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Created January 22, 2024 01:50
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Linear equations that start with a given sequence of moves in the collatz conjecture
import typing
import math
def collatz(n: int) -> typing.List[int]:
"""Returns the Collatz sequence starting at n."""
seq = [n]
while n != 1:
if n % 2 == 0:
n = n // 2
n = (3 * n + 1) // 2
return seq
class LinearEq:
ak + b
def __init__(self, a: int, b: int) -> None:
self.a = a
self.b = b
def evaluate(self, k: int) -> int:
return self.a * k + self.b
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.b == 0:
return f"{self.a}k"
return f"{self.a}k + {self.b}"
def scale(self, k: int) -> "LinearEq":
return LinearEq(self.a * k, self.b * k)
def translate(self, k: int) -> "LinearEq":
return LinearEq(self.a, self.b + k)
def pattern_of_linear(eq: LinearEq) -> str:
Returns the pattern of the Collatz sequence produced by the given linear equation.
# log2 of eq.a
exp = int(math.log2(eq.a))
# todo: limit to `exp` iterations instead of chopping at the end
seq = collatz(eq.evaluate(1))[:exp]
return ''.join(['+' if n % 2 == 1 else '-' for n in seq])
def linear_of_pattern(pattern: str) -> LinearEq:
Returns the linear equation that produces the given pattern.
eq = LinearEq(1, 0)
for c in pattern:
# try both, not sure which one I need, can I figure that out ahead of time?
# k -> 2k
even = LinearEq(2, 0).scale(eq.a).translate(eq.b)
# k -> 2k+1
odd = LinearEq(2, 1).scale(eq.a).translate(eq.b)
if pattern.startswith(pattern_of_linear(even)):
eq = even
eq = odd
return eq
eq = linear_of_pattern("++-+----+---+++++--+-++-+++")
for k in range(1, 10):
start = eq.evaluate(k)
seq = collatz(start)
print(f"{k}\t{start}\t{''.join(['+' if n % 2 == 1 else '-' for n in seq])}")
# $ python
# 134217728k + 76130123
# 1 210347851 ++-+----+---+++++--+-++-++++---+-+--+-++---++----+-++++------+++-++---+++++--++-+++-+-++-++-+---+--++++-+++++---+-+-+---+--+++----+---+
# 2 344565579 ++-+----+---+++++--+-++-+++----+++---+-+--+-----+---+-+-+++-+-++++-+--+-++---+++---+-+--+-+++++-+-++-+++-++++-+--+++-++-++++++--++++---+-+-+---+--+++----+---+
# 3 478783307 ++-+----+---+++++--+-++-+++++-+++---++-++----+-++-+--+++++-+-+-++-+--+-+----++++-++++++-+++-++++-----+++--++++++--+++++--+--++-+-+--++-+++--+++-+--++-+--++-+++--++-+---++++--++---++--+++++---+--+---+--+-+++++-+-++-+++-++++-+--+++-++-++++++--++++---+-+-+---+--+++----+---+
# 4 613001035 ++-+----+---+++++--+-++-+++-++----+-++--+-----++--+-++-+-+----+-+-++++-+--+-++---+++---+-+--+-+++++-+-++-+++-++++-+--+++-++-++++++--++++---+-+-+---+--+++----+---+
# 5 747218763 ++-+----+---+++++--+-++-++++-+---+-+++--+-+-++-+++---+------------+++--++-+-----+++++-+-++-+++-++++-+--+++-++-++++++--++++---+-+-+---+--+++----+---+
# 6 881436491 ++-+----+---+++++--+-++-+++--+++-+-+-++--+---+---+---++------++-----+--+--+--++-+--+---+
# 7 1015654219 ++-+----+---+++++--+-++-++++++-+-----++--++--+--++-+++--+----+-+-+---+--++---+-+----+++-+-++-+++-++++-+--+++-++-++++++--++++---+-+-+---+--+++----+---+
# 8 1149871947 ++-+----+---+++++--+-++-+++-+-++-++-+-+-+-++----++---+++--++-+--++-++++--++++--+-+-+-----+-+--+++----+-+--++--++-++++-+--+++-++-++++++--++++---+-+-+---+--+++----+---+
# 9 1284089675 ++-+----+---+++++--+-++-++++--++-----++++--+-+--+--+++++------+-+----++++++-++--+----++-++--++++++++-+-+------+--+-+-+---+++-+--+---+
# todo - print a tree
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