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Created April 14, 2017 15:08
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Generating iOS P12 / certs without Mac OSX Keychain (on linux, windows, etc)
1) Generate a private key and certificate signing request:
openssl genrsa -out ios_distribution.key 2048
openssl req -new -key ios_distribution.key -out ios_distribution.csr -subj '/, CN=Example, C=US'
2) Upload CSR to apple at:
- choose Production -> App Store and Ad Hoc
3) Download the resulting ios_distribution.cer, and convert it to .pem format:
openssl x509 -inform der -in ios_distribution.cer -out ios_distribution.
4) Download Apple's Worldwide developer cert (from portal) and convert it to pem:
openssl x509 -in AppleWWDRCA.cer -inform DER -out AppleWWDRCA.pem -outform PEM
6) Convert your cert plus Apple's cert to p12 format (choose a password for the .p12):
openssl pkcs12 -export -out ios_distribution.p12 -inkey ios_distribution.key -in ios_distribution.pem -certfile AppleWWDRCA.pem
Finally, update any provisioning profiles with the new cert, and download from dev portal.
If you like to GPG your certs and store them in your repo:
tar -cf ios_distribution.tar ios_distribution.* *.mobileprovision Apple*
gpg -c ios_distribution.tar
Decrypt and untar using:
gpg --decrypt ios_distribution.tar | tar -x
Here's a .gitignore that ignores everything in the directory (aka, certs and
keys, which you don't want to check in) except the .gpg file and itself:
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Seems that if you don't have any Apple device (iPhone, iPad or Mac) then you're not able to access the section of the website in which you can submit your request for a certificate, am I correct?

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openssl x509 -inform der -in ios_distribution.cer -out ios_distribution.

There is missing extension at the end. It should be:

openssl x509 -inform der -in ios_distribution.cer -out ios_distribution.pem

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OriIdan commented Feb 7, 2019

Step 4 says:
Download Apple's Worldwide developer cert (from portal) and convert it to pem:

My question is what portal? I didn't find how to download it.

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Download Apple's Worldwide developer cert

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Some payment is required for section 2?

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I try to access to :

But is redirecting me to this new url :

Some payment is required? Or only users with an ios mobile or mac laptop can access to :


U will have to enroll in the apple developer program thingy

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Tested from Ubuntu 20 to create a .p12 for bitrise : sadly it didn't work :


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Download Apple's Worldwide developer cert

This one expired in February 2023. See for details.

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migwellian commented Sep 27, 2023

I was getting an error in the Unity Developer console when trying to create a build target:

Failed to update credentials. The .p12 file failed validation against Apple CA chain

By trial and error I discovered that the fix was to use -CAfile instead of -certfile in the openssl pkcs12 -export command. I hope this helps somebody!

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