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Last active July 21, 2024 04:24
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PowerShell script to automatically add context menu entries for Jetbrains IDEs
Automatically add context menu entries for Jetbrains IDEs.
The name or names of the IDEs to add context menus for, use -List to see available IDEs.
The path to the Toolbox apps directory, defaults to "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps".
Install context menu entries in HKLM registry (machine wide), requires running as administrator.
Overwrite current registry entries, useful when updating existing entries.
Will remove the context menu entries for specified IDEs
List available IDEs installed via Toolbox
Will use nircmd (if installed) to invisibly run the IDE's batch script, this will avoid you having to
re-run this script each time an IDE is updated via Toolbox.
Specify the location of the nircmd executable to use, will attempt to locate it from $PATH if not specified.
If you are not using Toolbox you can specify the IDE's installation directory.
.PARAMETER DefaultChannel
Specify the default channel to use when there are multiple channels found, the user will be prompted to
choose a channel if the default channel is not found.
param (
[ArgumentCompleter({ return @("'Release'", "'Early Access Program'") })]
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
trap { throw $Error[0] }
$toolbox = if ($BasePath) { $BasePath } else { Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA "JetBrains\Toolbox\apps" }
$regRoot = if ($Global) { "HKLM" } else { "HKCU" }
Write-Verbose "Toolbox: '$toolbox'"
if ($UseNircmd -and -not (Get-Command "nircmd.exe" -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
Write-Error "nircmd.exe is not installed or missing from the path"
Write-Error "either install nircmd or specify its location using '-NirCmdPath'"
function Get-Channel([string]$Path) {
$channels = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $Path "ch-*")
if (-not $channels) {
Write-Warning "no channels found in '$Path'"
# immediately return if only 1 channel
if ($channels.Length -eq 1) {
return $channels[0]
$channelsOutput = ""
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $channels.Length; $i++) {
$channel = $channels[$i]
# extract channel type
$channelSettings = (Get-Content (Join-Path $channel.FullName ".channel.settings.json") | ConvertFrom-Json)
$channelName = $
# skip the prompt if we match the default channel
if ($DefaultChannel -eq $channelName) {
return $channel
$channelsOutput += "[$i]: '$($channel.BaseName)' ($channelName)"
if ($i -lt $channels.Length - 1) {
$channelsOutput += "`n"
# prompt user to select which channel to use
Write-Host (Split-Path -Leaf $Path) -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host $channelsOutput
$i = $null
while (-not ($i -ge 0 -and $i -lt $channels.Length)) {
if ($null -ne $i) {
Write-Host "'$i' is not a valid index." -ForegroundColor Red
$i = Read-Host "Enter the number of the desired channel"
return $channels[$i]
function Get-IDEs {
$IDEs = @{}
foreach ($item in (Get-ChildItem $toolbox -Exclude Toolbox)) {
$channel = Get-Channel -Path $item.FullName
if (-not $channel) { continue }
$versionPath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $channel -Directory -Exclude "*.plugins" | Sort-Object BaseName -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
Write-Verbose "Version Path: '$versionPath'"
$binPath = Join-Path $versionPath "bin"
if (Test-Path $binPath) {
$IDEs[$item.BaseName] = $versionPath
return $IDEs
if ($List) {
return Get-IDEs
function Add-ShellKeys {
param (
$Path = Join-Path "${regRoot}:" $Path
if ($UseNircmd) {
# extract shell link path
$scriptPath = Get-Content (Join-Path (Split-Path $ExePath) "../.." ".shellLink")
# move icon outside of version directory so it will survive updates
$baseName = (Split-Path $ExePath -LeafBase).Replace("64", "")
$iconPath = Join-Path (Split-Path $ExePath) "$baseName.ico"
$destPath = Join-Path (Split-Path (Split-Path (Split-Path $ExePath))) "$baseName.ico"
Move-Item -Path $iconPath -Destination $destPath -ErrorAction Ignore
$iconPath = "`"$destPath`",0"
# contruct args
$ExePath = if ($NirCmdPath) { $NirCmdPath } else { (Get-Command "nircmd.exe").Path }
$LaunchArgs = "execmd $scriptPath $LaunchArgs"
} else {
$iconPath = $ExePath
if (-not $Force -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$Path\$Name")) {
Write-Host "EXISTS: $Path\$Name" -f Yellow
} else {
New-Item `
-Path "$Path\$Name" `
-Value "$Action with $Name" `
-Force:$Force `
-Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Write-Host "ADDED: $Path\$Name" -f DarkGreen
if (-not $Force -and (Get-ItemProperty -LiteralPath "$Path\$Name" -Name "Icon" -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
Write-Host "EXISTS: $Path\$Name [Icon]" -f Yellow
} else {
New-ItemProperty `
-LiteralPath "$Path\$Name" `
-PropertyType ExpandString `
-Name "Icon" `
-Value $iconPath `
-Force:$Force `
-Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Write-Host "ADDED: $Path\$Name [Icon]" -f DarkGreen
if (-not $Force -and (Get-Item -LiteralPath "$Path\$Name\command" -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
Write-Host "EXISTS: $Path\$Name\command" -f Yellow
} else {
New-Item `
-Path "$Path\$Name\command" `
-Value "`"$exePath`" $LaunchArgs" `
-Force:$Force `
-Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Write-Host "ADDED: $Path\$Name\command" -f DarkGreen
function Add-RegKey([string]$Path) {
$Path = Join-Path "${regRoot}:" $Path
if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path)) {
New-Item -Path $Path -Force -ErrorAction Ignore -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
function Add-ContextMenu {
param (
# ensure base folders exist
Add-RegKey "SOFTWARE\Classes\`*\shell"
Add-RegKey "SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell"
Add-RegKey "SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell"
# add to file context menu
Write-Output "ACTION: Edit with $Name (Files)"
Add-ShellKeys $Name $ExePath "SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell" "Edit" "`"%1`""
# add to directory context menu
Write-Output "ACTION: Open with $Name (Directory)"
Add-ShellKeys $Name $ExePath "SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell" "Open" "`"%1`""
# add to directory background context menu
Write-Output "ACTION: Open with $Name (Directory Background)"
Add-ShellKeys $Name $ExePath "SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell" "Open" "`"%V`""
function Remove-Reg([string]$Path) {
$Path = Join-Path "${regRoot}:" $Path
if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path)) {
Write-Host "MISSING: $Path" -f Yellow
} else {
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $Path -Recurse
Write-Host "REMOVED: $Path" -f Red
function Remove-ContextMenu([string]$Name) {
Remove-Reg "SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shell\$Name"
Remove-Reg "SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\$Name"
Remove-Reg "SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\$Name"
function Start-ContextMenu([string]$AppDir) {
$info = (Get-Content (Join-Path $AppDir "product-info.json") | ConvertFrom-Json)
$friendlyName = $info.Name
$exePath = Join-Path $AppDir $info.launch[0].launcherPath
if ($Remove) {
Write-Host "Removing Context Menu for '$friendlyName'" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Remove-ContextMenu -Name $friendlyName
} else {
Write-Host "Adding Context Menu for '$friendlyName'" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Add-ContextMenu -Name $friendlyName -ExePath $exePath
if ($AppDir) {
Start-ContextMenu $AppDir
} else {
$ides = (Get-IDEs)
foreach ($ide in $ides.Keys) {
foreach ($match in $Name) {
if (($match -eq "*") -or ($ide.ToLower().StartsWith($match.ToLower()))) {
Start-ContextMenu $ides[$ide]
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Yep thanks, the download command is broken in my terminal now too, pretty bad of them to break that in a minor update, but anyhow, I've updated the download command.

That comment provides the usage instructions too, and it looks like you're not running the correct command, for toolbox v2, you should use something like this

.\toolbox-context-menu.ps1 -AppDir "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Programs\PyCharm Professional"

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