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Last active August 12, 2019 12:18
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fun with higher order functors
(* Plain old ordinary monad *)
signature MONAD = sig
type 'x t
val return: 'x -> 'x t
val bind : 'x t -> ('x -> 'y t) -> 'y t
Monad indexed by one other type. Not even as fancy as "indexed monads
a la Atkey" (for which see )
signature IMONAD = sig
type ('a, 'x) t
val return: 'x -> ('a, 'x) t
val bind : ('a,'x) t -> ('x -> ('a,'y) t) -> ('a,'y) t
A monadic computation of a certain shape. It takes an "effect" of
(morally) type A -> B and yields a C, except we have to annotate
function returns with the monad.
signature MONADIC = sig
type A
type B
type C
functor F(M: MONAD): sig val go: (A -> B M.t) -> C M.t end
A data structure that represents a "trace" of sorts - the result of
such a computation in a more directly digestible form. We can read
off whether it has returned a final value of type 'c, or else invoked
the "effect" with a value of type 'a, and a continuation that takes a
'b and some more computation to do.
datatype ('a, 'b, 'c) trace =
Val of 'c
| Call of 'a * ('b -> ('a, 'b, 'c) trace)
signature TRACE = sig
type A
type B
type C
val res: (A, B, C) trace
The fun thing we can do is convert from actual monadic computations ---
things of signature MONADIC --- to traces, by plugging in the
continuation monad.
(* Here is the continuation monad: *)
structure Cont: IMONAD = struct
type ('a, 'x) t = ('x -> 'a) -> 'a
fun return x f = f x
fun bind f g h = f (fn x => g x h)
(* And here we do the plugging-in: *)
functor Cvt(Comp: MONADIC): TRACE = struct
open Comp
structure Instantiate = F(struct
open Cont
type 'x t = ((A, B, C) trace, 'x) t
val res = Instantiate.go (fn a => fn g => Call (a, g)) Val
(* Here's an example of a monadic computation. It assumes an effect of type int->string *)
structure MyComp: MONADIC = struct
type A = int; type B = string; type C = string;
functor F(M: MONAD) = struct
open M
(* It calls that effect three times on three different integers and concatenates the outputs *)
fun go ext =
bind (ext 1) (fn x =>
bind (ext 2) (fn y =>
bind (ext 4) (fn z => return (x ^ " " ^ y ^ " " ^ z))))
(* Plug stuff together: *)
structure Go = Cvt(MyComp)
Here we can implement an 'effect handler' as an ordinary function that takes a trace as input.
Just for an example, we keep a counter s, and a call to the effect is interpreted as
"increment the counter by n, and return the stringification of the current value of the counter"
fun run s (Val x) = x
| run s (Call (n, k)) = let val s' = s + n in run s' (k (Int.toString s')) end
val out = run 0 Go.res (* yields "1 3 7" *)
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