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Created April 29, 2022 17:40
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import cadquery as cq, math
from typing import Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass
rot_axis_z = ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1))
class Config:
x: float = 18 # Width of key (not keycap) outline; length for thumbs
y: float = 17 # Length of key (not keycap) outline; width for thumbs
r: float = 60 # Convex surface radius
eh: float = 2 # Top/Bottom edge max height
gap: float = 1 # Gap between cap outlines
cr: float = 60 # Radius of concave/cut sphere; only for alphas
ch: float = 1.5 # Minimum height in the center; only for alphas
sh: Optional[float] = None # Height at which to be sliced, measured from top of stem; only for alphas
ang: float = 30 # Angle of tangent of convex surface hits the top/bottom edge
off: float = 0 # X-offset of cut sphere from the center of stem
sl: float = 3.5 # Stem length
def __add__(self, c: 'Config'):
default = vars(Config())
ret = Config()
for k, v in default.items():
if getattr(self, k) != default[k]:
setattr(ret, k, getattr(self, k))
if getattr(c, k) != default[k]:
setattr(ret, k, getattr(c, k))
return ret
class Boxed:
def __init__(self, thing, x, y):
self.thing = thing
self.x = x
self.y = y
def hcat(self, other):
total_x, total_y = self.x + other.x, max(self.y, other.y)
return Boxed(self.thing.translate(((self.x - total_x) / 2, 0, 0))
.union(other.thing.translate(((total_x - other.x) / 2, 0, 0))), total_x, total_y)
def vcat(self, other):
total_x, total_y = max(self.x, other.x), self.y + other.y
return Boxed(self.thing.translate((0, -self.y / 2, 0))
.union(other.thing.translate((0, other.y / 2, 0))), total_x, total_y)
def unwrap(self):
return self.thing
def __or__(self, other): return self.hcat(other)
def __add__(self, other): return self.vcat(other)
def add_stem(obj, c: Config, thumb=False):
stem_dist = 5.7
stem = (
cq.Workplane().box(1.2, 3,, (True, True, False)).faces("<X or |Z").shell(-0.8)
.translate((stem_dist / 2, 0,
stems = stem.union(stem.rotate(*rot_axis_z, 180))
if thumb:
stems = stems.rotate(*rot_axis_z, 90)
return (
# obj.faces("<Z").workplane().sketch().face(obj.wires("<Z").val()).wires().offset(-1, mode="s").finalize().extrude(1)
obj.union(obj.wires("<Z").toPending().extrude(-1, combine=False).faces("|Z").shell(-1))
.union(stems.translate((, 0, 0)))
def base(c: Config, pos: str):
base = cq.Workplane().box(c.x -, c.y -, 10, (True, True, False)).edges("|Z").chamfer(1)
if pos == "mid":
return add_stem(
.intersect(cq.Workplane().transformed(offset=(, 0, 10 - c.r)).sphere(c.r)),
y_mul = -1 if pos == "top" else 1
return add_stem(
y_mul * (c.r * math.sin(math.radians(c.ang)) - c.y / 2), - c.r * math.cos(math.radians(c.ang)))).sphere(c.r)),
def col(c: Config):
b = lambda p: base(c, p)
col = (
b("mid").union(b("top").translate((0, c.y))).union(b("bot").translate((0, -c.y)))
.cut(cq.Workplane().transformed(offset=(, 0, +
if != None:
col = col.workplane(
return Boxed(col, c.x, c.y * 3)
def thumb(c: Config):
return add_stem(
cq.Workplane().box(c.y -, c.x -, 10, (True, True, False))
c.r * math.sin(math.radians(c.ang)) - c.x / 2, - c.r * math.cos(math.radians(c.ang)))).sphere(c.r)),
c, thumb=True
def thumb_col(c: Config):
T = thumb(c)
return Boxed(T.union(T.translate((-c.y, 0, 0))).union(T.translate((c.y, 0, 0))).rotate(*rot_axis_z, -90),
c.x, c.y * 3)
def export_color(obj, name):
cq.Assembly(obj, color=cq.Color("gray")).save(name + ".step")
# ----- Generate -----------------------------------------------
chocmin_x, chocmin_y, chocmin_nnx = 18, 15, 15
chocmin_nx = (chocmin_x + chocmin_nnx) / 2
chocmin_off = chocmin_nx / 2 - (chocmin_nx - chocmin_x / 2)
gap = 0.6
c = Config(gap=gap, ch=1, cr=50, ang=30, eh=1, r=55)
F = col(c + Config(chocmin_x, chocmin_y))
R = col(c + Config(chocmin_nx, chocmin_y, off=-chocmin_off))
L = col(c + Config(chocmin_nx, chocmin_y, off=chocmin_off))
N = col(c + Config(chocmin_nnx, chocmin_y))
T = thumb_col(c + Config(chocmin_x, chocmin_y, r=60, eh=1, ang=15))
right = T | L | R | F | L | N
left = T | L | R | F | R | N
whole = left + right
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