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Created March 17, 2023 22:35
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Snippet of typescript that modifies itself in an emacs buffer
* A little bit of research into what would be needed for a "direct manipulation" toy in emacs.
* - NodeJS allows replacing `Error.prepareStackStrace` with a custom handler that can obtain
* first-class stack trace data.
* - An arbitrary function call (see below, `knob(1429)` for example) can obtain a stack
* trace and inspect it to find out where in the file the actual call to knob(1429) took place.
* - Since we're in typescript, we can also find the sourcemap and use it to map this into
* a location into the original `.ts` file.
* - We can shell out to emacsclient to evaluate arbitrary elisp
* - It can in turn go to the appropriate place in the active buffer viewing the `.ts` file,
* and modify the argument to `knob(...)` however it likes.
* The imagined application for this rube goldberg device is that UI
* controls could backfeed information into a typescript source file
* that constructed UI controls in the first place.
import * as sourceMap from 'source-map';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as cp from 'child_process';
function prepareStackTrace(e: Error, frames: NodeJS.CallSite[]): NodeJS.CallSite[] {
return frames;
type Info = { file: string, line: number, column: number };
function getCaller(): Info {
const prevPst = Error.prepareStackTrace;
Error.prepareStackTrace = prepareStackTrace;
const stack = (new Error().stack) as unknown as NodeJS.CallSite[];
const info: Info[] = => {
return { file: cs.getFileName() ?? '', line: cs.getLineNumber() ?? -1, column: cs.getColumnNumber() ?? -1 };
const rv = info[2];
Error.prepareStackTrace = prevPst;
return rv;
type Knob = {
source: Info,
name: string,
val: number,
let counter = 0;
function knob(val: number): Knob {
return { source: getCaller(), name: `c${counter}`, val }
function withSetText(body: string): string {
return `
(flet ((set-text (file line col new-val)
(set-buffer (find-file-noselect file))
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (- line 1))
(move-to-column col)
(let* ((_ (re-search-forward "("))
(b (point))
(_ (re-search-forward ")"))
(e (point)))
(goto-char b)
(delete-char (- e b 1))
(insert new-val))))) ${body})
async function go() {
const smc = await new sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer(fs.readFileSync(__filename + '.map', 'utf8'));
function replace(knob: Knob, wth: number): void {
const orig = smc.originalPositionFor(knob.source);
if (orig.line == null || orig.column == null) throw new Error('null line or column');
const origFile = path.resolve(path.dirname(knob.source.file), orig.source ?? '');
const output = cp.execFileSync('emacsclient', ['-e', withSetText(`(set-text "${origFile}" ${orig.line} ${orig.column} "${wth}")`)]);
try {
const k1 = knob(1429);
const k2 = knob(106);
replace(k1, k1.val + 1);
replace(k2, k2.val + 20);
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error:', e);
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