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Last active October 24, 2023 13:03
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AutoHotkey script to make the play/pause button on headsets skip to next/previous track when double/triple pressed
; Play/Pause Multi Function
; Copyright 2022 James Teh
; License: GNU General Public License
#SingleInstance Force
; Ensure we don't intercept our own sending of play/pause.
#If (!sendingPlayPause)
presses += 1
; Don't handle a previous press until we know whether this is a hold.
SetTimer, handlePress, Delete
; Wait to see if the key is being held.
longHoldPresses := 0
SetTimer, handleHold, -500
; GetKeyState doesn't seem to work for Media_Play_Pause, but thankfully this
; does.
Media_Play_Pause up::
SetTimer, handleHold, Delete
if (presses = 0) {
; This was a hold, not a press.
; After each press, delay to give the user time for additional presses.
SetTimer, handlePress, -250
if (presses = 1) {
sendingPlayPause := true
Send {Media_Play_Pause}
sendingPlayPause := false
} else if (presses = 2) {
Send {Media_Next}
} else if (presses = 3) {
Send {Media_Prev}
presses := 0
; For fast forward and rewind, we repeat the presses if the
; button continues to be held. This is the purpose of longHoldPresses.
if (presses = 1) {
; Handle single long press
} else if (presses = 2 or longHoldPresses = 2) {
; Fast forward. Map to shift+nextTrack.
Send +{Media_Next}
} else if (presses = 3 or longHoldPresses = 3) {
; Rewind. Map to shift+previousTrack.
Send +{Media_Prev}
if (presses > 0) {
longHoldPresses := presses
presses := 0
; Handle continued holding of the button.
SetTimer, handleHold, 100
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