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Last active March 19, 2024 21:28
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lil fixpoint lemma
Suppose ℂ is a ω-cocomplete category: it has colimits of any
diagram that is a functor ω → ℂ. Suppose ℂ has an initial object ⊥.
Suppose F is a functor ℂ → ℂ that preserves all ω-colimits.
Let U : ω → ℂ be the diagram
! F! F²
⊥ → F(⊥) → F²(⊥) → ⋯
Lemma: If we have a map m : FA → A, then we can construct a map colim U → A.
Proof: By the UMP of the colimit, it suffices to find fₙ that make
⊥ → F(⊥) → F²(⊥) → ⋯
f₀↓ f₁↓ f₂↓
A === A ===== A ===== ⋯
commute. Check that the inductive definition
f₀ = !
fₙ₊₁ = m ∘ F(fₙ)
works. ∎
(iirc this ought to be first bit of demonstrating that colim U is the carrier of the initial F-algebra)
Corollary: Suppose we have a functor S : ω → ℂ and a map
ϕ : colim (F ∘ S) → (colim S).
Then there exists a map
(colim U) → (colim S)
Since F preserve colimits, we can transform ϕ into a map
F(colim S) → (colim S)
Apply lemma with A := colim S.
Bringing this down to earth:
Claim: If fₙ : P → P are monotone ω-continuous maps from an ω-CPO to itself,
and aᵢ is a fair scheduling of the naturals, then
supₜ (⋃ₙ fₙ)ᵗ (⊥) ≤ supₜ (f_{aₜ} ∘ ⋯ f_{a₀}) (⊥)
Let ℂ be P. Let F be ⋃ₙ fₙ. Let S(t) = (f_{aₜ} ∘ ⋯ f_{a₀}) (⊥)
Then the thing we're trying to do is obtain a morphism (colim U) → (colim S).
U is "running all the rules concurrently, repeatedly"
S is "running all the rules chaotically, but fairly"
F preserves ω-colimits because fₙ are ω-continuous.
The remaining proof obligation is ϕ. We must show
colim (F ∘ S) → (colim S)
so it suffices to use the UMP of the colimit on the left and show
∀n. F(S(n)) ≤ supₜ (f_{aₜ} ∘ ⋯ f_{a₀}) (⊥)
∀s. F((f_{aₛ} ∘ ⋯ f_{a₀})(t)) ≤ supₜ (f_{aₜ} ∘ ⋯ f_{a₀}) (⊥)
i.e. all we need is
∀s,n. fₙ((f_{aₛ} ∘ ⋯ f_{a₀})(t)) ≤ supₜ (f_{aₜ} ∘ ⋯ f_{a₀}) (⊥)
But this is just seeing that, if we're at stage s, and we hit our
result with fₙ, there is *some* future stage t that exceeds fₙ applied
to step s. This follows from fairness. ∎
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