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Last active October 17, 2020 17:50
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Constant descent Vieta jumping
import data.rat.basic
import tactic.linarith
import tactic.wlog
local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable
local attribute [simp] nat.pow_two
section for_mathlib
@[to_additive add_left_eq_self]
lemma mul_left_eq_self {α : Type*} [group α] {a b : α} :
a * b = b ↔ a = 1 :=
⟨λ h, @mul_right_cancel _ _ a b 1 (by simp [h]), λ h, by simp [h]⟩
@[to_additive add_right_eq_self]
lemma mul_right_eq_self {α : Type*} [group α] {a b : α} :
a * b = a ↔ b = 1 :=
⟨λ h, @mul_left_cancel _ _ a b 1 (by simp [h]), λ h, by simp [h]⟩
attribute [simp] mul_left_eq_self mul_right_eq_self add_left_eq_self add_right_eq_self
lemma eq_iff_eq_cancel_left {α : Type*} (a b c : α) (h : b = c) :
a = b ↔ a = c := by rw h
lemma eq_iff_eq_cancel_right {α : Type*} (a b c : α) (h : a = b) :
a = c ↔ b = c := by rw h
lemma nat.le_one_cases : ∀ n ≤ 1, n = 0 ∨ n = 1
| 0 h := by left; refl
| 1 h := by right; refl
| (n+2) h := by linarith
@[simp] lemma nat.dvd_add_self_left {a b : ℕ} :
a ∣ a + b ↔ a ∣ b :=
nat.dvd_add_right (dvd_refl a)
@[simp] lemma nat.dvd_add_self_right {a b : ℕ} :
a ∣ b + a ↔ a ∣ b :=
nat.dvd_add_left (dvd_refl a)
end for_mathlib
/- Vieta's formula for a quadratic equation -/
lemma Vieta_formula_quadratic {α} [comm_ring α] {b c x : α}
(h : x * x - b * x + c = 0) : ∃ y : α,
y * y - b * y + c = 0 ∧ x + y = b ∧ x * y = c :=
have : c = b * x - x * x, { apply eq_of_sub_eq_zero, simpa using h },
use b - x, simp [left_distrib, right_distrib, mul_comm, this],
We need a long list of assumptions for the following lemma.
The upside is that it takes care of a bunch of annoying edge cases.
First of all, the user should provide $x$ and $y$
that satisfy the predicate $H(x,y)$.
The functions $B(x)$ and $C(x)$ give the coefficient of the quadratic equation
$y^2 - B(x) * y + C(x) = 0$.
The predicate `base` allows the user to specify a locus of base cases
that will be proven apart from the descent step `H_desc`.
This is the end of the input data. What follows are proof obligations.
In `H_quad` the user must supply a proof that $H(x,y)$ is satisfied
if and only if the quadratic equation $y^2 - B(x) * y + C(x) = 0$ is satisfied.
Next the user should prove that $H$ is symmetric in `H_symm`.
Then the user should prove $H(x,0)$ and $H(x,x)$ for every $x$,
in `H_zero` and `H_diag` respectively.
Finally, the user should prove the descent step in `H_desc`,
and the remaining bases cases in `H_base`.
lemma constant_descent_vieta_jumping (x y : ℕ) {claim : Prop} {H : ℕ → ℕ → Prop}
(h₀ : H x y) (B : ℕ → ℤ) (C : ℕ → ℤ) (base : ℕ → ℕ → Prop)
(H_quad : ∀ {x y}, H x y ↔ (y:ℤ) * y - B x * y + C x = 0) (H_symm : ∀ {x y}, H x y ↔ H y x)
(H_zero : ∀ {x}, H x 0 → claim) (H_diag : ∀ {x}, H x x → claim)
(H_desc : ∀ {x y}, x < y → x > 0 → ¬base x y → H x y →
∀ y', y' * y' - B x * y' + C x = 0 → y' = B x - y → y' * y = C x → y' ≥ 0 ∧ y' ≤ x)
(H_base : ∀ {x y}, H x y → base x y → claim) :
claim :=
-- First of all, we may assume that $x ≤ y$.
-- We justify this using H_symm.
wlog hxy : x ≤ y, swap, { rw H_symm at h₀, solve_by_elim },
-- In fact, we can easily deal with the case $x = y$.
by_cases x_eq_y : x = y, {subst x_eq_y, exact H_diag h₀},
-- Hence we may assume that $x < y$.
replace hxy : x < y := lt_of_le_of_ne hxy x_eq_y, clear x_eq_y,
-- Consider the upper branch of the hyperbola defined by $H$.
let upper_branch : set (ℕ × ℕ) := {p | H p.1 p.2 ∧ p.1 < p.2},
-- Note that the point $p = (x,y)$ lies on the upper branch.
let p : ℕ × ℕ := ⟨x,y⟩,
have hp : p ∈ upper_branch := ⟨h₀, hxy⟩,
-- We also consider the exceptional set of solutions $(a,b)$ that satisfy
-- $a = 0$ or $a = b$ or $B a = b$ or $B a = b + a$.
let exceptional : set (ℕ × ℕ) := {p | H p.1 p.2 ∧ (base p.1 p.2 ∨ p.1 = 0 ∨ p.1 = p.2 ∨ B p.1 = p.2 ∨ B p.1 = p.2 + p.1) },
-- Let $S$ be the projection on to the $y$-axis of the upper branch after removing the exceptional locus.
let S : set ℕ := prod.snd '' (upper_branch \ exceptional),
-- The strategy is to show that the exceptional locus in nonempty.
-- We first show that this is sufficient.
suffices exc : exceptional ≠ ∅,
{ -- Suppose that there exists an element in the exceptional locus.
rw set.ne_empty_iff_exists_mem at exc,
simp [exceptional, -add_comm] at exc,
-- Let $(a,b)$ be such an element, and consider all the possible cases.
rcases exc with ⟨a, b, hH, hb⟩, rcases hb with _|rfl|rfl|hB|hB,
-- The first three cases are rather easy to solve.
{ solve_by_elim },
{ rw H_symm at hH, solve_by_elim },
{ solve_by_elim },
-- The final two cases are very similar.
all_goals {
-- Consider the quadratic equation that $(a,b)$ satisfies.
rw H_quad at hH,
-- We find the other root of the equation, and Vieta's formulas.
rcases Vieta_formula_quadratic hH with ⟨c, h_root, hV₁, hV₂⟩,
-- By substitutions we find that $b = 0$ or $b = a$.
simp [hB] at hV₁, subst hV₁,
rw [← int.coe_nat_zero] at *,
rw ← H_quad at h_root,
-- And hence we are done by H_zero and H_diag.
solve_by_elim } },
-- Now assume that the exceptional locus is empty.
assume exceptional_empty,
-- Observe that $S$ is nonempty.
have S_ne_empty : S ≠ ∅,
{ rw set.ne_empty_iff_exists_mem,
-- It contains the image of $p$.
use p.2,
apply set.mem_image_of_mem,
-- After all, we assumed that the exceptional locus is empty.
rwa [exceptional_empty, set.diff_empty], },
-- We are now set for an infinite descent argument.
-- Let $m$ be the smallest element of the nonempty set $S$.
let m : ℕ := well_founded.min nat.lt_wf S S_ne_empty,
have m_mem : m ∈ S := well_founded.min_mem nat.lt_wf S S_ne_empty,
have m_min : ∀ k ∈ S, ¬ k < m := λ k hk, well_founded.not_lt_min nat.lt_wf S S_ne_empty hk,
-- It suffices to show that there is point $(a,b)$ with $b ∈ S$ and $b < m$.
suffices hp' : ∃ p' : ℕ × ℕ, p'.2 ∈ S ∧ p'.2 < m,
{ rcases hp' with ⟨p', p'_mem, p'_small⟩, solve_by_elim },
-- Let $(m_x, m_y)$ be a point on the upper branch that projects to $m ∈ S$
-- and that does not lie in the exceptional locus.
rcases m_mem with ⟨⟨mx, my⟩, ⟨⟨hHm, mx_lt_my⟩, h_base⟩, m_eq⟩,
-- This means that $m_y = m$,
-- and the conditions $H(m_x, m_y)$ and $m_x < m_y$ are satisfied.
simp only at hHm,
simp [exceptional, hHm] at mx_lt_my h_base m_eq,
push_neg at h_base,
-- Finally, it also means that $(m_x, m_y)$ does not lie in the base locus,
-- that $m_x ≠ 0$, $m_x ≠ m_y$, $B(m_x) ≠ m_y$, and $B(m_x) ≠ m_x + m_y$.
rcases h_base with ⟨h_base, hmx, hm_diag, hm_B₁, hm_B₂⟩,
replace hmx : mx > 0 := nat.pos_iff_ne_zero.mpr hmx,
-- Consider the quadratic equation that $(m_x, m_y)$ satisfies.
have h_quad := hHm, rw H_quad at h_quad,
-- We find the other root of the equation, and Vieta's formulas.
rcases Vieta_formula_quadratic h_quad with ⟨c, h_root, hV₁, hV₂⟩,
-- Recall that we are trying find a point $(a,b)$ such that $b ∈ S$ and $b < m$.
-- We claim that $p' = (|c|, m_x)$ does the job.
let p' : ℕ × ℕ := ⟨c.nat_abs, mx⟩,
use p',
-- The second condition is rather easy to check, so we do that first.
split, swap,
{ rwa m_eq at mx_lt_my },
-- Now we need to show that $p'$ projects onto $S$.
-- In other words, that $|c| ∈ S$.
-- We do that, by showing that it lies in the upper branch
-- (which is sufficient, because we assumed that the exceptional locus is empty).
apply set.mem_image_of_mem,
rw [exceptional_empty, set.diff_empty],
-- To see that this is true, we first rewrite Vietas formulas a bit,
-- and apply the descent step.
replace hV₁ : c = B mx - my := eq_sub_of_add_eq' hV₁,
rw mul_comm at hV₂,
have Hc := H_desc mx_lt_my hmx h_base hHm c h_root hV₁ hV₂,
-- This means that we may assume that $c ≥ 0$ and $c ≤ m_x$.
cases Hc with c_nonneg c_lt,
-- Now we are ready to prove that $p' = (|c|, m_x)$ lies on the upper branch.
-- We need to check two conditions: $H(|c|, m_x)$ and $|c| < m_x$.
split; dsimp,
{ -- The first condition is not so hard.
-- After all, $c$ was the other root of the quadratic equation,
-- and since $c ≥ 0$ we know that $c = |c|$.
rw [H_symm, H_quad],
simpa [int.nat_abs_of_nonneg c_nonneg] using h_root, },
{ -- For the second condition, we note that it suffices to check that $c ≠ m_x$.
suffices hc : c ≠ mx,
{ rw [← int.coe_nat_lt],
simp [int.nat_abs_of_nonneg c_nonneg],
apply lt_of_le_of_ne c_lt hc },
-- However, recall that $B(m_x) ≠ m_x + m_y$.
-- If $c = m_x$, we can prove $B(m_x) = m_x + m_y$.
contrapose! hm_B₂, subst c,
rw ← hm_B₂,
simp, }
-- Hence $p' = (|c|, m_x)$ lies on the upper branch, and we are done.
lemma imo1988_q6 {a b : ℕ} (h : (a*b+1) ∣ a^2 + b^2) :
∃ d, d^2 = (a^2 + b^2)/(a*b + 1) :=
rcases h with ⟨k, hk⟩,
rw [hk, nat.mul_div_cancel_left _ (nat.succ_pos (a*b))],
simp only [nat.pow_two] at hk,
apply constant_descent_vieta_jumping a b hk (λ x, k * x) (λ x, x*x - k) (λ x y, false),
{ intros x y, dsimp,
rw [← int.coe_nat_inj', ← sub_eq_zero],
apply eq_iff_eq_cancel_right,
simp, ring, },
{ intros x y, simp [add_comm (x*x), mul_comm x], },
{ simp, rintros x rfl, use x },
{ intros x hx,
suffices : k ≤ 1,
{ rcases nat.le_one_cases k this with rfl|rfl,
{ use 0, simp },
{ use 1, simp } },
contrapose! hx with k_lt_one,
apply ne_of_lt,
calc x*x + x*x = x*x * 2 : by rw mul_two
... ≤ x*x * k : nat.mul_le_mul_left (x*x) k_lt_one
... < (x*x + 1) * k : by apply mul_lt_mul; linarith },
{ clear hk a b,
intros x y x_lt_y hx hxky h z h_root hV₁ hV₀,
{ dsimp [-sub_eq_add_neg] at *,
have hpos : z*z + x*x > 0,
{ apply add_pos_of_nonneg_of_pos,
{ apply mul_self_nonneg },
{ apply mul_pos; exact_mod_cast hx }, },
have hzx : z*z + x*x = (z * x + 1) * k,
{ rw [← sub_eq_zero, ← h_root],
simp, ring, },
rw hzx at hpos,
replace hpos : z * x + 1 > 0 := pos_of_mul_pos_right hpos (int.coe_zero_le k),
replace hpos : z * x ≥ 0 := int.le_of_lt_add_one hpos,
apply nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_right hpos (by exact_mod_cast hx), },
{ contrapose! hV₀ with x_lt_z,
apply ne_of_gt,
calc z * y > x*x : by apply mul_lt_mul'; linarith
... ≥ x*x - k : sub_le_self _ (int.coe_zero_le k) }, },
{ simp },
example {a b : ℕ} (h : a*b ∣ a^2 + b^2 + 1) :
3*a*b = a^2 + b^2 + 1 :=
rcases h with ⟨k, hk⟩,
suffices : k = 3, { simp * at *, ring, },
simp only [nat.pow_two] at hk,
apply constant_descent_vieta_jumping a b hk (λ x, k * x) (λ x, x*x + 1) (λ x y, x ≤ 1),
{ intros x y, dsimp,
rw [← int.coe_nat_inj', ← sub_eq_zero],
apply eq_iff_eq_cancel_right,
simp, ring, },
{ intros x y, simp, apply eq_iff_eq_cancel_left, ring },
{ simp },
{ clear hk a b, intros x hx,
have x_sq_dvd : x*x ∣ x*x*k := dvd_mul_right (x*x) k,
rw ← hx at x_sq_dvd,
simp only [nat.dvd_add_self_left, add_assoc] at x_sq_dvd,
rcases x_sq_dvd with ⟨y, hy⟩,
rw eq_comm at hy,
simp [nat.mul_eq_one_iff] at hy,
rcases hy with ⟨rfl,rfl⟩,
simpa using hx.symm, },
{ clear hk a b,
intros x y x_lt_y hx h_base h z h_root hV₁ hV₀,
{ have zy_pos : z * y ≥ 0,
{ rw hV₀, exact_mod_cast (nat.zero_le _) },
apply nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_right zy_pos,
linarith },
{ contrapose! hV₀ with x_lt_z,
apply ne_of_gt,
push_neg at h_base,
calc z * y > x * y : by apply mul_lt_mul_of_pos_right; linarith
... ≥ x * (x + 1) : by apply mul_le_mul; linarith
... > x * x + 1 :
rw [mul_add, mul_one],
apply add_lt_add_left,
end, } },
{ intros x y h h_base,
rcases nat.le_one_cases x h_base with rfl|rfl,
{ simp at h, contradiction },
{ simp at h,
have y_dvd : y ∣ y * k := dvd_mul_right y k,
rw [← h, ← add_assoc, nat.dvd_add_left (dvd_mul_left y y)] at y_dvd,
have y_eq : y = 1 ∨ y = 2 := nat.prime_two.2 y y_dvd,
rcases y_eq with rfl|rfl,
{ simpa using h.symm, },
{ replace h : 2 * k = 2 * 3 := h.symm,
apply nat.eq_of_mul_eq_mul_left _ h,
exact (nat.succ_pos _), } } }
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