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Created July 10, 2019 21:39
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Practicing haskell with a short encoding problem to help me create alphabet shifts for my children. Loaded into ghci you would do `encode 1 "Welcome to spy class!"` and get `23-5-12-3-15-13-5 20-15 19-16-25 3-12-1-19-19!`
module Encode (encode) where
import Data.Char (isAlpha, isDigit, isUpper, toLower)
switchChar :: Int -> Char -> String
-- needs to wrap around if shift is greater than alphabet ??
switchChar shift x =
$ head
$ map snd
$ filter ((== toLower x).fst)
$ zip ['a'..'z'] [shift..]
encodeSingle :: Int -> Char -> String
encodeSingle shift x
| isAlpha x = switchChar shift x ++ "-"
| otherwise = [x]
trimEnds :: String -> String
trimEnds = reverse . trimDashes . reverse
trimDashes :: String -> String
trimDashes xs
| null xs = ""
| length xs == 1 = xs
| not (isDigit (head xs)) && head (tail xs) == '-' = head xs : trimDashes (tail (tail xs))
| otherwise = head xs : trimDashes (tail xs)
encode :: Int -> String -> String
encode shift plain = trimEnds (encodeSingle shift =<< plain)
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