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Last active August 1, 2023 18:23
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Convert NIfTI images into multiple TIF images
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
command line executable to convert 3d nifti images to
individual tiff images along a user-specified axis
call as: python /path/to/nifti /path/to/tif
(append optional arguments to the call as desired)
Author: Jacob Reinhold (
import argparse
from glob import glob
import os
import sys
from PIL import Image
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
def arg_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='split 3d image into multiple 2d images')
parser.add_argument('img_dir', type=str,
help='path to nifti image directory')
parser.add_argument('out_dir', type=str,
help='path to output the corresponding tif image slices')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--axis', type=int, default=2,
help='axis of the 3d image array on which to sample the slices')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pct-range', nargs=2, type=float, default=(0.2,0.8),
help=('range of indices, as a percentage, from which to sample '
'in each 3d image volume. used to avoid creating blank tif '
'images if there is substantial empty space along the ends '
'of the chosen axis'))
return parser
def split_filename(filepath):
path = os.path.dirname(filepath)
filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext == '.gz':
base, ext2 = os.path.splitext(base)
ext = ext2 + ext
return path, base, ext
def main():
args = arg_parser().parse_args()
fns = glob(os.path.join(args.img_dir, '*.nii*'))
for fn in fns:
_, base, ext = split_filename(fn)
img = nib.load(fn).get_data().astype(np.float32).squeeze()
if img.ndim != 3:
print(f'Only 3D data supported. File {base}{ext} has dimension {img.ndim}. Skipping.')
start = int(args.pct_range[0] * img.shape[args.axis])
end = int(args.pct_range[1] * img.shape[args.axis])
for i in range(start, end):
I = Image.fromarray(img[i,:,:], mode='F') if args.axis == 0 else \
Image.fromarray(img[:,i,:], mode='F') if args.axis == 1 else \
Image.fromarray(img[:,:,i], mode='F'), f'{base}_{i:04}.tif'))
return 0
except Exception as e:
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
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ozturkoktay commented Mar 25, 2021

Hi, I'm trying to convert 3 dim. nii file to multiple images with your script but it only gives multiple blank tiff files. When I convert nii to png files everything is fine. Can you help me about that?

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Hi @ozturkoktay, the TIFF images are probably fine. You just need to open them in a medical image viewer like MIPAV or plot them in matplotlib. This has been discussed above here and here.

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Hey Jacob,
I would like to confirm that the conversion from nii to tiff is lossless. Is there a simple way to do this?


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jcreinhold commented Aug 10, 2021

@mccrinbc Load your nifti image with nibabel and extract the data (.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32)). Open up all the corresponding tiff images and concatenate them along the appropriate axis. Check for equality with np.allclose(nifti_data, tiff_data))

Note that this conversion is only lossless (up to numerical precision) if the original nifti image is 32-bit floating point.

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Beauty - Thanks dude!

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sujeongEOM commented Oct 7, 2021

Hello! This script is very helpful. The code worked well.
However, I have a question.
My nifti file is z-normalized. So its pixel range has negative values and doesn't go up to 255 like other image arrays.
As my purpose is to use imagenet transfer learning model (such as resnet, inception etc), I have to make input shape to 3 channel (ex; (220,220,3) ). So I did so. However when I show this 3 channel image through matoplotlib, it looks bad. If I show each channel alone, it shows fine.
Is z-normalized the problem? Thank you.

-3 channel image
-only one channel shown (image[:,:,1])

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@sujeongEOM see up above (e.g., here) for a discussion of this issue.

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