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Created August 14, 2017 06:15
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Firefox Installation Fixer
sub showError(msg)
wscript.echo msg
end sub
sub help
showError "Firefox Installation Fixer" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"Usage: fif {old path} {profile} {new path}" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"e.g.:" & vbcrlf & _
" fif E:\Mozilla\Firefox profiles\john E:\Firefox" & vbcrlf & _
" fif ""E:\Mozilla Firefox"" profile E:\Firefox" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"Profile is the profile folder name within the old path." & vbcrlf & _
"e.g.: E:\Mozilla Firefox\profile" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"Below files may be modified (and named as """")." & vbcrlf & _
"- compatibility.ini" & vbcrlf & _
"- extensions.ini" & vbcrlf & _
"- extensions.json" & vbcrlf & _
"- prefs.js" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
"This tool is intended for Firefox installation that uses" & vbcrlf & _
"the -profile switch to launch the web browser."
end sub
function checkPath(path)
orgPath = shl.currentdirectory
on error resume next
shl.currentdirectory = path
on error goto 0
checkPath = err.number
set folder = fso.getfolder(shl.currentdirectory)
fullPath = folder.path
shl.currentdirectory = orgPath
end function
function checkFile(file)
if not fso.fileexists(profilePath & "\" & file) then
showError "The """ & file & """ file in profile folder is not found."
end if
end function
sub processFile(file)
file = profilePath & "\" & file
set handle = fso.opentextfile(file, 1)
text = handle.readall
set rx = new regexp = true
rx.ignorecase = true
rx.pattern = replace(oldPath, "\", "\\")
text = rx.replace(text, newPath)
rx.pattern = replace(oldPath, "\", "/")
text = rx.replace(text, replace(newPath, "\", "/"))
rx.pattern = replace(oldPath, "\", "\\\\")
text = rx.replace(text, replace(newPath, "\", "\\"))
set handle = fso.opentextfile(file & ".new", 2, true)
end sub
if wscript.arguments.count = 0 then help
oldPath = ""
profilePath = ""
newPath = ""
fullPath = ""
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set shl = createobject("")
for i = 0 to wscript.arguments.count - 1
s = wscript.arguments(i)
if lcase(s) = "/r" then
move = true
elseif oldPath = "" then
oldPath = s
elseif profilePath = "" then
profilePath = s
elseif newPath = "" then
newPath = s
end if
if newPath = "" then help
if not fso.folderexists(oldPath) then
showError "The old path is not found."
end if
on error resume next
e = checkPath(oldPath)
if e <> 0 then
showError "Old path is not accessible. Error code " & e
end if
oldPath = fullPath
profilePath = oldPath & "\" & profilePath
if not fso.folderexists(profilePath) then
showError "Profile folder is not found within the old path. i.e.:" & _
vbcrlf & " " & profilePath
end if
e = checkPath(profilePath)
if e <> 0 then
showError "Profile path is not accessible. Error code " & e
end if
profilePath = fullPath
if not fso.folderexists(newPath) then
on error resume next
fso.createfolder newPath
on error goto 0
e = err.number
if e = 0 then
checkPath newPath
fso.deleteFolder newPath
elseif e = 76 then
showError "The new path is invalid."
showError "Failed validating new path. Error code " & e
end if
checkPath newPath
end if
newPath = fullPath
wscript.echo oldPath & vbcrlf & profilePath & vbcrlf & "=> " & newPath
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jcunews commented Aug 14, 2017

A VBScript to fix Firefox installation configuration after renaming the base folder or moving it to somewhere else. This tool automates the modifications of the configuration files. After it finished, any "" file (in the profile folder) must be renamed to its original file name (i.e. "name.ext"). The original files should be backed up before doing so, since this tool doesn't create them.

Executing it without any parameter will show the usage help like below.

Firefox Installation Fixer

Usage: fif {old path} {profile} {new path}

  fif E:\Mozilla\Firefox profiles\john E:\Firefox
  fif "E:\Mozilla Firefox" profile E:\Firefox

Profile is the profile folder name within the old path.
e.g.: E:\Mozilla Firefox\profile

Below files may be modified (and named as "").
- compatibility.ini
- extensions.ini
- extensions.json
- prefs.js

This tool is intended for Firefox installation that uses
the -profile switch to launch the web browser.

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