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Last active November 21, 2018 00:54
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User script to improve the accessibility of Sched
// ==UserScript==
// @name Sched Accessibility Fixes
// @namespace
// @description Improves the accessibility of Sched.
// @author James Teh <>
// @copyright 2018 Mozilla Corporation
// @license Mozilla Public License version 2.0
// @version 2018.1
// @grant GM_log
// @include https://**
// ==/UserScript==
/*** Functions for common tweaks. ***/
function makeHeading(el, level) {
el.setAttribute("role", "heading");
el.setAttribute("aria-level", level);
function makeRegion(el, label) {
el.setAttribute("role", "region");
el.setAttribute("aria-label", label);
function makeButton(el, label) {
el.setAttribute("role", "button");
el.setAttribute("aria-label", label);
function makePresentational(el) {
el.setAttribute("role", "presentation");
function setLabel(el, label) {
el.setAttribute("aria-label", label);
function makeHidden(el) {
el.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
function setExpanded(el, expanded) {
el.setAttribute("aria-expanded", expanded ? "true" : "false");
/*** Code to apply the tweaks when appropriate. ***/
function applyTweak(el, tweak) {
if (Array.isArray(tweak.tweak)) {
let [func, ...args] = tweak.tweak;
func(el, ...args);
} else {
function applyTweaks(root, tweaks, checkRoot) {
for (let tweak of tweaks) {
for (let el of root.querySelectorAll(tweak.selector)) {
applyTweak(el, tweak);
if (checkRoot && root.matches(tweak.selector)) {
applyTweak(root, tweak);
function init() {
applyTweaks(document, LOAD_TWEAKS, false);
applyTweaks(document, DYNAMIC_TWEAKS, false);
let observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
for (let mutation of mutations) {
try {
if (mutation.type === "childList") {
for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (node.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
applyTweaks(node, DYNAMIC_TWEAKS, true);
} else if (mutation.type === "attributes") {
if (mutation.attributeName == "class") {
applyTweaks(, DYNAMIC_TWEAKS, true);
} catch (e) {
// Catch exceptions for individual mutations so other mutations are still handled.
GM_log("Exception while handling mutation: " + e);
observer.observe(document, {childList: true, attributes: true,
subtree: true, attributeFilter: ["class"]});
/*** Define the actual tweaks. ***/
// Tweaks that only need to be applied on load.
const LOAD_TWEAKS = [
{selector: '#sched-logo a',
tweak: [setLabel, "Home"]},
{selector: '.sched-share-mobile',
tweak: [setLabel, "Mobile App + iCal"]},
{selector: '.sched-container-header',
tweak: [makeHeading, 2]},
// Text on event pages which says "Click here to add to My Sched". Redundant
// because clicking it does nothing and the actual button is labeled below.
{selector: '#add-reminder',
tweak: makeHidden},
// Avatars are unlabelled. They have tool tips, but they get assigned to
// aria-describedby and only after mouse hover.
// Fortunately, the tool tip text is stored in an "oldtitle" attribute.
{selector: '.sched-avatar',
tweak: el => {
let label = el.getAttribute("oldtitle");
if (label) {
el.setAttribute("aria-label", label);
// Tweaks that must be applied whenever a node is added/changed.
{selector: ':not(.sub)>.ev-save',
tweak: [makeButton, "Add to My Sched"]},
{selector: '.sub>.ev-save',
tweak: [makeButton, "Remove from My Sched"]},
{selector: '.dropdown:not(.open)>.dropdown-toggle',
tweak: [setExpanded, false]},
{selector: '>.dropdown-toggle',
tweak: [setExpanded, true]},
/*** Lights, camera, action! ***/
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