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Created August 14, 2012 14:53
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make Burrough-style cutups
/* burr - simple filter to do cut ups for you
* No more scissors paper and glue! Turn your manual pages into disturbing,
* impressionistic accounts of drug addiction amongst homosexual hispanics in
* 1920's San Francisco. Turn your thesis into a lurid description of the
* thoughts of a man-crab roaming the brass streets of Minraud under a white
* hot sky. Free yourself of the language virus!
* Very simple minded - we:
* - split the source text into words, remove punctuation and force
* everything to lower case.
* - generate random fragments of text by chosing between 1 and fragsize
* consecutive words from the source.
* - generate random phrases by glueing between 2 and phrasesize
* fragments together.
* - generate random sentences by glueing between 1 and sentsize phrases
* together. Separate the phrases with commas.
* - generate ramdom text by joining up lots of random sentences with
* ellipses.
* fragsize, phrasesize and sentsize can be set with the -f, -p and -s flags.
* -<n> sets the number of sentences it generates. -0 means print forever.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h> /* Need time to seed random */
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#define DEFAULT_FRAGSIZE 3 /* Sensible defaults */
#define BUFFERSIZE 80 /* What we buffer input words in */
#define USAGE "%s: usage: %s [-<n> -f<n> -p<n> -s<n> {<file name>}]\n"
/* Memory allocation.
extern char *malloc();
#define GETMEM(T) ((T *) malloc( sizeof(T)))
/* Random numbers, and ftime for seeding them.
extern long random();
extern void srandom();
extern int ftime();
/* Globals.
static int fragsize = DEFAULT_FRAGSIZE; /* Set 'em up, Joe! */
static int phrasesize = DEFAULT_PHRASESIZE;
static int sentsize = DEFAULT_SENTSIZE;
static int numsent = DEFAULT_NUMSENT;
/* We hold the text as a linked list of words.
struct word {
char *wd; /* The word .. */
struct word *next; /* And the next one */
/* And have a bigger struct wrapping that up.
struct wordlist {
struct word *start; /* Beginning of list */
struct word *end; /* Last element in list */
int size; /* Number of words */
/* Some functions to create these guys .. save a string in a word
struct word *
CreateWord( str )
char *str;
{ struct word *res;
res = GETMEM( struct word );
res->next = NULL;
res->wd = strdup( str );
return res;
/* Append a word to a wordlist
AddWord( wdlist, str )
struct wordlist *wdlist;
char *str;
{ struct word *wd = CreateWord( str );
if( wdlist->start == NULL ) {
wdlist->start = wd; /* First word in list */
wdlist->end = wd;
else {
wdlist->end->next = wd; /* Link on to existing list */
wdlist->end = wd;
/* Make a new wordlist
struct wordlist *
{ struct wordlist *res = GETMEM( struct wordlist );
res->start = NULL;
res->end = NULL;
res->size = 0;
return res;
/* Extract a word from a wordlist. Fall over if the number is out of range.
char *
ExtractWord( wdlist, i )
struct wordlist *wdlist;
int i;
{ register struct word *p = wdlist->start;
if( i >= wdlist->size ) {
fprintf( stderr, "help!" );
exit( 1 );
while( i-- ) p = p->next;
return p->wd;
/* What's a word? A sequence of characters satisfying this!
isword( ch )
char ch;
{ return( isalnum( ch ) || ispunct( ch ) );
/* Read the next word off an input stream. We skip leading whitespace, then
* copy into a buffer while we see isword characters. Words larger than the
* buffer get chopped up. The string we return should be saved somewhere before
* calling this function again. Return NULL for end-of-input.
char *
NextWord( fd )
FILE *fd;
{ static char buff[ BUFFERSIZE ];
int n; /* Index through buffer */
char ch; /* Character we have read */
/* Skip whitespace and spot EOF.
while( isspace( ch = getc( fd ) ) ) ;
if( ch == EOF )
return NULL;
/* Save ch until we are not a word.
for( n = 0; isword( ch ) && (n < (BUFFERSIZE - 1)); ch = getc( fd ) )
buff[ n++ ] = ch;
/* Add a terminator and return
buff[n] = '\0';
return buff;
/* Remove leading and trailing punctuation from a string. We remove leading
* punctuation by returning a new pointer which may have been moved up. We
* remove trailing punctuation by zapping in new '\0' characters.
char *
StripPunct( str )
char *str;
{ char *start = str;
char *end = start + strlen( str ); /* Point at terminator */
/* Move start up .. the '\0' will stop us going too far
while( ispunct( *start ) )
/* Move the '\0' down. We have to check for end=start, to stop us
* going too far.
while( ispunct( *(end - 1) ) && (end > start) )
*--end = '\0';
return start;
/* Force all the letters in a string to lower case. Special cases: have to
* look out for "I", "I'd", "I'll" etc.
ZapCase( str )
char *str;
{ if( strcmp( str, "I" ) == 0 )
return; /* Just an "I" */
if( (*str == 'I') && (strlen( str ) > 2) && ispunct( str[1] ) )
str += 2; /* "I'" form. Skip the I' */
for( ; *str != '\0'; str++ )
if( isupper( *str ) )
*str = tolower( *str );
/* Read in each word in the file, do the above processing and if there's
* anything left add the new word to the wordlist.
ReadText( fd, wdlist )
FILE *fd;
struct wordlist *wdlist;
{ char *wd;
while( (wd = NextWord( fd )) != NULL ) {
wd = StripPunct( wd ); /* Remove punct */
ZapCase( wd ); /* Force case down */
if( *wd != '\0' )
AddWord( wdlist, wd ); /* Save it */
/* Simple random numbers .. generate an int in the range 1 to n
rnd( n )
int n;
{ long r = random();
return( (int) ((r % n) + 1) );
/* Generate a random fragment of text. Print the words to stdout, joined up
* with spaces.
PrintFrag( wdlist )
struct wordlist *wdlist;
{ int nwords = rnd( fragsize );
int index = rnd( wdlist->size - nwords + 1 ) - 1;
for( ; nwords > 0; nwords-- ) {
printf( "%s", ExtractWord( wdlist, index++ ) );
if( nwords > 1 )
printf( " " ); /* Print joining space */
/* Generate a random phrase.
PrintPhrase( wdlist )
struct wordlist *wdlist;
{ int nfrag;
for( nfrag = rnd( phrasesize ); nfrag > 0; nfrag-- ) {
PrintFrag( wdlist );
if( nfrag > 1 )
printf( " " ); /* Print joining space */
/* Generate a random sentence.
PrintSent( wdlist )
struct wordlist *wdlist;
{ int nphrase;
for( nphrase = rnd( sentsize ); nphrase > 0; nphrase-- ) {
PrintPhrase( wdlist );
if( nphrase > 1 )
printf( ", " ); /* Print joining comma */
printf( " ...\n" ); /* And trailing ellipsis */
/* Main function! Decode the flags, read in all the input and start spewing
* out text.
main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char **argv;
{ struct wordlist *wdlist = EmptyList();
int fileargs = 0; /* Were there file args */
struct timeb ts; /* Read time into this */
while( --argc )
if( argv[argc][0] == '-' )
switch( argv[argc][1] ) {
case 'f':
sscanf( &argv[argc][2], "%d",
&fragsize );
case 'p':
sscanf( &argv[argc][2], "%d",
&phrasesize );
case 's':
sscanf( &argv[argc][2], "%d",
&sentsize );
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
case '8': case '9':
sscanf( &argv[argc][1], "%d",
&numsent );
fprintf( stderr, USAGE, argv[0],
argv[0] );
exit( 1 );
else {
FILE *fd;
fd = fopen( argv[argc], "r" );
if( fd == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: unable to read %s\n",
argv[0], argv[argc] );
exit( 1 );
ReadText( fd, wdlist );
fclose( fd );
fileargs = 1;
if( !fileargs )
/* No file args .. read from stdin
ReadText( stdin, wdlist );
/* Check we have enough words for PrintFrag
if( wdlist->size < fragsize ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: too few words (minimum %d)\n",
argv[0], fragsize );
exit( 1 );
/* All args done .. now seed the random number generator from
* the time.
ftime( &ts );
srandom( (int) ts.millitm );
/* Print random text.
PrintSent( wdlist );
while( --numsent );
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