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Last active March 18, 2022 21:21
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randomized order statistic selection in OCaml
let swap arr i j =
let tmp = arr.(j) in
arr.(j) <- arr.(i);
arr.(i) <- tmp
let partition arr l h =
let pivot = arr.(h) in
let i = ref @@ (l - 1) in
for j = l to h - 1 do
if arr.(j) <= pivot then begin
incr i;
swap arr !i j
incr i;
swap arr !i h;
let partition_random arr l h =
let pivot_index = l + (h - l) in
swap arr pivot_index h;
partition arr l h
let rselect i xs =
if i < 1 then invalid_arg "'i' must be positive.";
let rec rselect' arr l h i =
if i < 0 then invalid_arg "'i' must be non-negative.";
if l = h then arr.(l)
else if l < h then
let pivot_index = partition_random arr l h in
let k = pivot_index - l in
if i = k then arr.(pivot_index)
else if i < k then rselect' arr l (pivot_index - 1) i
else rselect' arr (pivot_index + 1) h (i - k - 1)
else invalid_arg "Something went wrong."
let arr = Array.of_list xs in
rselect' arr 0 (List.length xs - 1) (i - 1)
let shuffle xs = (fun x -> (Random.bits (), x)) xs
|> List.sort compare |> snd
let () =
Random.self_init ();
let n = 10 in
for i = 1 to n do
List.init n (fun x -> x + 1) |> shuffle |> rselect i |> Printf.printf "%d";
print_newline ()
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