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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Set names on unnamed EBS volumes from their attached EC2 instance.
# Requires:
# - aws: (tested with aws-1.0.0)
# - jq: (tested with jq-1.3)
import os, sys, json, subprocess
def show_cmd(cmd):
print '$', cmd
return cmd
def shell(cmd):
return subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
# This isn't set when we're run by cron [FIXME]
os.environ['AWS_CONFIG_FILE'] = '~/.awscli'
# (`aws` is actually easier to figure out than boto directly...)
instances = json.loads(shell('''
aws ec2 describe-instances | jq '
[ .Reservations[].Instances[] | {
key: .InstanceId,
value: {
Tags: (.Tags // {} | map(with_entries(
if .key == "Key" then .key = "key" elif .key == "Value" then .key = "value" else . end
)) | from_entries // {})
} ] | from_entries
volumes = json.loads(shell('''
aws ec2 describe-volumes | jq '
[ .Volumes[] | {
key: .VolumeId,
value: {
InstanceId: (
.VolumeId as $id | .Attachments | map(select(.VolumeId == $id and .State == "attached")) | .[0].InstanceId
Tags: (.Tags // {} | map(with_entries(
if .key == "Key" then .key = "key" elif .key == "Value" then .key = "value" else . end
)) | from_entries // {})
} ] | from_entries
for v_id, v in sorted(volumes.items()):
if v['Tags'].get('Name'):
print '%s: Skipping, already named: %s' % (v_id, json.dumps(v['Tags']['Name']))
elif not v.get('InstanceId'):
print '%s: No attached instance' % v_id
elif not instances.get(v['InstanceId']):
print '%s: Attached instance %s not found' % (v_id, v['InstanceId'])
elif not instances[v['InstanceId']]['Tags'].get('Name'):
print '%s: Attached instance %s has no name' % (v_id, v['InstanceId'])
name = instances[v['InstanceId']]['Tags']['Name']
print '%s: Setting name %s (from %s)' % (v_id, json.dumps(name), v['InstanceId'])
shell(show_cmd("aws ec2 create-tags --resources %s --tags Key=Name,Value='%s'" % (
name.replace(',', '\,').replace('=', '\='),
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