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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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// Web server does this, hits an endpoint
// { type: 'saml', strategy: company.strategy }
var company = Company.findByDomain(__domain);
if (company) {
var strategy = company.strategy;
var companyStrat = function() {
// it's a SAML type
if (strategy.type === 'saml') {
// that strategy object looks like this, specific to the company, stored in the company.
return (
path: '/login/callback',
entryPoint: '', //path to msdev-sts..../adfs/ls
issuer: __domain + '/login/callback',
callbackUrl: __domain + '/login/callback',
// We don't know what this CERT is, is it our SSL cert?
cert: 'MIICizCCAfQCCQCY8tKaMc0BMjANBgkqh ... W==',
identifierFormat: null
function(profile, done) {
// Web server request to API and do stuff here Dirk
if (profile) {
return done(null, apiCallToServerWithSecret)
// we want to pass profile data to the system? What if properties change?
// Web server - Setting it
passport.use(new companyStrat);
if (!'/adfs/FederationMetadata.xml','r')) {
var metaData = passport.generateServiceProviderMetadata(strategy.cert);
fs.write(__dir + '/adfs/FederationMetadata.xml', metaData);
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