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Last active May 29, 2020 17:55
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A simple version of pickle
import pickle
import struct
class Memo(object):
def __init__(self):
self.kv = {}
def put(self, item):
ind = self.kv[id(item)] = len(self.kv)
if ind >= 256:
raise NotImplementedError("memos longer than 256")
return ind
def get(self, item):
return self.kv.get(id(item))
def dumps(x):
"""A simple version of pickle.dumps, only supporting a few types"""
buf = bytearray()
memo = Memo()
# All pickles start with PROTO + VERSION
# Recurively pickle the contents of x
_simple_pickle(x, buf, memo)
# All pickles end with STOP
return bytes(buf)
def _simple_pickle(x, buf, memo):
if x is None:
# Things like None/True/False serialize as single bytes in the protocol
elif x is True:
elif x is False:
elif isinstance(x, int):
# Integers have a few different storage forms dependent on size
# we'll only support one of these here.
if 0 <= x < 256:
# Small integers serialize as an opcode followed by
# the integers stored as an unsigned 1byte int
buf.extend(struct.pack("!B", x))
raise NotImplementedError("ints not in 0 <= ind < 255")
elif isinstance(x, list):
if memo.get(x) is not None:
# We've already seen this object, get it from the memo
# instead of reserializing.
buf.extend(struct.pack("!B", memo.get(x)))
# Lists are built by:
# - pushing an empty list to the stack,
# - pushing their contents to the stack,
# - then bulk appending everything in between the last
# MARK and an APPENDS flag
# Lists aren't singletons (like everything above), so
# we need to maintain references to them. Store the list
# in the memo to possibly be used later.
ind = memo.put(x)
buf.extend(struct.pack("!B", ind))
# Pickle the elements of the list
for i in x:
_simple_pickle(i, buf, memo)
# Bulk append all the elements
raise NotImplementedError
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