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Created July 8, 2010 18:58
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Bob’s questions from CT JudCon preso

27:08 (Emmanuel)

How do you deal with isolating deployments of multiple versions of an app?

28:48 (Burr)

I noticed the initial application – looked like localhost:8080 – so if I want to use the cloud, I’ve already established a local application server where I’m running this war file you’ve delivered to me just to deploy my war file to the cloud?

30:00 (unknown #1)

Describe how the management nodes interact with the agents running on the other nodes?

31:05 (unknown #1)

Something along the lines of “two nodes in the cluster at the same time, how do you distinguish…”? Basically, how does cluster partitioning work?

31:55 (unknown #2)

I noticed that Deltacloud has been submitted to the incubator at Apache. Are there any similar plans, or do you know the history of that, or whether other projects such as Cooling Tower or other projects related to the ecosystem are going to also be submitted?

33:37 (unknown #3)

Can you show an example of how Cooling Tower is configured?

34:12 Pause here to obtain our AWS credentials ;)

35:35 (Burr, I think)

What is the Upload button for? Is there a RESTful API that is engaged before I even take advantage of these parameters here?

37:15 (Burr again, I think)

What’s involved in setting all this up locally on my developer desktop so I can try this stuff out?

38:09 (Burr YET AGAIN!)

So get everything from the Linux command line, vmware, virtualbox…?

39:14 (Three guesses! Burr)

Wouldn’t corporate firewalls block access to EC2? From my desktop out to the world?

39:31 (Surprise, surprise: Burr)

So for initial adoption, it would be per-developer, so if I have 5000 developers in one organization, and 50 want to try this out – they’re all installing locally – and they decide they like it as a corporate standard, then they build a team server…?

39:57 (unknown #4, some one else, FINALLY)

The agents are part of …?

40:30 (unknown #4)

Those are written in …?

41:03 (unknown #5)

I’m a bit concerned about the proliferation of agents…

41:45 (unknown #6, maybe Burr)

And the management node is not a JON node?

41:57 (unknown #6, sure sounds like Burr)

You’re saying that the management node and the management server – I’m getting confused on the terminology – one’s a Ruby thing, and one’s really a JBoss server?

42:18 (unknown #7)

This sounds great as, you mentioned earlier, a corporation service. But right now …, what is the roadmap and direction that we can move forward to make this fully fleshed out?

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