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Created December 20, 2021 20:48
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Recursive CTE for alpha/roman numeral encoding
-- Encodes the provided numeral value using alpha numerals.
create or alter function encode_alpha(@numeral int, @a char(1)) returns varchar(32)
with returns null on null input as
declare @result varchar(32);
with [alphabet] ([Value], [Char]) as (
select [n].[Value], char(ascii(@a) + [n].[Value] - 1)
from (values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18),(19),(20),(21),(22),(23),(24),(25),(26)) as [n] ([Value])
[encoded] ([Quotient], [Char]) as (
select @numeral, cast('!' as char(1))
union all
select ([encoded].[Quotient] - 1) / 26, [alphabet].[Char]
from [encoded]
join [alphabet] on [alphabet].[Value] = ([encoded].[Quotient] - 1) % 26 + 1
where [Quotient] > 0
select @result = string_agg([Char], '') within group (order by [Quotient] asc)
from [encoded]
where [Quotient] != @numeral;
return @result;
-- Encodes the provided numeral value using roman numerals.
create or alter function encode_roman(@numeral as int, @i as char(1)) returns varchar(32)
with returns null on null input as
declare @result varchar(32);
with [alphabet] ([Value], [Char], [Power]) as (
select cast([Value] as int), cast(char(ascii(@i) + ascii([Char]) - ascii('i')) as char(1)), cast([Power] as tinyint)
from (values (1, 'i', 10), (5, 'v', 5), (10, 'x', 10), (50, 'l', 5), (100, 'c', 10), (500, 'd', 5), (1000, 'm', 10)) as [x] ([Value], [Char], [Power])
[encoded] ([Subtractive], [Remainder], [Char]) as (
select cast(0 as bit), @numeral, cast('!' as char(1))
union all (
select cast([x].[Subtractive] as bit), [x].[Remainder], [x].[Char]
from [encoded] as [r]
cross apply (
-- Apply the subtractive rule: subtract a power of 10 from the value when doing so would permit
-- you to express the value using the next quintile or decile, e.g. IV.
select 1, [r].[Remainder] + [a].[Value] - [a].[Value] * IIF([a].[Value] * 9 <= [r].[Remainder], 10, 5), [a].[Char]
from [alphabet] as [a]
where [a].[Power] = 10 and [a].[Value] != 1000 and (
[a].[Value] * 4 <= [r].[Remainder] and [r].[Remainder] < [a].[Value] * 5
or [a].[Value] * 9 <= [r].[Remainder] and [r].[Remainder] < [a].[Value] * 10
union all
-- Add the next quintile or decile to the subtracted value.
select 0, [r].[Remainder] - [a].[Value] + [a].[Value] / [a].[Power], [a].[Char]
from [alphabet] as [a]
where [a].[Value] / [a].[Power] * ([a].[Power] - 1) <= [r].[Remainder] and [r].[Remainder] < [a].[Value]
union all
-- Regular additive rule, omitting values that are handled by the subtractive rule
select 0, [r].[Remainder] - [a].[Value], [a].[Char]
from [alphabet] as [a]
where [a].[Value] <= [r].[Remainder] and (
-- value cannot exceed that of the next quintile less this decile
[a].[Power] = 10 and [r].[Remainder] < [a].[Value] * 4
-- value cannot exceed that of the next decile less the preceding decile
or [a].[Power] = 5 and [r].[Remainder] < [a].[Value] * 2 - [a].[Value] / 5
-- the subtractive rule does not apply to M
or [a].[Value] = 1000
) as [x] ([Subtractive], [Remainder], [Char])
where [r].[Remainder] > 0 and [r].[Subtractive] = 0
select @result = string_agg([Char], '')
from [encoded]
where [Remainder] != @numeral;
return @result;
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