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Last active September 21, 2017 03:51
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#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void login1(char * input1, char * input2) {
struct {
char username[20];
char password[30];
char canary;
char good_username[20];
char good_password[30];
char goodcanary;
} v;
v.canary = 'a';
v.goodcanary = 'a';
//read correct username and password
FILE * fp = fopen("password", "r");
fgets(v.good_username, 20, fp);
fgets(v.good_password, 30, fp);
v.good_username[strlen(v.good_username)-1] = '\0';
v.good_password[strlen(v.good_password)-1] = '\0';
strcpy(v.username, input1);
strcpy(v.password, input2);
//terminate strings properly
v.username[19] = '\0';
v.password[29] = '\0';
v.good_username[19] = '\0';
v.good_password[29] = '\0';
//check login success
if (v.canary != v.goodcanary) {
printf("Stack overflow detected, exiting.\n");
if (strcmp(v.username, v.good_username) == 0 && strcmp(v.password, v.good_password) == 0) printf("Login successful!\n");
void login2(char * input1, char * input2) {
struct {
int goodcanary;
char username[20];
char password[30];
int canary;
char good_username[20];
char good_password[30];
} v;
//read correct username and password
FILE * fp = fopen("password", "r");
fgets(v.good_username, 20, fp);
fgets(v.good_password, 30, fp);
v.good_username[strlen(v.good_username)-1] = '\0';
v.good_password[strlen(v.good_password)-1] = '\0';
v.goodcanary = input1[1]*256*256*257 + (input1[0]-20)*256 + 67;
v.canary = v.goodcanary;
strcpy(v.username, input1);
strcpy(v.password, input2);
//set up canary
// v.goodcanary = v.username[1]*256*256*257 + (v.username[0]-20)*256 + 67;
// v.canary = v.goodcanary;
//terminate strings properly
v.username[19] = '\0';
v.password[29] = '\0';
v.good_username[19] = '\0';
v.good_password[29] = '\0';
//check login success
if (v.canary != v.goodcanary) {
printf("Stack overflow detected, exiting.\n");
if (strcmp(v.username, v.good_username) == 0 && strcmp(v.password, v.good_password) == 0) printf("Login successful!\n");
void login3(char * input1, char * input2) {
struct {
char username[20];
char password[30];
char good_username[20];
char good_password[30];
char good;
} v;
v.good = -1;
//read correct username and password
FILE * fp = fopen("password", "r");
fgets(v.good_username, 20, fp);
fgets(v.good_password, 30, fp);
v.good_username[strlen(v.good_username)-1] = '\0';
v.good_password[strlen(v.good_password)-1] = '\0';
strcpy(v.username, input1);
strcpy(v.password, input2);
//terminate strings properly
v.username[19] = '\0';
v.password[29] = '\0';
v.good_username[19] = '\0';
v.good_password[29] = '\0';
//check login success
if (strcmp(v.username, v.good_username) == 0 && strcmp(v.password, v.good_password) == 0) v.good = 0;
if (v.good == 0) printf("Login successful!\n");
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char helpstr[] = "Use: login -? <input file or username password>\nOptions are: -i, -j, -k (see manual)\n";
if (argc < 3) {
printf("%s\n", helpstr);
return -1;
if (strlen(argv[1]) < 2) {
printf("%s\n", helpstr);
return -1;
switch(argv[1][1]) {
case 'i':
if (argc < 4) {
login1(argv[2], argv[3]);
case 'j':
if (argc < 4) {
login2(argv[2], argv[3]);
case 'k':
if (argc < 4) {
login3(argv[2], argv[3]);
printf("%s\n", helpstr);
return -1;
return 0;
<obfuscated input>
J-PC  j  /mnt/c/Users/J/Desktop/comp3632_a1  gcc -g -o login2 login.cpp
J-PC  j  /mnt/c/Users/J/Desktop/comp3632_a1  ./login2 -j █a█d█l█0█0█0█0█0█0█0 █0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0CVaa█a█d█l█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0█0
Login successful!
J-PC  j  /mnt/c/Users/J/Desktop/comp3632_a1 
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