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Created July 24, 2018 14:51
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start on witt vectors
import algebra.group_power
import tactic.ring
import linear_algebra.multivariate_polynomial
import ring_theory.localization
universes u v w u₁
-- everything in this section should move to other files
instance int.cast.is_ring_hom (R : Type u) [ring R] : is_ring_hom (int.cast : ℤ → R) :=
{ map_add := int.cast_add,
map_mul := int.cast_mul,
map_one := int.cast_one }
section ring_hom_commutes_with_stuff
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R]
variables {S : Type v} [comm_ring S]
variables (i : R → S) [is_ring_hom i]
lemma ring_hom_powers (x : R) (n : ℕ) : i(x^n) = (i x)^n :=
induction n with n ih,
{ simp [pow_zero,is_ring_hom.map_one i] },
simp [pow_succ,is_ring_hom.map_mul i,ih]
section finset
open finset
variables {X : Type w} [decidable_eq X] (s : finset X) (f : X → R)
lemma ring_hom_sum.finset : i (sum s f) = sum s (i ∘ f) :=
apply finset.induction_on s,
{ repeat { rw sum_empty },
exact is_ring_hom.map_zero i },
{ intros x s' hx ih,
repeat { rw sum_insert hx },
rw [is_ring_hom.map_add i, ←ih] }
end finset
section finsupp
open finsupp
variables {α : Type w} {β : Type u₁} [add_comm_monoid β]
variables [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β]
variables (f : α → β → R) (s : α →₀ β)
variables (hf1 : ∀ (a : α), f a 0 = 0)
variables (hf2 : ∀ (a : α) (b₁ b₂ : β), f a (b₁ + b₂) = f a b₁ + f a b₂)
include hf1 hf2
lemma ring_hom_sum.finsupp : i (sum s f) = sum s (λ a b, i (f a b)) :=
apply finsupp.induction s,
{ repeat { rw sum_zero_index },
exact is_ring_hom.map_zero i },
{ intros a b f' H1 H2 ih,
repeat { rw sum_add_index },
repeat { rw sum_single_index },
rw [is_ring_hom.map_add i, ← ih],
{ rw hf1; exact is_ring_hom.map_zero i },
{ apply hf1 },
{ intros, rw hf1; exact is_ring_hom.map_zero i },
{ intros, rw hf2; exact is_ring_hom.map_add i },
{ apply hf1 },
{ apply hf2 } }
end finsupp
end ring_hom_commutes_with_stuff
namespace mv_polynomial
variables {σ : Type*} [decidable_eq σ]
variables {R : Type u} [decidable_eq R] [comm_ring R]
variables {S : Type v} [decidable_eq S] [comm_ring S]
instance : comm_ring (mv_polynomial σ R) := finsupp.to_comm_ring
instance C_is_ring_hom : is_ring_hom (C : R → mv_polynomial σ R) :=
{ map_one := C_1,
map_add := λ x y, finsupp.single_add,
map_mul := λ x y, eq.symm $ C_mul_monomial }
theorem map_monomial (i : R → S) [is_ring_hom i]
(x : σ →₀ ℕ) (r : R) : functorial i (monomial x r) = monomial x (i r) :=
simp [functorial,finsupp.map_range,monomial],
apply finsupp.ext,
intro x,
simp [finsupp.single_apply],
{ refl },
{ apply is_ring_hom.map_zero }
instance functorial_is_ring_hom (i : R → S) [is_ring_hom i] :
is_ring_hom (functorial i : mv_polynomial σ R → mv_polynomial σ S) :=
{ map_one :=
dsimp [functorial, finsupp.map_range],
ext x,
dsimp [finsupp.on_finset_apply],
have H1 : (1 : mv_polynomial σ R) = (1 : (σ →₀ ℕ) →₀ R) := rfl,
have H2 : (1 : mv_polynomial σ S) = (1 : (σ →₀ ℕ) →₀ S) := rfl,
rw [H1, H2, finsupp.one_def, finsupp.one_def, finsupp.single_apply, finsupp.single_apply],
{ apply is_ring_hom.map_one i },
{ apply is_ring_hom.map_zero i }
map_add :=
intros f g,
simp [functorial,finsupp.map_range,function.comp],
apply finsupp.ext,
intro x,
simp [*,finsupp.single_apply],
rw is_ring_hom.map_add i,
map_mul :=
intros f g,
dsimp [functorial, finsupp.map_range],
dsimp [finsupp.on_finset_apply, finsupp.mul_def],
rw [finsupp.sum_apply, finsupp.sum_apply, ring_hom_sum.finsupp i],
{ intros, simp,
sorry },
sorry, sorry, sorry
end }
lemma functorial_ring_hom_X (i : R → S) [is_ring_hom i] (n : σ)
: functorial i (X n) = X n :=
simp [functorial,X,finsupp.map_range,function.comp,C,monomial,*],
apply finsupp.ext,
intro x,
simp [*,finsupp.single_apply],
{ apply is_ring_hom.map_one },
{ apply is_ring_hom.map_zero }
lemma functorial_ring_hom_C (i : R → S) [is_ring_hom i] (r : R)
: functorial i (C r) = (C (i r) : mv_polynomial σ S) :=
simp [functorial,X,finsupp.map_range,function.comp,C,monomial,*],
apply finsupp.ext,
intro x,
simp [*,finsupp.single_apply],
{ refl },
{ apply is_ring_hom.map_zero }
end mv_polynomial
namespace nat
class Prime :=
(p : ℕ) (pp : p)
end nat
-- ### end FOR_MATHLIB
-- proper start of this file
open nat.Prime
variable [nat.Prime] -- fix a prime p
open mv_polynomial
variables {R : Type u} [decidable_eq R] [comm_ring R]
def witt_polynomial (n : ℕ) : mv_polynomial ℕ R :=
finset.sum finset.univ (λ i : fin (n+1), (p^i.val * (X i.val)^(p^(n-i.val))))
-- noncomputable theory
-- local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable
-- def ℤpinv := localization.away (p : ℤ)
-- instance : comm_ring ℤpinv := localization.away.comm_ring _
-- def pinv : ℤpinv := sorry
def X_in_terms_of_W : ℕ → mv_polynomial ℕ ℚ
| n := (X n - (finset.sum finset.univ (λ i : fin n, have _ := i.2, (p^i.val * (X_in_terms_of_W i.val)^(p^(n-i.val)))))) * C (1/p^(n+1))
lemma X_in_terms_of_W_eq {n : ℕ} : X_in_terms_of_W n =
(X n - (finset.sum finset.univ (λ i : fin n, (p^i.val * (X_in_terms_of_W i.val)^(p^(n-i.val)))))) * C (1/p^(n+1))
:= X_in_terms_of_W.equations._eqn_1 n
-- This proof goes a long way... but deterministic timeouts keep bugging me. So I sorried it for the moment.
lemma X_in_terms_of_W_prop (n : ℕ) : (functorial C (X_in_terms_of_W n)).eval witt_polynomial = X n :=
apply nat.strong_induction_on n,
intros n H,
rw X_in_terms_of_W_eq,
rw is_ring_hom.map_mul (functorial C),
{ rw is_ring_hom.map_sub (functorial C),
{ rw functorial_ring_hom_X,
rw sub_mul,
rw sub_eq_add_neg,
rw eval_add,
rw eval_mul,
rw eval_X,
rw functorial_ring_hom_C,
rw eval_C,
rw is_ring_hom.map_neg (eval witt_polynomial),
rw is_ring_hom.map_mul (eval witt_polynomial),
rw eval_C,
rw neg_mul_eq_neg_mul,
suffices : witt_polynomial n + -eval witt_polynomial
(functorial C
(finset.sum finset.univ (λ (i : fin n), ↑p ^ i.val * X_in_terms_of_W (i.val) ^ p ^ (n - i.val)))) =
X n * C (↑p ^ (n + 1)),
{ sorry },
{ rw show eval witt_polynomial
(functorial C
(finset.sum finset.univ (λ (i : fin n), ↑p ^ i.val * X_in_terms_of_W (i.val) ^ p ^ (n - i.val)))) =
finset.sum finset.univ (λ (i : fin n), ↑p ^ i.val * (eval witt_polynomial
((functorial C) (X_in_terms_of_W (i.val))) ^ p ^ (n - i.val))),
{ sorry },
rw show (λ (i : fin n),
↑p ^ i.val * eval witt_polynomial (functorial C (X_in_terms_of_W (i.val))) ^ p ^ (n - i.val)) = (λ (i : fin n),
↑p ^ i.val * (X (i.val)) ^ p ^ (n - i.val)),
{ funext i,
rw (H i.1 i.2) },
-- unfold witt_polynomial,
sorry },
-- rw [ring_hom_sum.finset (functorial C)],
-- rw ring_hom_sum (eval witt_polynomial) finset.univ (λ (x : fin n), functorial C (↑p ^ x.val * X_in_terms_of_W (x.val) ^ p ^ (n - x.val))),
sorry },
{ exact mv_polynomial.functorial_is_ring_hom C } },
{ exact mv_polynomial.functorial_is_ring_hom C }
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