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Last active September 5, 2019 20:11
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  • Save jctanner/c20d7f30ec4967ddb5eea3585e91a553 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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diff --git a/ b/
index 13a033b..82b2cf1 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ def copy_unit_tests(checkout_path, collection_dir, plugin_type, plugin, spec):
for td, tm in (os.path.split(p) for p in matching_test_modules):
copy_map[td]['to'] = os.path.join(
- collection_dir, 'test', 'unit',
+ collection_dir, 'tests', 'unit',
plugin_type, plugin_dir,
# Add subdirs that may contain related test artifacts/fixtures
@@ -657,12 +657,14 @@ def copy_tests(plugin, coll, spec, args):
list_of_targets = [] # TODO: same as above require from spec or find for ourselves?
if list_of_targets:
- dst = os.path.join(cdir, 'test', 'integration', 'targets')
+ dst = os.path.join(cdir, 'tests', 'integration', 'targets')
if not os.path.exists(dst):
for uf in v['targets']:
fuf = os.path.join(args.vardir, 'test', 'integration', 'targets', uf)
duf = os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(fuf))
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(fuf))):
shutil.copytree(fuf, duf)
@@ -741,6 +743,8 @@ def rewrite_integration_tests(test_dirs, checkout_dir, collection_dir, namespace
dest_dir = os.path.join(collection_dir, os.path.relpath(dirpath, checkout_dir))
+ dest_dir = dest_dir.replace('/test/', '/tests/')
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# also dynamically imports ansible in code
import argparse
import configparser
import glob
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import yaml
from collections import defaultdict
from import Mapping, Sequence
from importlib import import_module
from string import Template
from ansible.vars.reserved import is_reserved_name
from logzero import logger
from baron.parser import ParsingError
import redbaron
FILTER_RE = re.compile(r'((.+?)\s*([\w \.\'"]+)(\s*)\|(\s*)(\w+))')
TEST_RE = re.compile(r'((.+?)\s*([\w \.\'"]+)(\s*)is(\s*)(\w+))')
DEVEL_BRANCH = 'devel'
VARDIR = os.environ.get('GRAVITY_VAR_DIR', '.cache')
COLLECTION_NAMESPACE = 'test_migrate_ns'
PLUGIN_EXCEPTION_PATHS = {'modules': 'lib/ansible/modules', 'module_utils': 'lib/ansible/module_utils', 'lookups': 'lib/ansible/plugins/lookup'}
RAW_STR_TMPL = "r'''{str_val}'''"
STR_TMPL = "'''{str_val}'''"
core = {}
manual_check = []
def add_core(ptype, name):
global core
if ptype not in core:
core[ptype] = set()
def add_manual_check(key, value):
global manual_check
# FIXME add the file too
manual_check.append((key, value))
def checkout_repo(vardir=VARDIR, refresh=False):
releases_dir = os.path.join(vardir, 'releases')
devel_path = os.path.join(releases_dir, f'{DEVEL_BRANCH}.git')
if refresh and os.path.exists(devel_path):
subprocess.check_call(('git', 'checkout', DEVEL_BRANCH), cwd=devel_path)
subprocess.check_call(('git', 'pull', '--rebase'), cwd=devel_path)
if not os.path.exists(releases_dir):
if not os.path.exists(devel_path):
subprocess.check_call(('git', 'clone', DEVEL_URL, f'{DEVEL_BRANCH}.git'), cwd=releases_dir)
# ===== FILE utils =====
def read_yaml_file(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as yaml_file:
return yaml.safe_load(yaml_file)
def write_yaml_into_file_as_is(path, data):
yaml_text = yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False)
write_text_into_file(path, yaml_text)
def read_text_from_file(path):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
def write_text_into_file(path, text):
with open(path, 'w') as f:
return f.write(text)
# ===== SPEC utils =====
def load_spec_file(spec_file):
spec = read_yaml_file(spec_file) # TODO: capture yamlerror?
if not isinstance(spec, Mapping):
sys.exit("Invalid format for spec file, expected a dictionary and got %s" % type(spec))
elif not spec:
sys.exit("Cannot use spec file, ended up with empty spec")
return spec
def resolve_spec(spec, checkoutdir):
# TODO: add negation? entry: x/* \n entry: !x/
for coll in spec.keys():
for ptype in spec[coll].keys():
plugin_base = os.path.join(checkoutdir, PLUGIN_EXCEPTION_PATHS.get(ptype, os.path.join('lib', 'ansible', 'plugins', ptype)))
replace_base = '%s/' % plugin_base
for entry in spec[coll][ptype]:
if r'*' in entry or r'?' in entry:
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(plugin_base, entry))
for fname in files:
if ptype != 'module_utils' and fname.endswith('') or not os.path.isfile(fname):
fname = fname.replace(replace_base, '')
spec[coll][ptype].insert(0, fname)
# clean out glob entry
# ===== GET_PLUGINS utils =====
def get_plugin_collection(plugin_name, plugin_type, spec):
for collection in spec.keys():
if spec[collection]: # avoid empty collections
plugins = spec[collection].get(plugin_type, [])
if plugin_name + '.py' in plugins:
return collection
# keep info
plugin_name = plugin_name.replace('/', '.')
logger.debug('Assuming "%s.%s " stays in core' % (plugin_type, plugin_name))
add_core(plugin_type, plugin_name.replace('/', '.'))
raise LookupError('Could not find "%s" named "%s" in any collection in the spec' % (plugin_type, plugin_name))
def get_plugins_from_collection(collection, plugin_type, spec):
assert collection in spec
return [plugin.rsplit('/')[-1][:-3] for plugin in spec[collection].get(plugin_type, [])]
def get_plugin_fqcn(namespace, collection, plugin_name):
return '%s.%s.%s' % (namespace, collection, plugin_name)
def rewrite_doc_fragments(mod_fst, collection, spec, namespace):
doc_val = (
find('name', value='DOCUMENTATION').
except AttributeError:
raise LookupError('No DOCUMENTATION found')
doc_str_tmpl = RAW_STR_TMPL if doc_val.type == 'raw_string' else STR_TMPL
# Turn `'strng'` into `strng` and `r'strng'` into `strng`
# so that we don't feed a quoted string into the YAML parser:
doc_txt = doc_val.to_python()
docs_parsed = yaml.safe_load(doc_txt.strip('\n'))
fragments = docs_parsed.get('extends_documentation_fragment', [])
if not isinstance(fragments, list):
fragments = [fragments]
deps = []
for fragment in fragments:
# some doc_fragments use subsections (e.g. vmware.vcenter_documentation)
fragment_name, _dot, _rest = fragment.partition('.')
fragment_collection = get_plugin_collection(fragment_name, 'doc_fragments', spec)
except LookupError:
# plugin not in spec, assuming it stays in core and leaving as is
if fragment_collection.startswith('_'):
# skip rewrite
# TODO what if it's in a different namespace (different spec)? do we care?
new_fragment = get_plugin_fqcn(namespace, fragment_collection, fragment)
# `doc_val` holds a baron representation of the string node
# of type 'string' or 'raw_string'. Updating its `.value`
# via assigning the new one replaces the node in FST.
# Also, in order to generate a string or raw-string literal,
# we need to wrap it with a corresponding pair of quotes.
# If we don't do this, we'd generate the following Python code
# ```
# DOCUMENTATION = some string value
# ```
# instead of the correct
# ```
# DOCUMENTATION = r'''some string value'''
# ```
# or
# ```
# DOCUMENTATION = '''some string value'''
# ```
# TODO figure out whether this can be improved
doc_val.value = doc_str_tmpl.format(
str_val=doc_txt.replace(fragment, new_fragment),
if collection != fragment_collection:
return deps
def rewrite_imports(mod_fst, collection, spec, namespace):
"""Rewrite imports map."""
plugins_path = ('ansible_collections', namespace, collection, 'plugins')
import_map = {
('ansible', 'module_utils'): plugins_path + ('module_utils', ),
('ansible', 'plugins'): plugins_path,
return rewrite_imports_in_fst(mod_fst, import_map, collection, spec)
def match_import_src(imp_src, import_map):
"""Find a replacement map entry matching the current import."""
imp_src_tuple = tuple(t.value for t in imp_src)
for old_imp, new_imp in import_map.items():
token_length = len(old_imp)
if imp_src_tuple[:token_length] != old_imp:
return token_length, new_imp
raise LookupError(f"Couldn't find a replacement for {imp_src!s}")
def rewrite_imports_in_fst(mod_fst, import_map, collection, spec):
"""Replace imports in the python module FST."""
deps = []
for imp in mod_fst.find_all(('import', 'from_import')):
imp_src = imp.value
if imp.type == 'import':
imp_src = imp_src[0].value
token_length, exchange = match_import_src(imp_src, import_map)
except LookupError:
continue # no matching imports
if len(imp.find_all('name_as_name', value='g:*Base*')) > 0:
continue # Skip imports of Base classes
if len(imp.find_all('name_as_name', value='g:*loader*')) > 0:
continue # Skip imports of
if imp_src[1].value == 'module_utils':
plugin_type = 'module_utils'
plugin_name = '/'.join(t.value for t in imp_src[token_length:])
if not plugin_name:
# 'from ansible.module_utils import distro'
plugin_name = imp.targets[0].value
# NOTE multiple targets? - git grep says there is not such case now
# NOTE 'from ansible.module_utils import $module as $alias'? - git grep says there is not such case now
elif imp_src[1].value == 'plugins':
plugin_type = imp_src[2].value
plugin_name = imp_src[3].value
except IndexError:
# FIXME logging an error to investigate for now
# one example I found is: from ansible.plugins.cache import CachePluginAdjudicator as CacheObject
logger.error('Could not get plugin type or name from ' + str(imp) + '. Is this expected?')
raise Exception('BUG: Could not process import: ' + str(imp))
plugin_collection = get_plugin_collection(plugin_name, plugin_type, spec)
except LookupError as e:
# plugin not in spec, assuming it stays in core and skipping
if plugin_collection.startswith('_'):
# skip rewrite
imp_src[:token_length] = exchange # replace the import
if plugin_collection != collection:
imp_src[2] = plugin_collection
return deps
def read_module_txt_n_fst(path):
"""Parse module source code in form of Full Syntax Tree."""
mod_src_text = read_text_from_file(path)
return mod_src_text, redbaron.RedBaron(mod_src_text)
except ParsingError:
logger.exception('failed parsing on %s', mod_src_text)
def copy_unit_tests(checkout_path, collection_dir, plugin_type, plugin, spec):
"""Find all unit tests and related artifacts for the given plugin.
Return the copy map.
type_subdir = (
if plugin_type in ('modules', 'module_utils')
else os.path.join('plugins', plugin_type)
# Narrow down the search area
type_base_subdir = os.path.join(
checkout_path, 'test', 'units',
# Find all test modules with the same ending as the current plugin
plugin_dir, plugin_mod = os.path.split(plugin)
matching_test_modules = glob.glob(os.path.join(type_base_subdir, plugin_dir, f'*{plugin_mod}'))
if not matching_test_modules:'No tests matching %s/%s found', plugin_type, plugin)
# Figure out what to copy and where
copy_map = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set))
for td, tm in (os.path.split(p) for p in matching_test_modules):
copy_map[td]['to'] = os.path.join(
collection_dir, 'tests', 'unit',
plugin_type, plugin_dir,
# Add subdirs that may contain related test artifacts/fixtures
# Also add important modules like conftest or __init__
for path in os.listdir(td):
is_dir = os.path.isdir(os.path.join(td, path))
if not is_dir and path.startswith('test_'):
copy_map[td]['dirs' if is_dir else 'files'].add(path)
# Actually copy tests
for test_dir, mapped_tests in copy_map.items():
dest = mapped_tests['to']
files = mapped_tests['files']
dirs = mapped_tests['dirs']
# Ensure target dir exists
os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True)
for f in files:
shutil.copy(os.path.join(test_dir, f), dest)
for d in dirs:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dest, d), ignore_errors=True)
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(test_dir, d), os.path.join(dest, d))'Unit tests copied for %s/%s', plugin_type, plugin)
return copy_map
# ===== MAKE COLLECTIONS =====
def assemble_collections(spec, args):
# NOTE releases_dir is already created by checkout_repo(), might want to move all that to something like ensure_dirs() ...
releases_dir = os.path.join(args.vardir, 'releases')
checkout_path = os.path.join(releases_dir, f'{DEVEL_BRANCH}.git')
collections_base_dir = os.path.join(args.vardir, 'collections')
meta_dir = os.path.join(args.vardir, 'meta')
integration_test_dirs = []
resolve_spec(spec, checkout_path)
if args.refresh and os.path.exists(collections_base_dir):
# make initial YAML transformation to minimize the diff
mark_moved_resources(checkout_path, 'init', set())
seen = {}
migrated_to_collection = defaultdict(set)
for collection in spec.keys():
if collection.startswith('_'):
# these are placeholder collections
collection_dir = os.path.join(collections_base_dir, 'ansible_collections', args.namespace, collection)
if args.refresh and os.path.exists(collection_dir):
if not os.path.exists(collection_dir):
# create the data for galaxy.yml
galaxy_metadata = {
'namespace': args.namespace,
'name': collection,
'version': '1.0.0', # TODO: add to spec, args?
'readme': None,
'authors': None,
'description': None,
'license': None,
'license_file': None,
'tags': None,
'dependencies': {},
'repository': None,
'documentation': None,
'homepage': None,
'issues': None
for plugin_type in spec[collection].keys():
# get right plugin path
if plugin_type not in PLUGIN_EXCEPTION_PATHS:
src_plugin_base = os.path.join('lib', 'ansible', 'plugins', plugin_type)
src_plugin_base = PLUGIN_EXCEPTION_PATHS[plugin_type]
# ensure destinations exist
dest_plugin_base = os.path.join(collection_dir, 'plugins', plugin_type)
if not os.path.exists(dest_plugin_base):
with open(os.path.join(dest_plugin_base, ''), 'w') as f:
# process each plugin
for plugin in spec[collection][plugin_type]:
plugin_sig = '%s/%s' % (plugin_type, plugin)
if plugin_sig in seen:
raise ValueError(
'Each plugin needs to be assigned to one collection '
f'only. {plugin_sig} has already been processed as a '
f'part of `{seen[plugin_sig]}` collection.'
seen[plugin_sig] = collection
# TODO: currently requires 'full name of file', but should work w/o extension?
src = os.path.join(checkout_path, src_plugin_base, plugin)
migrated_to_collection[collection].add(os.path.join(src_plugin_base, plugin))
if (args.preserve_module_subdirs and plugin_type == 'modules') or plugin_type == 'module_utils':
dest = os.path.join(dest_plugin_base, plugin)
dest_dir = os.path.dirname(dest)
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
dest = os.path.join(dest_plugin_base, os.path.basename(plugin))
if not os.path.exists(src):
raise Exception('Spec specifies "%s" but file "%s" is not found in checkout' % (plugin, src))
if os.path.islink(src):
real_src = os.path.realpath(src)
real_base = os.path.basename(real_src)
cmd = 'cd %s; ln -s %s %s' % (dest_plugin_base, real_base, os.path.basename(dest))
rdata = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
elif not src.endswith('.py'):
# its not all python files, copy and go to next
# TODO: handle powershell import rewrites
shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
mod_src_text, mod_fst = read_module_txt_n_fst(src)
import_dependencies = rewrite_imports(mod_fst, collection, spec, args.namespace)
docs_dependencies = rewrite_doc_fragments(mod_fst, collection, spec, args.namespace)
except LookupError as err:
docs_dependencies = []'%s in %s', err, src)
plugin_data_new = mod_fst.dumps()
if mod_src_text != plugin_data_new:
for dep in docs_dependencies + import_dependencies:
dep_collection = '%s.%s' % (args.namespace, dep)
# FIXME hardcoded version
galaxy_metadata['dependencies'][dep_collection] = '>=1.0''rewriting plugin references in %s' % dest)
write_text_into_file(dest, plugin_data_new)
integration_test_dirs.extend(poor_mans_integration_tests_discovery(checkout_path, plugin_type, plugin))
# process unit tests TODO: sanity? , integration?
checkout_path, collection_dir,
plugin_type, plugin, spec,
# FIXME need to hack PyYAML to preserve formatting (not how much it's possible or how much it is work) or use e.g. ruamel.yaml
rewrite_integration_tests(integration_test_dirs, checkout_path, collection_dir, args.namespace, collection, spec)
except yaml.composer.ComposerError as e:
global integration_tests_deps
for dep in integration_tests_deps:
dep_collection = '%s.%s' % (args.namespace, dep)
# FIXME hardcoded version
galaxy_metadata['dependencies'][dep_collection] = '>=1.0'
integration_test_dirs = []
integration_tests_deps = set()
# write collection metadata
os.path.join(collection_dir, 'galaxy.yml'),
# init git repo
subprocess.check_call(('git', 'init'), cwd=collection_dir)
subprocess.check_call(('git', 'add', '.'), cwd=collection_dir)
('git', 'commit', '-m', 'Initial commit', '--allow-empty'),
checkout_path, collection, migrated_to_collection[collection],
def mark_moved_resources(checkout_dir, collection, migrated_to_collection):
"""Mark migrated paths in botmeta."""
moved_collection_url = (
botmeta_rel_path = '.github/BOTMETA.yml'
botmeta_checkout_path = os.path.join(checkout_dir, botmeta_rel_path)
close_related_issues = False
botmeta = read_yaml_file(botmeta_checkout_path)
botmeta_files = botmeta['files']
botmeta_file_paths = botmeta_files.keys()
botmeta_macros = botmeta['macros']
transformed_path_key_map = {}
for k in botmeta_file_paths:
transformed_key = Template(k).substitute(**botmeta_macros)
if transformed_key == k:
transformed_path_key_map[transformed_key] = k
for migrated_resource in migrated_to_collection:
macro_path = transformed_path_key_map.get(
migrated_resource, migrated_resource,
migrated_secion = botmeta_files.get(macro_path)
if not migrated_secion:
migrated_secion = botmeta_files[macro_path] = {}
elif isinstance(migrated_secion, str):
migrated_secion = botmeta_files[macro_path] = {
'maintainers': migrated_secion,
migrated_secion['close'] = close_related_issues
migrated_secion['moved'] = moved_collection_url
write_yaml_into_file_as_is(botmeta_checkout_path, botmeta)
# Commit changes to the migrated Git repo
('git', 'add', f'{botmeta_rel_path!s}'),
'git', 'commit',
'-m', f'Mark migrated {collection}',
def copy_tests(plugin, coll, spec, args):
# TODO: tests might also require rewriting imports, docfragments and even play/tasks,
# why i made functions above from preexisting code
# need to fix these imports in the unit tests
dst = os.path.join(plugin, 'test', 'unit')
if not os.path.exists(dst):
for uf in spec['units']: # TODO: should we rely on spec or 'autofind' matching units of same name/type?
fuf = os.path.join(args.vardir, 'test', 'units', uf)
if os.path.isdir(fuf):
#import epdb;
fns = glob.glob('%s/*' % fuf)
for fn in fns:
if os.path.isdir(fn):
shutil.copytree(fn, os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(fn)))
except Exception as e:
shutil.copy(fn, os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(fn)))
elif os.path.isfile(fuf):
fuf_dst = os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(fuf))
shutil.copy(fuf, fuf_dst)
cmd = 'find %s -type f -name "*.py"' % (dst)
res = run_command(cmd)
unit_files = sorted([x.strip() for x in res['so'].split('\n') if x.strip()])
for unit_file in unit_files:
# fix the module import paths to be relative
# from import vmware_guest
# from ...plugins.modules import vmware_guest
depth = unit_file.replace(cdir, '')
depth = depth.lstrip('/')
depth = os.path.dirname(depth)
depth = depth.split('/')
rel_path = '.'.join(['' for x in range(-1, len(depth))])
with open(unit_file, 'r') as f:
unit_lines = f.readlines()
unit_lines = [x.rstrip() for x in unit_lines]
changed = False
for module in module_names:
for li,line in enumerate(unit_lines):
if line.startswith('from ') and line.endswith(module):
unit_lines[li] = 'from %s.plugins.modules import %s' % (rel_path, module)
changed = True
if changed:
with open(unit_file, 'w') as f:
#import epdb;
list_of_targets = [] # TODO: same as above require from spec or find for ourselves?
if list_of_targets:
dst = os.path.join(cdir, 'tests', 'integration', 'targets')
if not os.path.exists(dst):
for uf in v['targets']:
fuf = os.path.join(args.vardir, 'test', 'integration', 'targets', uf)
duf = os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(fuf))
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(fuf))):
shutil.copytree(fuf, duf)
except Exception as e:
import epdb;
# set namespace for all module refs
cmd = 'find %s -type f -name "*.yml"' % (duf)
res = run_command(cmd)
yfiles = res['so'].split('\n')
yfiles = [x.strip() for x in yfiles if x.strip()]
for yf in yfiles:
with open(yf, 'r') as f:
ydata =
_ydata = ydata[:]
for module in v['modules']:
msrc = os.path.basename(module)
msrc = msrc.replace('.py', '')
msrc = msrc.replace('.ps1', '')
msrc = msrc.replace('.ps2', '')
mdst = '%s.%s.%s' % (args.namespace, coll, msrc)
if msrc not in ydata or mdst in ydata:
#import epdb;
ydata = ydata.replace(msrc, mdst)
# fix import_role calls?
#tasks = yaml.load(ydata)
#import epdb;
if ydata != _ydata:'fixing module calls in %s' % yf)
with open(yf, 'w') as f:
# Rewrite integration tests
integration_tests_deps = set()
def integration_tests_add_to_deps(collection, dep_collection):
if collection == dep_collection:
global integration_tests_deps
logger.debug("Adding " + dep_collection + " as a dep for " + collection)
def poor_mans_integration_tests_discovery(checkout_dir, plugin_type, plugin_name):
# FIXME this might be actually enough for modules integration tests, at least for the most part
if plugin_type != 'modules':
return []
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(checkout_dir, 'test/integration/targets', os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(plugin_name)[0])))
for fname in files:
logger.debug('Found integration tests for %s %s in %s' % (plugin_type, plugin_name, fname))
return files
def rewrite_integration_tests(test_dirs, checkout_dir, collection_dir, namespace, collection, spec):
# FIXME move to diff file
# FIXME module_defaults groups
for test_dir in test_dirs:
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(test_dir):
for filename in filenames:
full_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
dest_dir = os.path.join(collection_dir, os.path.relpath(dirpath, checkout_dir))
dest_dir = dest_dir.replace('/test/', '/tests/')
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename)
dummy, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if ext in ('.py',):
# FIXME duplicate code from the 'main' function
mod_src_text, mod_fst = read_module_txt_n_fst(full_path)
import_dependencies = rewrite_imports(mod_fst, collection, spec, namespace)
docs_dependencies = rewrite_doc_fragments(mod_fst, collection, spec, namespace)
except LookupError as err:
docs_dependencies = []'%s in %s', err, full_path)
plugin_data_new = mod_fst.dumps()
for dep in docs_dependencies + import_dependencies:
integration_tests_add_to_deps(collection, dep)
write_text_into_file(dest, plugin_data_new)
elif ext in ('.ps1',):
elif ext in ('.yml', '.yaml'):
rewrite_yaml(full_path, dest, namespace, collection, spec)
elif ext in ('.sh',):
rewrite_sh(full_path, dest, namespace, collection, spec)
elif filename == 'ansible.cfg':
rewrite_ini(full_path, dest, namespace, collection, spec)
shutil.copy2(full_path, dest)
def rewrite_sh(full_path, dest, namespace, collection, spec):
sh_key_map = {
'ANSIBLE_STRATEGY': 'strategy',
'--become-method': 'become',
'-c': 'connection',
'--connection': 'connection',
contents = read_text_from_file(full_path)
for key, plugin_type in sh_key_map.items():
if not contents.find(key):
for coll in spec.keys():
plugins = get_plugins_from_collection(coll, plugin_type, spec)
for plugin_name in plugins:
if not contents.find(plugin_name):
# FIXME list
new_plugin_name = get_plugin_fqcn(namespace, coll, plugin_name)
contents = contents.replace(key + '=' + plugin_name, key + '=' + new_plugin_name)
contents = contents.replace(key + ' ' + plugin_name, key + ' ' + new_plugin_name)
integration_tests_add_to_deps(collection, coll)
write_text_into_file(dest, contents)
shutil.copystat(full_path, dest)
def rewrite_ini(src, dest, namespace, collection, spec):
ini_key_map = {
'defaults': {
'callback_whitelist': 'callback',
'fact_caching': 'cache',
'strategy': 'strategy',
'stdout_callback': 'callback',
'inventory': {
'cache_plugin': 'cache',
'enable_plugins': 'inventory',
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
for section in config.sections():
rewrite_ini_section(config, ini_key_map, section, namespace, collection, spec)
except KeyError:
with open(dest, 'w') as cf:
def rewrite_ini_section(config, key_map, section, namespace, collection, spec):
for keyword, plugin_type in key_map[section].items():
# FIXME diff input format than csv?
plugin_names = config.get(section, keyword).split(',')
except configparser.NoOptionError:
new_plugin_names = []
for plugin_name in plugin_names:
plugin_collection = get_plugin_collection(plugin_name, plugin_type, spec)
new_plugin_names.append(get_plugin_fqcn(namespace, plugin_collection, plugin_name))
integration_tests_add_to_deps(collection, plugin_collection)
except LookupError:
config.set(section, keyword, ','.join(new_plugin_names))
def rewrite_yaml(src, dest, namespace, collection, spec):
contents = read_yaml_file(src)
_rewrite_yaml(contents, namespace, collection, spec)
write_yaml_into_file_as_is(dest, contents)
def _rewrite_yaml(contents, namespace, collection, spec):
if isinstance(contents, list):
for el in contents:
_rewrite_yaml(el, namespace, collection, spec)
elif isinstance(contents, Mapping):
_rewrite_yaml_mapping(contents, namespace, collection, spec)
def _rewrite_yaml_mapping(el, namespace, collection, spec):
assert isinstance(el, Mapping)
_rewrite_yaml_mapping_keys(el, namespace, collection, spec)
_rewrite_yaml_mapping_values(el, namespace, collection, spec)
'ansible_become_method': 'become',
'ansible_connection': 'connection',
'ansible_shell_type': 'shell',
'become_method': 'become',
'cache_plugin': 'cache',
'connection': 'connection',
'plugin': 'inventory',
'strategy': 'strategy',
def _rewrite_yaml_mapping_keys(el, namespace, collection, spec):
translate = []
for key in el.keys():
if is_reserved_name(key):
plugin_type = KEYWORD_TO_PLUGIN_MAP.get(key)
if plugin_type:
plugin_collection = get_plugin_collection(el[key], plugin_type, spec)
el[key] = get_plugin_fqcn(namespace, plugin_collection, el[key])
integration_tests_add_to_deps(collection, plugin_collection)
except LookupError:
if '{{' in el[key]:
add_manual_check(key, el[key])
prefix = 'with_'
if prefix in key:
prefix_len = len(prefix)
if not key.startswith(prefix):
plugin_name = key[prefix_len:]
plugin_collection = get_plugin_collection(plugin_name, 'lookup', spec)
translate.append((prefix + get_plugin_fqcn(namespace, plugin_collection, plugin_name), key))
integration_tests_add_to_deps(collection, plugin_collection)
except LookupError:
for coll in spec.keys():
modules_in_collection = get_plugins_from_collection(coll, 'modules', spec)
except LookupError:
for module in modules_in_collection:
if key != module:
new_module_name = get_plugin_fqcn(namespace, coll, key)
translate.append((new_module_name, key))
integration_tests_add_to_deps(collection, coll)
for new_key, old_key in translate:
el[new_key] = el.pop(old_key)
def _rewrite_yaml_mapping_values(el, namespace, collection, spec):
for key, value in el.items():
if isinstance(value, Mapping):
_rewrite_yaml_mapping(el[key], namespace, collection, spec)
elif isinstance(value, list):
for idx, item in enumerate(value):
if isinstance(item, Mapping):
_rewrite_yaml_mapping(el[key][idx], namespace, collection, spec)
if key == 'module_blacklist':
for coll in spec.keys():
if item in get_plugins_from_collection(coll, 'modules', spec):
el[key][idx] = get_plugin_fqcn(namespace, coll, el[key][idx])
integration_tests_add_to_deps(collection, coll)
if isinstance(el[key][idx], str):
# FIXME move to a func
el[key][idx] = _rewrite_yaml_lookup(el[key][idx], namespace, collection, spec)
el[key][idx] = _rewrite_yaml_filter(el[key][idx], namespace, collection, spec)
el[key][idx] = _rewrite_yaml_test(el[key][idx], namespace, collection, spec)
elif isinstance(value, str):
el[key] = _rewrite_yaml_lookup(el[key], namespace, collection, spec)
el[key] = _rewrite_yaml_filter(el[key], namespace, collection, spec)
el[key] = _rewrite_yaml_test(el[key], namespace, collection, spec)
def _rewrite_yaml_lookup(value, namespace, collection, spec):
if not ('lookup(' in value or 'query(' in value or 'q(' in value):
return value
for coll in spec.keys():
for plugin_name in get_plugins_from_collection(coll, 'lookup', spec):
if plugin_name not in value:
value = value.replace(plugin_name, get_plugin_fqcn(namespace, coll, plugin_name))
integration_tests_add_to_deps(collection, coll)
return value
def _rewrite_yaml_filter(value, namespace, collection, spec):
if '|' not in value:
return value
for coll in spec.keys():
for filter_plugin_name in get_plugins_from_collection(coll, 'filter', spec):
imported_module = import_module('ansible.plugins.filter.' + filter_plugin_name)
fm = getattr(imported_module, 'FilterModule', None)
# FIXME import once
if fm is None:
filters = fm().filters().keys()
for found_filter in (match[5] for match in FILTER_RE.findall(value)):
if found_filter not in filters:
value = value.replace(found_filter, get_plugin_fqcn(namespace, coll, found_filter))
integration_tests_add_to_deps(collection, coll)
return value
def _rewrite_yaml_test(value, namespace, collection, spec):
if ' is ' not in value:
return value
for coll in spec.keys():
for test_plugin_name in get_plugins_from_collection(coll, 'test', spec):
imported_module = import_module('ansible.plugins.test.' + test_plugin_name)
tm = getattr(imported_module, 'TestModule', None)
# FIXME import once
if tm is None:
tests = tm().tests().keys()
for found_test in (match[5] for match in TEST_RE.findall(value)):
if found_test not in tests:
value = value.replace(found_test, get_plugin_fqcn(namespace, coll, found_test))
integration_tests_add_to_deps(collection, coll)
return value
# Rewrite integration tests END
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-s', '--spec', '--spec_file', required=True, dest='spec_file',
help='spec YAML file that describes how to organize collections')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--ns', '--namespace', dest='namespace', default=COLLECTION_NAMESPACE,
help='target namespace for resulting collections')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--refresh', action='store_true', dest='refresh', default=False,
help='force refreshing local Ansible checkout')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--target-dir', dest='vardir', default=VARDIR,
help='target directory for resulting collections and rpm')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--preserve-module-subdirs', action='store_true', dest='preserve_module_subdirs', default=False,
help='preserve module subdirs per spec')
args = parser.parse_args()
# required, so we should always have
spec = load_spec_file(args.spec_file)
checkout_repo(args.vardir, args.refresh)
# doeet
assemble_collections(spec, args)
global core
print('======= Assumed stayed in core =======\n')
global manual_check
print('======= Could not rewrite the following, please check manually =======\n')
for key, value in manual_check:
print(key + ": " + value)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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