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Created September 4, 2021 09:27
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Additions to henselian.lean after good etale API
TODO: it's not clear to me (jmc) whether the following items can be easily included,
maybe they depend on theory of etale algebras, just like the items further below
∀ (f : polynomial R) (a₀ : R) (h₁ : f.eval a₀ ∈ maximal_ideal R)
(h₂ : f.derivative.eval a₀ ∉ maximal_ideal R),
∃ a : R, f.is_root a ∧ (a - a₀ ∈ maximal_ideal R),
∀ (f : polynomial R) (a₀ : residue_field R) (h₁ : aeval a₀ f = 0)
(h₂ : aeval a₀ f.derivative ≠ 0),
∃ a : R, f.is_root a ∧ (residue R a = a₀),
∀ {K : Type u} [field K], by exactI ∀ (φ : R →+* K) (hφ : surjective φ)
(f : polynomial R) (a₀ : K) (h₁ : f.eval₂ φ a₀ = 0)
(h₂ : f.derivative.eval₂ φ a₀ ≠ 0),
∃ a : R, f.is_root a ∧ (φ a = a₀),
TODO: develop enough theory of etale algebras to include the following items in the `tfae`.
∀ (f : polynomial R) (hf : f.monic) (g₀ h₀ : polynomial (residue_field R))
(h₁ : (residue R) = g₀ * h₀) (h₂ : is_coprime g₀ h₀),
∃ g h : polynomial R, f = g * h ∧ (residue R) = g₀ ∧ (residue R) = h₀,
∀ (f : polynomial R) (g₀ h₀ : polynomial (residue_field R))
(h₁ : (residue R) = g₀ * h₀) (h₂ : is_coprime g₀ h₀),
∃ g h : polynomial R, f = g * h ∧ (residue R) = g₀ ∧ (residue R) = h₀ ∧ = g₀.degree,
∀ {K : Type u} [field K], by exactI ∀ (φ : R →+* K) (hφ : surjective φ)
(f : polynomial R) (hf : f.monic) (g₀ h₀ : polynomial K)
(h₁ : φ = g₀ * h₀) (h₂ : is_coprime g₀ h₀),
∃ g h : polynomial R, f = g * h ∧ φ = g₀ ∧ φ = h₀,
∀ {K : Type u} [field K], by exactI ∀ (φ : R →+* K) (hφ : surjective φ)
(f : polynomial R) (g₀ h₀ : polynomial K)
(h₁ : φ = g₀ * h₀) (h₂ : is_coprime g₀ h₀),
∃ g h : polynomial R, f = g * h ∧ φ = g₀ ∧ φ = h₀ ∧ = g₀.degree,
-- Here's a proof showing that the last item implies the 2nd but last item.
-- tfae_have _10_8 : 10 → 8,
-- { introsI H K _K φ hφ f a₀ h₁ h₂,
-- let g₀ : polynomial K := X - C a₀,
-- let h₀ := ( φ).div_by_monic g₀,
-- have hg₀ : g₀.degree = 1 := degree_X_sub_C _,
-- have hg₀h₀ : φ = g₀ * h₀,
-- { rw [← eval_map] at h₁, exact (mul_div_by_monic_eq_iff_is_root.mpr h₁).symm },
-- have hcop : is_coprime g₀ h₀,
-- { apply is_coprime_of_is_root_of_eval_derivative_ne_zero,
-- rwa [derivative_map, eval_map] },
-- obtain ⟨g, h, rfl, Hg, Hh, H2⟩ := H φ hφ f g₀ h₀ hg₀h₀ hcop,
-- rw hg₀ at H2,
-- obtain ⟨u, hu⟩ : is_unit (g.coeff 1),
-- { apply local_ring.is_unit_of_mem_nonunits_one_sub_self,
-- rw [← local_ring.mem_maximal_ideal, ← local_ring.ker_eq_maximal_ideal φ hφ, φ.mem_ker],
-- have : (C a₀).nat_degree < 1, { simp only [nat_degree_C, nat.lt_one_iff], },
-- simp only [ring_hom.map_sub, ring_hom.map_one, sub_eq_zero, ← polynomial.coeff_map, Hg,
-- coeff_X_one, coeff_sub, coeff_eq_zero_of_nat_degree_lt this, sub_zero], },
-- let a := ↑u⁻¹ * -g.coeff 0,
-- refine ⟨a, _, _⟩,
-- { apply root_mul_right_of_is_root,
-- rw [is_root.def, eq_X_add_C_of_degree_le_one H2.le],
-- simp only [eval_C, eval_X, eval_add, eval_mul, ← hu, a,
-- units.mul_inv_cancel_left, add_left_neg], },
-- { calc φ (↑u⁻¹ * -g.coeff 0) = (g₀.coeff 1)⁻¹ * - (g₀.coeff 0) :
-- by simp only [φ.map_mul, φ.map_neg, ring_hom.map_units_inv, hu, ←Hg, coeff_map]
-- ... = (g₀.leading_coeff)⁻¹ * - (g₀.coeff 0) : _
-- ... = a₀ : _,
-- { suffices : g₀.nat_degree = 1, { rw ← this, refl },
-- rw degree_eq_nat_degree (monic_X_sub_C a₀).ne_zero at hg₀,
-- exact_mod_cast hg₀ },
-- { simp only [(monic_X_sub_C a₀).leading_coeff, inv_one, one_mul,
-- coeff_sub, coeff_X_zero, coeff_C_zero, zero_sub, neg_neg], } } },
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