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Created November 4, 2012 22:51
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-- Huffman Coding Module
-- by Jordan Scales
-- 4 November 2012
module Huffman where
import BinaryTree
type Entry = ([Char], Integer)
type Dictionary = [(Char, [Char])]
-- computes the frequency of each letter in a given string
letterFrequency :: [Char] -> [Entry]
letterFrequency = letterFrequency' []
-- helper function with TCO
letterFrequency' ls [] = ls
letterFrequency' ls (x:xs) = letterFrequency' (increment ls x) xs
-- increments a character entry in a given frequency list
increment [] e = [([e], 1)]
increment (x:xs) e
| e == ((head . fst) x) = ((fst x), (snd x) + 1) : xs
| otherwise = x : increment xs e
-- rolled my own QuickSort to sort entries
entrySort :: [Entry] -> [Entry]
entrySort [] = []
entrySort (pivot:xs) = (entrySort lessThan) ++ [pivot] ++ (entrySort greaterThan)
where lessThan = [e | e <- xs, (snd e) < (snd pivot)]
greaterThan = [e | e <- xs, (snd e) >= (snd pivot)]
-- converts a list of entries to a list of binary trees
makeEntryLeaves :: [Entry] -> [BinaryTree Entry]
makeEntryLeaves [] = []
makeEntryLeaves (x:xs) = (Node x EmptyTree EmptyTree) : makeEntryLeaves xs
-- combines the first two elements and returns a new tree list
-- not safe, BinaryTree's have to be Node's
combine :: [BinaryTree Entry] -> [BinaryTree Entry]
combine [] = []
combine (only:[]) = [only]
combine ((Node e1 l1 r1):(Node e2 l2 r2):rest) = mergeInto newNode rest
where newNode = (Node combined (Node e1 l1 r1) (Node e2 l2 r2))
combined = ((fst e1) ++ (fst e2), (snd e1) + (snd e2))
mergeInto e [] = [e]
mergeInto (Node e1 l1 r1) ((Node e2 l2 r2):xs)
| (snd e1) < (snd e2) = (Node e1 l1 r1) : (Node e2 l2 r2) : xs
| otherwise = (Node e2 l2 r2) : mergeInto (Node e1 l1 r1) xs
-- calls combine until the length is one
formTree :: [BinaryTree Entry] -> [BinaryTree Entry]
formTree (e:[]) = [e]
formTree ls = formTree (combine ls)
-- forms a reference dictionary from a Huffman Tree
makeDictionary :: BinaryTree Entry -> Dictionary
makeDictionary tree = makeDictionary' tree []
where makeDictionary' EmptyTree c = []
makeDictionary' (Node val EmptyTree EmptyTree) c = [((head . fst) val, c)]
makeDictionary' (Node _ left right) c = (makeDictionary' left (c ++ "0")) ++ (makeDictionary' right (c ++ "1"))
-- given a dictionary, translates a string into an optimal bit sequence
translate :: Dictionary -> [Char] -> [Char]
translate _ [] = []
translate d (x:xs) = (translateChar d x) ++ (translate d xs)
where translateChar [] _ = "_"
translateChar (d:ds) c
| c == (fst d) = snd d
| otherwise = translateChar ds c
-- produces a Huffman Coding tree from a string
huffmanTree :: [Char] -> BinaryTree Entry
huffmanTree = (head . formTree . makeEntryLeaves . entrySort . letterFrequency)
-- produces a reference dictionary from a string
huffmanDictionary :: [Char] -> Dictionary
huffmanDictionary = makeDictionary . huffmanTree
-- produces the Huffman Coding of a given string
huffmanCoding :: [Char] -> [Char]
huffmanCoding s = translate (huffmanDictionary s) s
-- computes the efficiency of the Huffman Coding
huffmanEfficiency :: [Char] -> (Int, Int)
huffmanEfficiency s = (length $ huffmanCoding s, 8 * (length s))
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