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Last active December 26, 2015 22:09
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  • Save jcrudy/7221551 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jcrudy/7221551 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a comparison between the R package "earth" and a Python implementation of multivariate adaptive regression splines. It currently requires the pull request at
Comparison with the R package
This script randomly generates earth-style models, then randomly generates data from those models and
fits earth models to those data using both the python (:class:`Earth`) and R implementations. It records the sample size,
m, the number of input dimensions, n, the number of forward pass iterations, the runtime, and the r^2
statistic for each fit and writes the result to a CSV file. This script requires pandas, rpy2, and a
functioning R installation with the earth package installed.
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy
import pandas.rpy.common as com
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
import time
import pandas
from import Earth
class DataGenerator(object):
def __init__(self):
def generate(self, m):
class NoiseGenerator(DataGenerator):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def generate(self, m):
X = numpy.random.normal(size=(m, self.n))
y = numpy.random.normal(size=m)
return X, y
class LinearGenerator(DataGenerator):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def generate(self, m):
X = numpy.random.normal(size=(m, self.n))
beta = numpy.random.normal(size=self.n)
y =, beta) + numpy.random.normal(m)
return X, y
class VFunctionGenerator(DataGenerator):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def generate(self, m):
X = numpy.random.normal(size=(m, self.n))
var = numpy.random.randint(self.n)
y = 10 * abs(X[:, var]) + numpy.random.normal(m)
return X, y
class UFunctionGenerator(DataGenerator):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def generate(self, m):
X = numpy.random.normal(size=(m, self.n))
var = numpy.random.randint(self.n)
y = 10 * (X[:, var] ** 2) + numpy.random.normal(m)
return X, y
class RandomComplexityGenerator(DataGenerator):
def __init__(self, n, max_terms=10, max_degree=2):
self.n = n
self.max_terms = max_terms
self.max_degree = max_degree
def generate(self, m):
X = numpy.random.normal(size=(m, self.n))
#Including the intercept
num_terms = numpy.random.randint(2, self.max_terms)
coef = 10 * numpy.random.normal(size=num_terms)
B = numpy.ones(shape=(m, num_terms))
B[:, 0] += coef[0]
for i in range(1, num_terms):
degree = numpy.random.randint(1, self.max_degree)
for bf in range(degree):
knot = numpy.random.normal()
dir = 1 - 2 * numpy.random.binomial(1, .5)
var = numpy.random.randint(0, self.n)
B[:, i] *= (dir * (X[:, var] - knot)) * \
(dir * (X[:, var] - knot) > 0)
y =, coef) + numpy.random.normal(size=m)
return X, y
def run_earth(X, y, **kwargs):
'''Run with the R package earth. Return prediction value, training time, and number of forward pass iterations.'''
r = robjects.r
m, n = X.shape
data = pandas.DataFrame(X)
data['y'] = y
r_data = com.convert_to_r_dataframe(data)
r_func = '''
run <- function(data, degree=1, fast.k=0, penalty=3.0){
time = system.time(model <- earth(y~.,data=data,degree=degree,penalty=penalty))[3]
forward_terms = dim(summary(model)$prune.terms)[1]
y_pred = predict(model,data)
return(list(y_pred, time, forward_terms, model))
run = r('run')
r_list = run(
**{'data': r_data,
'degree': kwargs['max_degree'],
'fast.k': 0,
'penalty': kwargs['penalty']})
y_pred = numpy.array(r_list[0]).reshape(m)
time = r_list[1][0]
forward_terms = r_list[2][0]
return y_pred, time, (forward_terms - 1) / 2
def run_pyearth(X, y, **kwargs):
'''Run with pyearth. Return prediction value, training time, and number of forward pass iterations.'''
model = Earth(**kwargs)
t0 = time.time(), y)
t1 = time.time()
y_pred = model.predict(X)
forward_iterations = len(model.forward_trace()) - 1
return y_pred, t1 - t0, forward_iterations
def compare(generator_class, sample_sizes, dimensions, repetitions, **kwargs):
'''Return a data table that includes m, n, pyearth or earth, training time, and number of forward pass iterations.'''
header = [
data = []
for n in dimensions:
generator = generator_class(n=n)
for m in sample_sizes:
for rep in range(repetitions):
X, y = generator.generate(m=m)
y_pred_r, time_r, iter_r = run_earth(X, y, **kwargs)
rsq_r = 1 - (numpy.sum((y - y_pred_r) ** 2)) / (
numpy.sum((y - numpy.mean(y)) ** 2))
data.append([m, n, 0, 1, time_r, iter_r, rsq_r])
y_pred_py, time_py, iter_py = run_pyearth(X, y, **kwargs)
rsq_py = 1 - \
(numpy.sum((y - y_pred_py) ** 2)) / (
numpy.sum((y - numpy.mean(y)) ** 2))
data.append([m, n, 1, 0, time_py, iter_py, rsq_py])
return pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=header)
if __name__ == '__main__':
sample_sizes = [100, 200, 300, 500]
dimensions = [10, 20, 30]
rep = 5
data = compare(
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