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Created July 16, 2014 17:12
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get page count and rows per page in each partition
SELECT TableName = object_name(i.object_id)
, IndexName =
, i.type_desc
, p.data_compression_desc
, [Partitions] = Max(p.partition_number)
, [Rows] = Sum(p.rows)
, [Pages] = Sum(au.data_pages)
, [RowsPerPage] = Sum(p.rows) / Sum(au.data_pages)
FROM sys.indexes AS i
INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p
ON i.object_id = p.object_id
AND i.index_id = p.index_id
INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units As au
ON p.hobt_id = au.container_id
WHERE object_name(i.object_id) NOT LIKE 'sys%'
AND au.type_desc = 'IN_ROW_DATA'
GROUP BY object_name(i.object_id)
, i.type_desc
, p.data_compression_desc
HAVING Sum(au.data_pages) > 1000
ORDER BY rowsPerPage;
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