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Forked from jjjjeeffff/gist:170850
Created August 20, 2009 05:04
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from pprint import pprint
import re
import sys
import urllib2
URL = ""
TRANSLATIONS = {(1, "Label1"): "mileage",
(1, "Label2"): "hp",
(1, "Panel1"): "make",
(2, "Label1"): "hp",
(2, "Label2"): "hpx",
(2, "Panel1"): "transmission"}
def info_transform(item, depth=1):
id, field = item[0].replace("ctl", "").split("_")[-2:]
id = int(id)
if (depth, field) in TRANSLATIONS:
field = TRANSLATIONS[(depth, field)]
value = " ".join([word for word in item[1].split(" ")
if word])
if not value:
return None
# check for digits
value_ = value.replace(",", "")
if value_.isdigit():
value = int(value_)
return [id, field, value]
def main(argv):
doc = file('cache.html').read()
doc = urllib2.urlopen(URL).read()
file('cache.html', 'w').write(doc)
doc = doc.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
ids = re.compile(r'id="(.+?)"').findall(doc)
ids = [tag for tag in ids if 'GridView1_ctl' in tag]
info_re = re.compile(r'id="(.+?)".*?>([^<]+)</')
info = [[el.strip() for el in tag]
for tag
in info_re.findall(doc)
if tag[0] in ids]
# transform keys
info = [info_transform(item) for item in info
if info_transform(item)]
info_re = re.compile(r'id="(.+?)".*?><.*?>([^<]+)</')
info = [[el.strip() for el in tag]
for tag
in info_re.findall(doc)
if tag[0] in ids]
info = [info_transform(item, depth=2) for item in info
if info_transform(item)]
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
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