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Created November 3, 2012 15:47
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-- Binary Tree Module
-- Jordan Scales
-- 2 November 2012
module BinaryTree(BinaryTree(Node, EmptyTree), insert, height, arrayToBST, isLeaf, findMax, removeMax) where
-- we'll treat it as a `binary search tree`
data BinaryTree a = Node a (BinaryTree a) (BinaryTree a) |
deriving (Show)
-- insert into a BST
insert :: (Ord a) => BinaryTree a -> a -> BinaryTree a
insert EmptyTree n = Node n EmptyTree EmptyTree
insert (Node val left right) n
| n < val = Node val (insert left n) right
| otherwise = Node val left (insert right n)
-- height of a BST
height :: BinaryTree a -> Integer
height EmptyTree = 0
height (Node _ left right) = 1 + max (height left) (height right)
-- convert an array to a BST
arrayToBST :: (Ord a) => [a] -> BinaryTree a
arrayToBST (x:xs) = arrayToBST' (x:xs) EmptyTree
arrayToBST' [] t = t
arrayToBST' (x:xs) t = arrayToBST' xs (insert t x)
-- search the tree (this doesn't do much...)
find :: (Ord a) => BinaryTree a -> a -> (Maybe a)
find EmptyTree e = Nothing
find (Node val left right) e
| e == val = Just e
| e < val = find left e
| otherwise = find right e
-- check if a node is a leaf
isLeaf :: BinaryTree a -> Bool
isLeaf EmptyTree = False
isLeaf (Node _ EmptyTree EmptyTree) = True
isLeaf (Node _ _ _) = False
-- find the max element of a tree
findMax :: (Ord a) => BinaryTree a -> Maybe a
findMax EmptyTree = Nothing
findMax (Node val _ EmptyTree) = Just val
findMax (Node _ _ right) = findMax right
-- removes the max element and produces a new teee
removeMax :: (Ord a) => BinaryTree a -> BinaryTree a
removeMax EmptyTree = EmptyTree
removeMax (Node _ left EmptyTree) = case findMax left of
Just val -> Node val (removeMax left) EmptyTree
Nothing -> EmptyTree
removeMax (Node val left right) = Node val left (removeMax right)
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