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Last active May 29, 2023 09:55
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An example of using a kernel density estimate as a prior in a pymc model that can be updated based on the posterior sample.
from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde
import pymc
from math import log
from matplotlib import pyplot
def KernelSmoothing(name, dataset, bw_method=None, lower=float('-inf'), upper=float('inf'), observed=False, value=None):
'''Create a pymc node whose distribution comes from a kernel smoothing density estimate.'''
density = gaussian_kde(dataset, bw_method)
lower_tail = 0
upper_tail = 0
if lower > float('-inf'):
lower_tail = density.integrate_box(float('-inf'),lower)
if upper < float('inf'):
upper_tail = density.integrate_box(upper,float('inf'))
factor = 1.0/(1.0 - lower_tail - upper_tail)
def logp(value):
if value < lower or value > upper:
return float('-inf')
d = density(value)
if d == 0.0:
return float('-inf')
return log(factor*density(value))
def random():
result = None
while result == None:
result = density.resample(1)[0][0]
if result < lower or result > upper:
result = None
return result
if value == None:
value = random()
dtype = type(value)
result = pymc.Stochastic(logp = logp,
doc = 'A kernel smoothing density node.',
name = name,
parents = {},
random = random,
trace = True,
value = dataset[0],
dtype = dtype,
observed = observed,
cache_depth = 2,
plot = True,
verbose = 0)
return result
# Use the KernelSmoothing node to update a prior after new information is added
#True value, used to generate observed values
xtrue = 2
#Initial prior to be passed to the KernelSmoothing node
x = pymc.rnormal(0, 0.01, size=5000)
#Plot the prior
pyplot.title('Prior Distribution of X')
for i in range(10):
#Create the KernelSmoothing node
X = KernelSmoothing('X', x)
# f(x) = x*x
Y = X*X
#Create the observed node with data generated from the true distribution
OBS = pymc.Normal('OBS', Y, 0.1, value=xtrue*xtrue+pymc.rnormal(0,1), observed=True)
#Do the sampling
model = pymc.Model([X,Y,OBS])
mcmc = pymc.MCMC(model)
#Get the posterior sample, to be passed into the KernelSmoothing node on the next iteration
x = mcmc.trace('X')[:]
#Display the histogram of the posterior distribution
pyplot.title('Posterior Distribution of X: %d Iterations' % (i+1,))
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