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Last active March 18, 2024 00:09
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proof of correctness of chaotic iteration
open import Agda.Primitive
data ℕ : Set where
zero : ℕ
succ : ℕ → ℕ
record Σ {a b} (A : Set a) (B : A → Set b) : Set (a ⊔ b) where
constructor _,_
fst : A
snd : B fst
open Σ public
infixr 4 _,_
module _
(A : ℕ → Set)
(B : ℕ → Set)
(J : Set)
(f : J → Set → Set)
(f-cont : (j : J) → f j (Σ ℕ A) → Σ ℕ (λ t → f j (A t)))
(f-mono : {X Y : Set} (g : X → Y) (j : J) → f j X → f j Y)
(B/z : {X : Set} → B zero → X)
(B/s : (t : ℕ) → B (succ t) → Σ J (λ j → f j (B t)))
(A/fair : (j : J) → Σ ℕ (λ t → f j (A t)) → Σ ℕ A)
thm : (s : ℕ) (b : B s) → Σ ℕ A
thm zero b = B/z b
thm (succ s) b = let (j , x) = B/s s b in A/fair j (f-cont j (f-mono (thm s) j x))
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jcreedcmu commented Mar 17, 2024

This is approximately a formalization of the following argument:

Suppose (fⱼ)_{j∈J} is an J-indexed family of monotone continuous functions P → P.
Suppose we have two sequences aₜ, bₜ, satisfying:
    b₀ = ⊥
    bₛ₊₁ ≤ ⋃ⱼ fⱼ(bₛ)        (†)
("b is some sequence that doesn't grow any faster than concurrently applying all the rules")
    ∀n,s. fⱼ(aₛ) ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ    (‡)
("a is what we get applying a fair sequence, and so it has the property that
if we hit any particular value aₛ with fⱼ, then there's some future stage where
      we pick fⱼ and exceed fⱼ(aₛ)")

*Claim*: ⋃ₜ bₜ ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ
Start with the "fair sequence" assumption
    ∀n,s. fⱼ(aₛ) ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ
Use definition of ⋃:
    ∀n. ⋃ₜ fⱼ(aₜ) ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ
Use continuity of fⱼ:
    ∀n. fⱼ(⋃ₜ aₜ) ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ
Use definition of ⋃:
    ⋃ⱼ fⱼ(⋃ₜ aₜ) ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ                       (*)
Note that monotonicity of ⋃ⱼ fⱼ(—) means that
    bₛ ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ ⇒ ⋃ⱼ fⱼ(bₛ) ≤ ⋃ⱼ fⱼ(⋃ₜ aₜ)    (**)
so by transitivity and (**) and (*) we get
    bₛ ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ ⇒ ⋃ⱼ fⱼ(bₛ) ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ            (***)
by transitivity and (†) and (***) we get
    bₛ ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ ⇒ bₛ₊₁ ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ
by induction, we have
    ∀s. bₛ ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ
use the definition of ⋃ one last time to see
    ⋃ₜ bₜ ≤ ⋃ₜ aₜ

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