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Last active April 7, 2021 21:13
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Notes From Everyday Command Line and Developer Tools Twitch Session

Dev Toolbox Notes

Online Resources

Resource Description Link
regex101 great, visual regex helper
Rubular Ruby flavored regular expression editor
Can I use let's you know browser compatibility for various html, css, js features
Online PHP editor PHP output for various PHP versions link
Photopea free photoshop alternative
Stack Overflow Essential Q&A forum for all coding things
MDN Web Docs (Mozilla hosted) Essential documentation for HTML, CSS, JS, etc.
Git/Github Industry standard Revision tracking and more
Markdown (github flavored) text document format favored by github and others github markdown cheatsheet

Suggested Command line tools

tool short description commonly built-in? Installation instructions, examples or man page
bat / batman advanced, pretty cat replacement with tons of extras github repo
cat tldr
cd change current directory tldr
echo echo a string of text to the screen or standard output tldr
head print first few lines of a file tldr
less quick and simple way to read a text file from the command line (man uses it too) tldr
ls list contents of a directory tldr
man displays manual page for most command line tools tldr
nano command line text editor (beginner friendly) usually ✅ tldr
printenv see all of your terminal's environment variables tldr
tail print last few lines of a file tldr
tldr practical examples of common commands
touch create an empty file tldr
vim power user text editor (let's you work with documents like playing an instrument) tldr
zsh (using Oh My Zsh) slick shell with themes and nice quality-of-life features

Suggested Desktop Applications

Application Use Website
VSCode Free IDE
Sublime Text Editor / IDE
Sublime Merge Editor / IDE
iTerm2 replacement for stock Mac terminal

Jargon & shortcuts

Some of the Jargon listed here have been moved to sections above where appropriate

Term shorthand or common synonyms Technical
CLI Command Line, terminal, shell wiki link
Shell flavor of CLI, bash, zsh, etc. wiki link
ctrl+c "C for Cancel" - press this key-combination when you're stuck and want to abort the current command line task wikipedia
ls -Flathr my new favorite advanced ls command GNU man page
Regex regular expression: find a string of characters in a bigger collection of strings wikipedia
IDE Integrated Development Environment - convenient place to do all of your coding for a project wikipedia
GIT - github version control manager and a popular online sharing service (think Back to the Future for your files) docs Github
Pull/Push Git Process for pulling down changes from a shared repo, and pushing up your changes to a shared repo docs
PHP Scripting (programming) Language that runs a huge percentage of websites
HTML formatting language that browsers use to show you to display websites MDN
JS JavaScript (not much in common with Java) programming language that makes the web dynamic MDN
Repo repository - common to use when talking about git repositories docs
shell flavor of command line interpreter (i.e. bash, zsh) wikipedia
terminal another way to refer to a command line interface or shell wikipedia
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