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Created November 29, 2013 16:19
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(defprotocol Command
(perform [command state] "Either throw an exception to abort, or return a sequence of resulting events to be applied to the state."))
(defprotocol Event
(affect [this state] "Derive a new state from the given state"))
(defprotocol EventStore
(event-seq [this] "Returns a seq of all events in the store")
(append [this events] "Append events to the store"))
(defn apply-events
"Derive a new state from a sequence of events"
[state events]
(reduce #(affect %2 %1) state events))
(defrecord DB [state-ref event-store-agent])
(defn state [db] @(:state-ref db))
(defn command!
"Submit a command to be run and stored against the db"
[db command]
(let [state-ref (:state-ref db)
new-events (perform command @state-ref)]
(alter state-ref apply-events new-events)
(send-off (:event-store-agent db) append new-events)
;; implementations
(defn- transaction-seq
"Return a seq of transactions (forms) in the data file"
(with-open [r ( (io/reader path))]
(take-while #(not= ::EOF %)
(repeatedly (fn []
(try (read r)
(catch RuntimeException e
(defrecord JournalFileEventStore [path]
(event-seq [this]
(when (.exists (io/file path))
(transaction-seq path))))
(append [this event]
(let [output (str ";; " (java.util.Date.) "\n" (pr-str event) "\n")]
(spit path output :append true)
(->JournalFileEventStore path)))))
(defn journal-db
"Returns a DB backed by a journal file"
(let [event-store (->JournalFileEventStore path)
init-state (apply-events {} (flatten (event-seq event-store)))]
(->DB (ref init-state) (agent event-store))))
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