb(){
/* The angles, a short list of Euler Angles, should be Small, about two degrees.
We perturb them by about half a degree
float viewSize = min(height,width);
float resize = (turnPerFrame)/(turnPerFrame + bumpPerFrame);
float nx, ny, s, c;
int j = 0 ;
for (j = 0 ; j < dsDim ; j++ ){
theAngles[j] += (random(2) - 1) * bumpPerFrame ; // previously: (rand(2)-1)/ 600 ;
theAngles[j] *= resize; // previously , resize = .95 , and turnPerFrame was left implicit // *= resize ;
for ( j = 0; j < dsDim-1 ; j++){
s = sin(theAngles[j]);
c = cos(theAngles[j]);
nx = theGensX[j] * c + theGensX[j+1] * s;
ny = theGensX[j+1] * c - theGensX[j] * s;
theGensX[j] = nx; theGensX[j+1] = ny;
nx = theGensY[j] * c + theGensY[j+1]*s;
ny = theGensY[j+1]*c - theGensY[j] * s;
theGensY[j] = nx;
theGensY[j+1] = ny;
s = sin(theAngles[dsDim-1]) ; c = cos(theAngles[dsDim-1]);
nx = theGensX[j] * c + theGensX[0] * s;
ny = theGensX[0] * c - theGensX[j] * s;
theGensX[j] = nx; theGensX[0] = ny;
nx = theGensY[j] * c + theGensY[0] * s;
ny = theGensY[0] * c - theGensY[j] * s;
theGensY[j] = nx; theGensY[0] = ny;
void alternatePerturb(){
float angleOne = turnPerFrame * (mouseX - width/2)/width;
float angleTwo = turnPerFrame * (mouseY - height/2)/height/theDimension;
float newGens[] = new float[theDimension];
float c1 = cos(angleOne);
float s1 = sin(angleOne);
int j,k;
for ( j = 0 ; j < theDimension ; j++ ){
if ( j < 2 ) newGens[j] = c1 * theGensX[j] + (1-2*j) * s1 * theGensX[1-j];
else newGens[j] = theGensX[j];
for ( j = 0 ; j < theDimension ; j++ ){
theGensX[j] = newGens[j];
for ( k = j+1 ; k < theDimension ; k++ ){
theGensX[j] += angleTwo * newGens[k] * (angleGens[theDimension][k-j]);
for ( k = j-1 ; k >= 0 ; k-- ){
theGensX[j] += transSign * angleTwo * newGens[k] * angleGens[theDimension][k+theDimension - j];
// and again, for the ys.
for ( j = 0 ; j < theDimension ; j++ ){
if ( j < 2 ) newGens[j] = c1 * theGensY[j] + (1-2*j) * s1 * theGensY[1-j];
else newGens[j] = theGensY[j];
for ( j = 0 ; j < theDimension ; j++ ){
theGensY[j] = newGens[j];
for ( k = j+1 ; k < theDimension ; k++ ){
theGensY[j] += angleTwo * newGens[k] * (angleGens[theDimension][k-j]);
for ( k = j-1 ; k >= 0 ; k-- ){
theGensY[j] += transSign * angleTwo * newGens[k] * angleGens[theDimension][k + theDimension - j];
void drawMe_joinedUp(){
// we only really want to draw the *edges* of the divided simplex;
// there are corners_choose_two long edges joining proper vertices, and 2 * corners_choose_three
// short edges joining various of the long edges "centers" ...
// ... though we may try adjusting the ratio of the subdivisions.
int l, m, p;
for (l = 0 ; l < corners ; l++ ){
for ( m = l + 1 ; m < corners ; m++){
// draw a long edge;
for ( p = m + 1 ; p < corners ; p++ ){
// draw the short edges! IN the face [l<m<p], join the midpoints of [l<m] and [m<p] to that of [l<p]
// toDo: decide What Colors
float x1 = subdivRatio * theAxesX[l] + (1-subdivRatio)*theAxesX[p];
float y1 = subdivRatio * theAxesY[l] + (1-subdivRatio)*theAxesY[p];
float x2 = subdivRatio * theAxesX[l] + (1-subdivRatio)*theAxesX[m];
float y2 = subdivRatio * theAxesY[l] + (1-subdivRatio)*theAxesY[m];
x2 = subdivRatio * theAxesX[m] + (1-subdivRatio) * theAxesX[p] ;
y2 = subdivRatio * theAxesY[m] + (1-subdivRatio) * theAxesY[p] ;
void drawMe_blocks(){
int l, m, n, z;
float x1 , x2 , y1 , y2;
float s = 0.35;
float t = 0.55;
float eps = 0.1;
for(l = 0; l < corners ; l++){ // I Really Wish there were a Less-Loop-Nesting-Way of doing this...
for (m = l ; m < corners ; m++ ){
// stroke( (61 * m)%100 , 100 , 85 );
for ( n = m ; n < corners ; n++){
for(z = l+1 ; z <= m ; z++) { // l < z <= m <= n
// stroke ( (61 * z + 53 * l) %100 , 100 , 85 ); // opt B
stroke ( (31 * (2*m+1) ) %100 , 100, 85 ); // opt C
x1 = s * theAxesX[l] + t * theAxesX[n] + eps * theAxesX[m];
y1 = s * theAxesY[l] + t * theAxesY[n] + eps * theAxesY[m];
x2 = s * theAxesX[z] + t * theAxesX[n] + eps * theAxesX[m];
y2 = s * theAxesY[z] + t * theAxesY[n] + eps * theAxesY[m];
for(z = m ; z < n ; z++) { // l <= m <= z < n
// stroke( (61 * n + 53 * z) % 100 , 100 , 85 ); // opt B
stroke ( (31 * 2 * m )%100 , 100, 85 ) ; // opt C
x1 = s * theAxesX[l] + t * theAxesX[z] + eps * theAxesX[m];
y1 = s * theAxesY[l] + t * theAxesY[z] + eps * theAxesY[m];
x2 = s * theAxesX[l] + t * theAxesX[n] + eps * theAxesX[m];
y2 = s * theAxesY[l] + t * theAxesY[n] + eps * theAxesY[m];
float turnPerFrame = 3.0 / 57.3; // about three degrees
float bumpPerFrame = 0.10 / 300.0; // about 1/60th of a degree...
dividedSimplex ds[];
int dsDim;
int corners;
IFButton buttonDecr,buttonIncr;
GUIController controller;
void setup(){
// smooth(4);
surface.setTitle("Binomial Illustrated");
dsDim = 4;
controller = new GUIController(this);
buttonDecr = new IFButton("<",0,0);
buttonIncr = new IFButton(">", buttonDecr.getWidth(),0);
corners = dsDim + 1 ;
ds = new dividedSimplex[10];
ds[dsDim] = new dividedSimplex(dsDim);
void draw(){
if ( (mouseX | mouseY) == 0 ) ds[dsDim].anglePerturb();
else ds[dsDim].alternatePerturb();
/* for ( int j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j++ ){
theAxesX[j] = (random(1) < .5) ? random(theAxesX[j],theAxesX[j]*.99 + height * .01 ) : random(theAxesX[j]*.99, theAxesX[j]);
theAxesY[j] = (random(1) < .5) ? random(theAxesY[j],theAxesY[j]*.99 + height * .01 ) : random(theAxesY[j]*.99, theAxesY[j]);
} */
// saveFrame("binomialIllustrn_####.png");
void actionPerformed(GUIEvent e){
Object src = e.getSource();
if ( src == buttonDecr){
if ( dsDim > 2 ) dsDim-- ;
if (null == ds[dsDim]) ds[dsDim] = new dividedSimplex(dsDim) ;
else if (src == buttonIncr){
if ( dsDim < 9 ) dsDim++;
if (null == ds[dsDim]) ds[dsDim] = new dividedSimplex(dsDim);
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update: move "theAxes", "theAngles" etc., and "anglePerturb" inside the dividedSimplex class; this makes it Much Easier to contemplate switching dimension mid-presentation.

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import interfascia GUI library; added browsing between dimension 2 through 9;

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ADDED: interactive walk along a 2d foliation of SO(n) --- er... I think... that's the idea, but of course nothing's perfect in life...
and factored-out the Gram-Schmidt normalization procedure, to be called at the end of whichever angle-Perturb. Will have to re-think the Naming Of Things, later.

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