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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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SSH Local and Remote Forwarding

#Example 1: Local Forwarding

ssh -L *:8081:host:3389 root@gateway -N

This command will listen locally on port 8081 which will forward all connections to host:3389 from the gateway server. This basically lets us access a host or port that only "gateway" can access.

#Example 2: Remote Forwarding

ssh -R *:8081:host:3389 root@gateway -N

This command will listen remotely on port 8081 on the gateway server, which will forward all connections to host:3389 on the local server. This basically lets us remotely access a host or port that only the local server can access.


  1. Does this scale?
  2. Can we automatically set up the tunnel/forwarding on startup? Maybe
  3. Can we monitor the forwarding?
  4. Also checkout
1. 'yum upgrade' -> to make sure default packages are up-to-date
2. 'yum install vim'
3. 'yum install curl'
4. 'yum install wget'
5. edit '/etc/sysconfig/clock' and append 'UTC=false'
6. 'yum install ntp'
7. 'ntpdate'
8. 'service ntpd start'
9. 'chkconfig ntpd on'
10. Modify '/etc/hosts' -> add entries for hostname and FQDN (e.g. lb01 and
11. 'iptables -F; service iptables save; service iptables restart' -> Flush iptables config
12. reboot server to make sure all changes are good-to-go
13. Modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config, enable "AllowTcpForwarding" and "GatewayPorts"
HOST gateway
Port 8022
User root
ConnectionAttempts 10
ServerAliveInterval 30
StrictHostKeyChecking yes
ExitOnForwardFailure yes
RemoteForward *:50122 localhost:22
RemoteForward *:50180
RemoteForward *:50188 localhost:8080
RemoteForward *:50143 localhost:8443
LocalForward *:80
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