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Last active October 12, 2017 20:30
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% vim: ft=prolog
% Parser
% ------
parse(S, T) :- atom_chars(S, C), expr(T, C, []).
expr(E) --> ws, (statement(E) ; type(E)), ws.
lambda --> [λ] ; ['\\'].
arrow --> [→] ; [-, >].
ws1 --> [' '], (ws1 ; []).
ws --> ws1 ; [].
lower(X) --> [X], { char_type(X, lower) }.
statement(S) --> abstraction(S)
; if_term(S)
; term(S).
term(A) --> application(A)
; atom_term(A).
atom_term(P) --> projection(P)
; proj_base(P).
proj_base(P) --> paren_term(P)
; true_term(P)
; false_term(P)
; var_term(P)
; record(P).
paren_term(S) --> ['('], ws, statement(S), ws, [')'].
application(app(L, R)) --> atom_term(L), ws1, atom_term(R).
abstraction(λ(X, T, S)) --> abs_param(X), abs_type(T), abs_body(S).
abs_param(X) --> lambda, ws, var_term(v(X)), ws.
abs_type(T) --> [:], ws, type(T), ws.
abs_body(S) --> [.], ws, statement(S).
var_term(v(X)) --> lower(X).
true_term(true) --> [t,r,u,e].
false_term(false) --> [f,a,l,s,e].
if_term(if(X, Y, Z)) --> [i,f], ws1, term(X), ws1, then_term(Y), else_term(Z).
then_term(Y) --> [t,h,e,n], ws1, term(Y), ws1.
else_term(Z) --> [e,l,s,e], ws1, term(Z).
proj_field(L) --> label(C), { atom_chars(L, C) }.
label([C]) --> lower(C).
label([C|Cs]) --> lower(C), label(Cs).
projection(proj(B, F)) --> proj_base(B), ws, [.], ws, proj_field(F).
record(rec(M)) --> ['{'], ws, record_members(M), ws, ['}'].
record_members([M]) --> record_member(M).
record_members([M|Ms]) --> record_member(M), ws, [,], ws, record_members(Ms).
record_member([L, S]) --> proj_field(L), ws, [=], ws, statement(S).
type(T) --> func_type(T)
; func_operand(T).
func_operand(O) --> paren_type(O)
; boolean_type(O)
; top_type(O)
; record_type(O).
paren_type(T) --> ['('], ws, type(T), ws, [')'].
func_type(fn(A, B)) --> func_operand(A), ws, arrow, ws, func_operand(B).
boolean_type(bool) --> ['B',o,o,l].
top_type(top) --> ['T',o,p].
record_type(rcd(M)) --> ['{'], ws, rcd_members(M), ws, ['}'].
rcd_members([M]) --> rcd_member(M).
rcd_members([M|Ms]) --> rcd_member(M), ws, [,], ws, rcd_members(Ms).
rcd_member([L, T]) --> proj_field(L), ws, [:], ws, type(T).
% Typing
% ------
map_lookup([[X, T] | _], X, T) :- !.
map_lookup([_ | M], X, T) :- map_lookup(M, X, T).
typeof(X, T) :- typeof([], X, T).
% Lambda calculus
typeof(G, v(X), T) :-
map_lookup(G, X, T).
typeof(G, λ(X, T, B), fn(T, S)) :-
typeof([[X, T] | G], B, S).
typeof(G, app(L, R), S2) :-
typeof(G, L, fn(S1, S2)),
typeof(G, R, T),
subtype(T, S1).
% Records
typeof(_, rec([]), rcd([])).
typeof(G, rec([[L, V] | Rec]), rcd([[L, T] | Rcd])) :-
typeof(G, V, T),
typeof(G, rec(Rec), rcd(Rcd)).
typeof(G, proj(R, L), T) :-
typeof(G, R, rcd(Rcd)),
map_lookup(Rcd, L, T).
% Booleans
typeof(_, true, bool).
typeof(_, false, bool).
typeof(G, if(X, Y, Z), J) :-
typeof(G, X, bool),
typeof(G, Y, T2),
typeof(G, Z, T3),
join(T2, T3, J).
% Subtyping
% ---------
subtype(T, T) :- !.
subtype(_, top).
subtype(fn(S1, S2), fn(T1, T2)) :-
subtype(T1, S1),
subtype(S2, T2).
subtype(rcd(_), rcd([])).
subtype(rcd(R1), rcd([[L, T] | R2])) :-
map_lookup(R1, L, S),
subtype(S, T),
subtype(rcd(R1), rcd(R2)).
% Joins
% -----
map_pluck([], _, nil, []).
map_pluck([[L, T] | R], L, T, R) :- !.
map_pluck([[K, S] | R], L, T, [[K, S] | R_]) :-
map_pluck(R, L, T, R_).
map_no_member(R, L) :- map_pluck(R, L, S, _), S = nil.
join(S, S, S) :- !.
join(fn(S1, S2), fn(T1, T2), fn(M1, J2)) :-
meet(S1, T1, M1),
join(S2, T2, J2),
join(rcd([]), rcd(_), rcd([])) :- !.
join(rcd([[L, S] | R1]), rcd(R2), rcd([[L, K] | J])) :-
map_lookup(R2, L, T),
join(S, T, K),
join(rcd(R1), rcd(R2), rcd(J)),
join(rcd([[L, _] | R1]), rcd(R2), rcd(J)) :-
map_no_member(R2, L),
join(rcd(R1), rcd(R2), rcd(J)),
join(_, _, top).
% Meets
% -----
meet(S, S, S) :- !.
meet(top, T, T).
meet(S, top, S).
meet(fn(S1, S2), fn(T1, T2), fn(J1, M2)) :-
join(S1, T1, J1),
meet(S2, T2, M2).
meet(rcd([]), rcd(R2), rcd(R2)).
meet(rcd([[L, S] | R1]), rcd(R2), rcd([[L, N] | M])) :-
map_pluck(R2, L, T, R2_),
meet(S, T, N),
meet(rcd(R1), rcd(R2_), rcd(M)).
meet(S, nil, S).
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