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Created April 21, 2023 18:51
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def lambda_handler(event, context):{"action":"invoke_lambda", "payload":{"event":event}})
timestamp = int(time.time())
# read the contries from the athena table
query = "select distinct state from covid_nytimes_states"
unique_states = wr.athena.read_sql_query(query, database=ATHENA_RAW_DATABASE_NAME)
# write in SG_AGGREGATE_TABLE_NAME DynamoDB table how many states should be executed
item = {
"scatter_gather_id" : str(timestamp),
"total_processes": len(unique_states),
"finished_processes": 0
create_item(SG_AGGREGATE_TABLE_NAME, item)
# For each state send the message queue
# We want to Trigger processor_lambda by state
for index, row in unique_states.iterrows():
state = row['state']
#store dynamo data by processes triggered
item_state = {
"scatter_gather_id" : str(timestamp),
"process_id" : "{}_{}".format(index, state),
"status": "started"
create_item(SG_PROCESSSES_TABLE_NAME, item_state)
formatted_message = '{{"state":"{}", "index":{}, "item_state":{}}}'.format(
state, index, json.dumps(item_state)){"action":"message_queue", "payload":{"message":formatted_message}})
return {
"statusCode": 200,
"status": "success",
"data": {"states": len(unique_states)}
def send_message_queue(message):
sqs_client =boto3.client("sqs")
response = sqs_client.send_message(
){"action":"send_message_queue", "payload":{"message":message,"response":response}})
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