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Last active January 11, 2018 07:02
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EZ-TC Plugin for Pokémon Showdown
* EZ-TC Plugin by jd *
* Makes adding trainer cards EZ *
var fs = require('fs');
var serialize = require('node-serialize');
var trainerCards = {};
function loadTrainerCards () {
try {
trainerCards = serialize.unserialize(fs.readFileSync('config/trainercards.json', 'utf8'));
Object.merge(CommandParser.commands, trainerCards);
} catch (e) {}
setTimeout(function load() {
}, 1000);
function saveTrainerCards() {
fs.writeFileSync('config/trainercards.json', serialize.serialize(trainerCards));
Object.merge(CommandParser.commands, trainerCards);
exports.commands = {
eztc: 'trainercard',
trainercards: 'trainercard',
tc: 'trainercard',
trainercard: function (target, room, user) {
if (!target) target = 'help';
var parts = target.split(',');
for (var u in parts) parts[u] = parts[u].trim();
switch (parts[0]) {
case 'add':
if (!this.can('trainercard')) return false;
if (!parts[2]) return this.sendReply("Usage: /trainercard add, [command name], [html]");
var commandName = toId(parts[1]);
if (CommandParser.commands[commandName]) return this.sendReply("/trainercards - The command \"" + commandName + "\" already exists.");
var html = parts.splice(2, parts.length).join(',');
trainerCards[commandName] = new Function('target', 'room', 'user', "if (!room.disableTrainerCards) if (!this.canBroadcast()) return; this.sendReplyBox('" + html.replace(/'/g, "\\'") + "');");
this.sendReply("The trainer card \"" + commandName + "\" has been added.");
this.logModCommand( + " added the trainer card " + commandName);
case 'rem':
case 'del':
case 'delete':
case 'remove':
if (!this.can('trainercard')) return false;
if (!parts[1]) return this.sendReply("Usage: /trainercard remove, [command name]");
var commandName = toId(parts[1]);
if (!trainerCards[commandName]) return this.sendReply("/trainercards - The command \"" + commandName + "\" does not exist, or was added manually.");
delete CommandParser.commands[commandName];
delete trainerCards[commandName];
this.sendReply("The trainer card \"" + commandName + "\" has been removed.");
this.logModCommand( + " removed the trainer card " + commandName);
case 'list':
if (!this.can('trainercard')) return false;
var output = "<b>There's a total of " + Object.size(trainerCards) + " trainer cards added with this command:</b><br />";
for (var tc in trainerCards) {
output += tc + "<br />";
case 'off':
if (!this.can('roommod', null, room)) return false;
if (room.disableTrainerCards) return this.sendReply("Broadcasting trainer cards is already disabled in this room.");
room.disableTrainerCards = true;
room.chatRoomData.disableTrainerCards = true;;
this.privateModCommand("(" + + " has disabled broadcasting trainer cards in this room.)");
case 'on':
if (!this.can('roommod', null, room)) return false;
if (!room.disableTrainerCards) return this.sendReply("Broadcasing trainer cards is already enabled in this room.");
delete room.disableTrainerCards;
delete room.chatRoomData.disableTrainerCards;;
this.privateModCommand("(" + + " has enabled broadcasting trainer cards in this room.)");
case 'info':
case 'help':
if (!this.canBroadcast()) return;
"EZ-TC Commands:<br />" +
"/trainercard add, [command name], [html] - Adds a trainer card.<br />" +
"/trainercard remove, [command name] - Removes a trainer card.<br />" +
"/trainercard list - Shows a list of all trainer cards added with this command.<br />" +
"/trainercard off - Disables broadcasting trainer cards in the current room.<br />" +
"/trainercard on - Enables broadcasting trainer cards in the current room.<br />" +
"/trainercard help - Shows this help command.<br />" +
"<a href=\"\">EZ-TC Plugin by jd</a>"
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you might wanna add 'use strict;', change var to let and declare the commandName var once.

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