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Last active January 30, 2019 10:44
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Object algebras example in scala
exec ~/src/scala/bin/scala -savecompiled "$0" "$@"
// Example of object algebras, based on the scala example at
// type Term = ∀A,O. O[A] -> A
trait Term[O[_]] {
def apply[A](o: O[A]): A
// Data: Lit | Add
trait Lit[A] { def Lit(x: Int): A }
trait Add[A] { def Add(x: A, y: A): A }
trait Ops[A] extends Lit[A] with Add[A]
// More data: ... | Sub | Mul
trait Mul[A] { def Mul(x: A, y: A): A }
trait Sub[A] { def Sub(x: A, y: A): A }
trait Ops2[A] extends Ops[A] with Sub[A] with Mul[A]
// Behavior: eval
trait Eval extends Ops[Int] {
def Lit(x: Int) = x
def Add(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
trait Eval2 extends Ops2[Int] with Eval {
def Sub(x: Int, y: Int) = x - y
def Mul(x: Int, y: Int) = x * y
// Behavior: show
trait Show extends Ops[String] {
def Lit(x: Int) = "%s" format x
def Add(x: String, y: String) = "(%s + %s)" format (x,y)
trait Show2 extends Ops2[String] with Show {
def Sub(x: String, y: String) = "(%s - %s)" format (x,y)
def Mul(x: String, y: String) = "(%s * %s)" format (x,y)
// Examples:
val x = new Term[Ops] { def apply[A](o: Ops[A]): A = o.Add(o.Lit(3), o.Lit(4)) }
val y = new Term[Ops2] { def apply[A](o: Ops2[A]): A = o.Sub(o.Lit(8), o.Add(x(o), o.Lit(1))) }
def identity [O[A] <: Ops[A]] (z: Term[O]) = new Term[O] { def apply[A](o: O[A]): A = z(o) }
def double [O[A] <: Ops[A]] (z: Term[O]) = new Term[O] { def apply[A](o: O[A]): A = o.Add(z(o), z(o)) }
def square [O[A] <: Ops2[A]] (z: Term[O]) = new Term[O] { def apply[A](o: O[A]): A = o.Mul(z(o), z(o)) }
def test[X](x:X, y:X) = assert(x == y, "%s != %s" format (x,y))
test(x(new Eval {}), 7)
test(x(new Show {}), "(3 + 4)")
test(y(new Eval2 {}), 0)
test(y(new Show2 {}), "(8 - ((3 + 4) + 1))")
// Examples redux:
def Lit[O[A] <: Lit[A]] (n: Int) = new Term[O] { def apply[A](o: O[A]): A = o.Lit(n) }
def Add[O[A] <: Add[A]] (z: Term[O], w: Term[O]) = new Term[O] { def apply[A](o: O[A]): A = o.Add(z(o), w(o)) }
def Sub[O[A] <: Sub[A]] (z: Term[O], w: Term[O]) = new Term[O] { def apply[A](o: O[A]): A = o.Sub(z(o), w(o)) }
def Mul[O[A] <: Mul[A]] (z: Term[O], w: Term[O]) = new Term[O] { def apply[A](o: O[A]): A = o.Mul(z(o), w(o)) }
def x[O[A] <: Ops[A]] = Add[O](Lit[O](3), Lit[O](4))
def y[O[A] <: Ops2[A]] = Sub[O](Lit[O](8), Add[O](x, Lit[O](1)))
def double [O[A] <: Ops[A]] (z: Term[O]) = Add(z,z)
def square [O[A] <: Ops2[A]] (z: Term[O]) = Mul(z,z)
def squareDouble [O[A] <: Ops2[A]] (z: Term[O]) = square(double(z))
def test[X](x:X, y:X) = assert(x == y, "%s != %s" format (x,y))
test(x[Ops](new Eval {}), 7)
test(x[Ops](new Show {}), "(3 + 4)")
test(y[Ops2](new Eval2 {}), 0)
test(y[Ops2](new Show2 {}), "(8 - ((3 + 4) + 1))")
// How could we express these more concisely?
// scala:
// trait Term[O[_]] { def apply[A](o: O[A]): A }
// def x[O[A] <: Ops[A]]: Term = Add[O](Lit[O](3), Lit[O](4))
// haskell (vaguely):
// type Term = forall A :: *, O :: * -> *. O[A] -> A
// x o = o.Add(o.Lit(3), o.Lit(4)) :: Term
// type theory (vaguely):
// type Term = ∀A,O. O[A] -> A
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