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Created February 22, 2011 23:17
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Save jcomellas/839646 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Functions to obtain IP addresses from subnets in Erlang.
-author('Juan Jose Comellas <>').
%% API
-export([get_local_ip_from_subnet/1, get_ip_from_subnet/2,
cidr_network/1, cidr_netmask/1]).
%% @type ipv4() = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}
%% @spec get_local_ip_from_subnet({Network :: ipv4(), Netmask :: ipv4()}) ->
%% {ok, ipv4()} | undefined | {error, Reason, Data}
%% @doc Returns an IP address that is assigned to a local network interface and
%% belongs to the specified subnet.
get_local_ip_from_subnet({{_I1, _I2, _I3, _I4}, {_N1, _N2, _N3, _N4}} = Subnet) ->
case inet:getif() of
{ok, AddrList} when is_list(AddrList) ->
get_ip_from_subnet(Subnet, [Ip || {Ip, _Broadcast, _Netmask} <- AddrList]);
InvalidAddrList ->
{error, invalid_network_interface, [InvalidAddrList]}
get_local_ip_from_subnet({{_I1, _I2, _I3, _I4} = Ip, Bits})
when is_integer(Bits), Bits >= 0, Bits =< 32 ->
get_local_ip_from_subnet({Ip, cidr_netmask(Bits)}).
%% @spec get_ip_from_subnet({Network :: ipv4(), Netmask :: ipv4(), [ipv4()]}) ->
%% {ok, ipv4()} | undefined | {error, Reason, Data}
%% @doc Returns the first IP address in the list received as argument that
%% belongs to the specified subnet.
get_ip_from_subnet({{I1, I2, I3, I4}, {N1, N2, N3, N4} = Netmask}, AddrList) ->
get_ip_from_normalized_subnet({{I1 band N1, I2 band N2, I3 band N3, I4 band N4},
Netmask}, AddrList);
get_ip_from_subnet({{_I1, _I2, _I3, _I4} = Ip, Bits}, AddrList)
when is_integer(Bits), Bits >= 0, Bits =< 32 ->
get_ip_from_subnet({Ip, cidr_netmask(Bits)}, AddrList).
get_ip_from_normalized_subnet({{I1, I2, I3, I4}, {N1, N2, N3, N4}} = Subnet,
[{A1, A2, A3, A4} = Addr | Tail]) ->
if ((A1 band N1) =:= I1 andalso
(A2 band N2) =:= I2 andalso
(A3 band N3) =:= I3 andalso
(A4 band N4) =:= I4) ->
{ok, Addr};
true ->
get_ip_from_normalized_subnet(Subnet, Tail)
get_ip_from_normalized_subnet(_Subnet, []) ->
%% @spec cidr_network({Addr :: ipv4(), Bits :: integer()}) -> ipv4()
%% @doc Return the subnet corresponding the the IP address and network bits
%% received in CIDR format.
cidr_network({{I1, I2, I3, I4}, Bits}) when is_integer(Bits) andalso Bits =< 32 ->
ZeroBits = 8 - (Bits rem 8),
Last = (16#ff bsr ZeroBits) bsl ZeroBits,
case (Bits div 8) of
0 ->
{(I1 band Last), 0, 0, 0};
1 ->
{I1, (I2 band Last), 0, 0};
2 ->
{I1, I2, (I3 band Last), 0};
3 ->
{I1, I2, I3, (I4 band Last)};
4 ->
{I1, I2, I3, I4}
%% @spec cidr_netmask(Bits :: integer()) -> ipv4()
%% @doc Return the netmask corresponding to the network bits received in CIDR
%% format.
cidr_netmask(Bits) when is_integer(Bits) andalso Bits =< 32 ->
ZeroBits = 8 - (Bits rem 8),
Last = (16#ff bsr ZeroBits) bsl ZeroBits,
case (Bits div 8) of
0 ->
{(255 band Last), 0, 0, 0};
1 ->
{255, (255 band Last), 0, 0};
2 ->
{255, 255, (255 band Last), 0};
3 ->
{255, 255, 255, (255 band Last)};
4 ->
{255, 255, 255, 255}
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ghost commented Jul 28, 2015

And here's a questionable translation to Elixir of cidr_netmask:

use Bitwise
def cidr_netmask({{i1, i2, i3, i4}, bits}) when is_integer(bits) and bits <= 32 do
  zero_bits = 8 - rem(bits, 8)
  last = (Bitwise.bsl(0xff, zero_bits)) |>  Bitwise.bsl zero_bits

  case div(bits, 8) do
    0 ->
      {(i1 &&& last), 0, 0, 0}
    1 ->
      {i1, (i2 &&& last), 0, 0}
    2 ->
      {i1, i2, (i3 &&& last), 0}
    3 ->
      {i1, i2, i3, (i4 &&& last)}
    4 ->
      {i1, i2, i3, i4} 

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