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Created January 23, 2023 17:14
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A benchmark comparing init performance of various dataclass-like libraries
"""A quick benchmark comparing how quickly `__init__` with default values runs
for various dataclass-like libraries.
We also compare against the time it takes to initialize a `dict` or `tuple`
with the same data, as a "low-bar" for pure-python implementations.
import timeit
import attrs
import dataclasses
import msgspec
import pydantic
class BenchAttrs:
a: int = 0
b: str = ""
c: list[int] = attrs.field(factory=list)
d: set[int] = attrs.field(factory=set)
e: dict[str, str] = attrs.field(factory=dict)
class BenchDataclass:
a: int = 0
b: str = ""
c: list[int] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
d: set[int] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
e: dict[str, str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
class BenchMsgspec(msgspec.Struct):
a: int = 0
b: str = ""
c: list[int] = msgspec.field(default_factory=list)
d: set[int] = msgspec.field(default_factory=set)
e: dict[str, str] = msgspec.field(default_factory=dict)
class BenchPydantic(pydantic.BaseModel):
a: int = 0
b: str = ""
c: list[int] = pydantic.Field(default_factory=list)
d: set[int] = pydantic.Field(default_factory=set)
e: dict[str, str] = pydantic.Field(default_factory=dict)
def bench_dict():
return {"a": 0, "b": "", "c": [], "d": set(), "e": {}}
def bench_tuple():
return (0, "", [], set(), {})
def bench(cls):
timer = timeit.Timer("cls()", globals={"cls": cls})
n, t = timer.autorange()
return t / n
def main():
results = sorted(
("attrs", bench(BenchAttrs)),
("dataclasses", bench(BenchDataclass)),
("msgspec", bench(BenchMsgspec)),
("pydantic", bench(BenchPydantic)),
("dict", bench(bench_dict)),
("tuple", bench(bench_tuple)),
key=lambda r: r[1]
max_name_length = max(len(n) for n, _ in results)
fastest = results[0][1]
for i, (name, t) in enumerate(results):
# Format time output
if t < 1e-6:
time = f"{t * 1e9:.1f} ns"
elif t < 1e-3:
time = f"{t * 1e6:.1f} μs"
time = f"{t * 1e3:.1f} ms"
padding = " " * (max_name_length - len(name))
if i == 0:
print(f"{name}:{padding} {time}")
print(f"{name}:{padding} {time} ({t / fastest:.1f}x slower)")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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jcrist commented Jan 23, 2023


$ python 
msgspec:     95.0 ns
tuple:       108.6 ns (1.1x slower)
dict:        180.5 ns (1.9x slower)
attrs:       316.5 ns (3.3x slower)
dataclasses: 371.3 ns (3.9x slower)
pydantic:    1.8 μs (19.2x slower)
  • msgspec structs initialize as fast (or slightly faster) than allocating a tuple with the same data, and almost 2x faster than allocating a dict with the same data. Compared to other python operations, allocating a new Struct instance is very cheap.
  • attrs slightly edges out dataclasses for performance in this benchmark. I haven't dug too much into the internals of either to know why.
  • pydantic brings up the rear with measurable slowdown compared to other libraries (20x slower than msgspec)

That said, all of these operations are pretty speedy. Unless __init__ for these objects is showing up in profiling results, these operations likely aren't the bottleneck.

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