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Last active March 25, 2016 17:01
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The first step is to change the mk_log_level in the web/config/hanlon_server.conf.

mk_log_level: Logger::DEBUG

The quickest way to restart hanlon is through pumactl. Lets get PID first.

# ps -ef | grep puma
root        31     1  0 Feb24 ?        00:00:56 puma 2.15.3 (tcp:// [web]
root        32     1  0 Feb24 ?        00:00:00 tee /tmp/puma.log
# pumactl -p 31 restart
Command restart sent success

When adding the image make sure to sepecify a password or SSH key. In this example we are using a password.

docker exec -it hanlon_server_1 ./cli/hanlon image add -t mk -p /home/hanlon/image/rancheros.iso -d /home/hanlon/image/hnl_mk.tar -m test1234

Use remote management to determine the IP address of the node. Then ssh into the machine.

ssh rancher@

To enter the Hanlon "microkernel" container we need to get the CONTAINER ID.

[rancher@rancher ~]$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
63dc0e70b2be        b8668bd830dd        "/bin/bash -c '/usr/l"   3 minutes ago       Up 3 minutes                            hnl_mk

Lets enter into the running container.

[rancher@rancher ~]$ docker exec -it 63dc0e70b2be bash

Change directory to /var/log

bash-4.3# cd /var/log

We need the contents hnl_mk_controller.log

bash-4.3# cat hnl_mk_controller.log
# Logfile created on 2016-02-25 13:29:40 +0000 by logger.rb/47272
I, [2016-02-25T13:29:40.674074 #51]  INFO -- Object#<top (required)>: Discovered Hanlon Server at:
D, [2016-02-25T13:29:40.674268 #51] DEBUG -- Object#<top (required)>: registration_uri =
D, [2016-02-25T13:29:40.674317 #51] DEBUG -- Object#<top (required)>: checkin_uri =
D, [2016-02-25T13:29:40.674518 #51] DEBUG -- Object#<top (required)>: exclude_pattern = (?-mix:(^facter.*$)|(^id$)|(^kernel.*$)|(^memoryfree$)|(^memoryfree_mb$)|(^operating.*$)|(^osfamily$)|(^path$)|(^ps$)|(^ruby.*$)|(^selinux$)|(^ssh.*$)|(^swap.*$)|(^timezone$)|(^uniqueid$)|(^.*uptime.*$)|(.*json_str$))
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hickey commented Mar 25, 2016

When logged into Rancheros, it is much easier getting into the container with docker exec -it hnl_mk bash than having to look up the container id all the time.

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