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Created September 12, 2018 17:19
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' Rudimentary CSV parser in VBA. Wheee.
Option Explicit
Public Function IsEmptyRecord(ByRef record() As String)
IsEmptyRecord = UBound(record) = 0 And record(0) = ""
End Function
' Reads a CSV record from the provided TextStream, assigning the fields
' to the provided array reference. Returns True if a record is read from
' the TextStream, or False if the end of the stream has been reached.
Public Function ReadRecord(ByVal ts As TextStream, ByRef record() As String) As Boolean
If ts.AtEndOfStream Then
ReadRecord = False
Exit Function
End If
ReDim record(0) As String
record(0) = Field(ts)
Do While Not ts.AtEndOfLine And Not ts.AtEndOfStream
ReDim Preserve record(0 To UBound(record) + 1) As String
record(UBound(record)) = Field(ts)
' Discard the end of line sequence
ReadRecord = True
End Function
' Reads a field from the provided TextStream, returning the empty string
' if the end of the line or stream has been reached.
Private Function Field(ByVal ts As TextStream) As String
If ts.AtEndOfStream Or ts.AtEndOfLine Then
Field = ""
Dim c As String
c =
If c = """" Or c = "'" Then
Field = Quoted(ts, c)
Field = Unquoted(ts, c)
End If
End If
End Function
' Reads an unquoted field terminated by a comma or the end of the line from the
' provided TextStream.
Private Function Unquoted(ByVal ts As TextStream, ByVal f As String) As String
Dim c As String
Unquoted = f
Do While Not ts.AtEndOfLine
c =
If c = "," Then Exit Function
Unquoted = Unquoted & c
End Function
' Reads a quoted field terminated by the specified quote character from the provided
' TextStream.
Private Function Quoted(ByVal ts As TextStream, ByVal q As String) As String
Dim c As String
Quoted = ""
Do While Not ts.AtEndOfStream
c =
If c = q Then
' Handle the case of a quoted field followed by EOL
If ts.AtEndOfLine Or ts.AtEndOfStream Then Exit Function
c =
If c = "," Then
Exit Function
ElseIf c = q Then
Quoted = Quoted & q
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, _
"gnwtjustice.CSVReader", _
"Unexpected end of quoted field, L" & ts.Line & "C" & ts.Column
End If
Quoted = Quoted & c
End If
End Function
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