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Created December 31, 2020 03:01
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A scheme (in scheme) that compilers to a stack machine
#lang racket
(define current-idx 0)
(define (get-fresh-param!)
(let [(idx current-idx)]
(set! current-idx (+ idx 1))
(string-append "?" (number->string idx)))))
(define (compile exp)
(define (replace exp target desired)
(match exp
[`(λ (,param) ,body)
(if (eq? param target)
`(λ (,param) ,(replace body target desired)))]
[(? list? ls)
(for/list ([item ls])
(replace item target desired))]
[(? symbol? s)
(if (eq? s target)
[else exp]))
(match exp
[`(λ (,n) ,body)
(let [(param (get-fresh-param!))]
(list (append (list param '->)
(compile (replace body n param)))))]
[`(,f ,x)
(append (compile x)
(compile f)
(list 'CALL))]
[(? number? n) (list n)]
[(? symbol? s) (list s)]))
(define (transform exp)
(define (curry params body)
(if (empty? params)
`(λ (,(car params)) ,(curry (cdr params) body))))
(define (curry-apply f args)
(if (null? args)
(curry-apply (list f (car args)) (cdr args))))
(match exp
[`(λ ,params ,body)
(curry params (transform body))]
[`(if ,a ,b ,c)
`((((if ,(transform a))
(λ (_) ,(transform b)))
(λ (_) ,(transform c)))
[(list f args ..1)
(curry-apply (transform f) (map transform args))]
[else exp]))
(define stdlib
(list (list '+ (λ (a) (λ (b) (+ a b))))
(list '- (λ (a) (λ (b) (- a b))))
(list '* (λ (a) (λ (b) (* a b))))
(list '/ (λ (a) (λ (b) (/ a b))))
(list '= (λ (a) (λ (b) (= a b))))
(list 'null? null?)
(list 'eq? eq?)
(list 'equal? equal?)
(list 'if (λ (cond) (λ (csq) (λ (alt) (if cond csq alt)))))
(list 'cons (λ (a) (λ (b) (cons a b))))
(list 'car (λ (a) (λ (b) (car a b))))
(list 'cdr (λ (a) (λ (b) (cdr a b))))))
; Since everything is curried, (1 *) evaluates to a
; racket procedure :( so I consider `procedure?` to
; also identify functions in the "standard library"
; I don't like that these are sprinkled about
(define (stdlib? sym)
(or (procedure? sym)
(assoc sym stdlib)))
(define (stdlib->f sym)
(cond [(symbol? sym) (cadr (assoc sym stdlib))]
[(procedure? sym) sym]
(error "UNKNOWN STDLIB --" sym)]))
(define (exec ls st [debug #f])
(define (replace ls target desired)
(for/list ([item ls])
(cond [(list? item)
(if (not (eq? (car item) target))
(cons (car item)
(replace (cdr item) target desired))
[(eq? item target) desired]
[else item])))
(if debug
(displayln ls)
(displayln st)
(displayln "-----"))
(if (null? ls)
(match (car ls)
(match st
[(list proc arg rest ...)
[(stdlib? proc)
(exec (cdr ls)
(cons ((stdlib->f proc) arg)
[(list? proc)
(let* [(param (car proc))
(replace (cddr proc) param arg))
; Currently lambdas need to exec on an empty
; stack. This seems not ideal?
(new-stack '())]
(exec (cdr ls)
(append (exec replaced-body new-stack debug)
(error "exec CALL EXPECTED PROC --" proc)])]
[else (error "exec STACK UNDERFLOW -- CALL")])]
; Numbers, lambdas, and symbols evaluate to themselves
[(? number? n)
(exec (cdr ls) (cons n st) debug)]
[(? list? body)
(exec (cdr ls) (cons body st) debug)]
[(? symbol? s)
(exec (cdr ls) (cons s st) debug)]
[else (error "exec UNKNOWN INSTRUCTION --" (car ls))]))))
(define sq-sum
'((λ (a b) (+ (* a a) (* b b))) 4 5))
(define fizzbuzz
'((λ (n) (if (= n 3) (+ n 1) (/ n 0))) 3))
(transform fizzbuzz)
(compile (transform fizzbuzz))
(exec (compile (transform fizzbuzz)) '())
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